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Everything posted by kitkatt

  1. When it comes to strangers, I don't even feel comfortable giving my cell #. Strangers are strangers, and there are just way too many crazies out there. Therefore, just to be on the safe side, I try to stick with friends of friends. Even then, I shy away from giving my #. A great escape/excuse is usually that niether one of us has a pen. Therefore, what normally happens is, I mention that "oh, well you know so and so(a mutual friend) he/she has my number" My thought being, that if they are that interesed, they'll do a some leg work. (Plus it gives me little extra time to get the scoop)
  2. YUUUUUMMMMMM... And I recently began eating chicken again...
  3. Jury Duty: I can go on about that one for days... twenty- eight to be exact. That's how many days of work I missed serving. (I won't even touch the deliberation/sequestering experience) Hopefully you'll only have to spend a couple of days around the court house and never even set foot in the courtroom. Good luck and definitly bring lots of reading material.
  4. Tenaglia at Vinyl. He and Cox were amazing Presidents weekend at Twilo... But Vinyl's Danny's home and he rocks it!! Check it out.
  5. laughed the entire time! Definitely check it out. ****
  6. i'm sad. so sad. i cry for the victims, their families and McVeigh's soul. Too much death and too much hatred. I just hope we can all eventually find peace despite this incrdible tragedy, for I'm too sad to be angry.
  7. whoa!! that sounds even better that the Area One Fesitval. Details...pleeeease!!
  8. 24 and, *sigh* 25 in September. For those of you in the 18-21 box. ENJOY!! cuz, boy does it FLY by!! and for those of you in the "upper" boxes: Just remember: Youth is a state of mind, not a number!
  9. Black pants: to clubs, to work.... Always!! They definitely make you look thinner - I think that why everyone wear's 'em.... plus almost any top will match.
  10. libra. hmm... i'd like to think so. Balance is nice.
  11. blue.... cuz i6t's just been my favorite my whole life... plus cuz it matches my eyes...lol.
  12. It wasn't until I saw the actual words in print: "McVeigh executed" that it truely hit me. We put a man to death. Did I know it was coming? Yes. Did he deserve it? ...that's a hard one. When it comes to our judicial system and the death penalty, there are just too many grey areas. One hundred and sixty-eight people died at his hands. That got me thinking: what if it'd been only one? Do we have a victim quota for the death penalty? In my book, one is too many. May it be a man, woman or child. And I'll go one step further: What if there's an effort to kill, (via gun, bomb, etc.) but fail? Just because one has a bad shot, or can't build a proper bomb - the intention's still there, right? So, where do the grey areas fade to white or darken to black? I haven't a clue. I just hope that the victims' families, the McVeigh's and the American people are able to find some peace despite all this death.
  13. Kewl! And the last two digits of my SSN are 18! me too tastyt - 300 bucks right in the middle of the summer.. what perfect timing
  14. damn funny. Thx, I needed that
  15. Shop H&M for something super trendy that you know you wouldn't be caught dead in 3 months from now. For the classic stuff (black pants etc) definitely go elsewhere. Personally I try to stop in there once a week b/c the inventory changes over so frequently, hence lots of sale item..
  16. how true, how true... thanks for the laugh
  17. HBO's done it again! As much as I hate the outrageous amount of time between their shows' seasons, they'll never loose me as a viewer b/c they keep me occupied with one great show after another.
  18. There are just way too many out there, so here's something a little different. These are movies that were based on books. Usually the book/movie transformation is a catastrophe. These movies were awesome. It was really nice to watch a movie and say to yourself "wow, that's exactly how I imagined it when i was reading the book" The Lover by Margarite Dumas Out of Africa by Isak Denison The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan There are a few more, but my brain doesn't seem to be functioning all that well today
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