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Posts posted by tribal

  1. this isnt progress. its like killing 14 gnats in a swarming hive.

    IDF needs to do precision targeting of Hamas leaders including Yassin, and withdraw all settlements from Gaza. the strategic positioning of army units that are protecting less than 10,000 jews amongst 300,000+ palestinians is a drain on the army resources and economy.

    once Israel completes the wall, withdraws lone settlements, then the palestinians can declare their own state, thereby making all their attacks against israel, a declaration of war, which will be rightly recognized as that, internationally.

    once they have their own state, they will not dare send a bomber through not only because of the wall, but because a massive israeli retaliation will not only be 100% justified, but deadly to PA's control as well.

  2. Originally posted by bigpoppanils

    i'm having a very hard time following your logic here :confused:

    lol i know what you mean man, they are like little girls, so dramatic and emotional when you mention something that doesn't float well with them.

    its not very difficult to follow. the jewish groups are worried because there is a tremendous rise in antisemitism in europe where jews are harrassed daily in france. it has barely been 50 years since 6 million were slaughtered because of european racism. the portrayal of jews in the arab media is on Hitlerian proportions in its racism and viciousness. the comment made by this dumbass only underscores the level of ignorance and insensetivity.

    my own grandmother was machine-gunned by the nazis along with all her family. european anti-semitism has deep roots in the portrayal of jews as the killers of christ. jewish groups are concerned that a vicious portrayal of jews in gibson's picture could ignite further anti-semitic feeling across europe, which isnt hard to imagine.

  3. Originally posted by djxeno

    lol i know what you mean man, they are like little girls, so dramatic and emotional when you mention something that doesn't float well with them.

    if they have nothing to hide, why don't they let the movie be shown how its suppose to.

    i tell you what dumbshit. when 6 million muslims are burned in ovens because some dickhead portrays Muhammad in an anti-christian light, then you should talk. you know nothing of the jewish position of this issue, and until you understand the history and past european anti-semitism that is involved, you should shut the fuck up.

  4. as a Libertarian, i have no problem with people being gay. its your business and no one should tell you how to live your life. Republicans suck with this issue and the one thing most people cant stand, is a 40 year old former coke head telling them what is right and what is immoral

    now why cant we have this compromise with this issue.

    1. allow gays to have similar and almost identical rights as married couples

    2. do not call it 'marriage' because that would dilute its true meaning which has always been 'a union between a man and a woman' not a 'union between a man and a queen'

    3. the difference would be in a name only, so men and women together would be 'marriage' while 2 guys or 2 girls would be 'union' for example. same rights, different names for it.

    now as for the issue of child adoption for gay couples, i do not know anything regarding this issue. perhaps a child psychologist should answer that.

  5. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Let me throw that back at you - how many of those Arab nations claim to be democracies?

    ahhhh i see now. so if Israel were to say that its not a democracy, that it is an autocracy, you would stop blaming everything on the Israelis :rolleyes:

    really. so for you, instead of critisizing the gross human rights abuses by Syria, Hezbolla and Egyptian secret police, for you, it makes more sense to bash Israel because they are a democracy, but not the kind of democracy that you would prefer.

    you're full of shit. youve never been to Israel, yet you claim to know how people live there and who deserves what. newsflash douchebag, knowing the situation on the ground does not rest solely on pseudo-propaganda 'news' outlets like Guardian and BBC. Travel the region and see the situation from both sides. Nothing is ever black or white.

  6. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Discrimination exists in countries like the US and France, yes, but that is being fought at the government level. Whereas with Israel, the remnants of Zionist philosophy make the racism quite more pronounced, and not tackled nearly as fiercely as it should.

    So, there is a big difference between Israel and other democracies. However, from what I'm hearing thats slowly changing - one can only hope for the best.

    have you ever been in Israel or lived there? answer me honestly.

  7. hey dipshit, you can say the same thing about this country, or France for that matter. minorities do get treated differently than the majority, be it here, Israel, or Europe. thats the way it is.

    it is YOU who is skirting the issue. the bedrock fact is that Israel is a democracy. Arabs and Jews can run for office and have a say in their government, unlike any of Israel's neighbors.

    Arabs living in Israel have a vastly higher standard of living then their counterparts in Egypt, Syria, PA areas or Jordan. that is a fact. Arabs (Bedouins) serve in the Israeli army, and are proud to do their duty to the nation. You have the nerve to say shit about Israeli democracy when ALL of Israel's neighbors except perhaps for Jordan, are totalitarian autocratic regimes, run by the likes of Assad and Hezbollah. so dont skirt the issue, the FACT is that Arabs in Israel are living better and are treated better than anywhere else in the region.

  8. Bush did not lie about the case of Iraq's WMD. He did use faulty and unreliable intelligence in his case, which although unethical, is perfectly legal.

    there is an excellent article in this month's Atlantic magazine, discussing the intelligence failure, and more importantly, the failure of the UN to fully investigate and pressure Hussein into total compliance. in any case, Hussein needed to be removed with or without WMDs. keeping a modern day Hitler in power in our day and age is a disgrace. the totalitarian rulers of North Korea and Syria should be next.

  9. Bush did not lie about the case of Iraq's WMD. He did use faulty and unreliable intelligence in his case, which although unethical, is perfectly legal.

    there is an excellent article in this month's Atlantic magazine, discussing the intelligence failure, and more importantly, the failure of the UN to fully investigate and pressure Hussein into total compliance. in any case, Hussein needed to be removed with or without WMDs. keeping a modern day Hitler in power in our day and age is a disgrace. the totalitarian rulers of North Korea and Syria should be next.

  10. who do you think has a better standard of living. An Israeli Arab or an Arab living in PA territories, Syria, or Egypt?

    who has more rights, better access to healthcare, modern education and an opportunity to vote?

    but yes, i know. israel is bad, zionism is bad, jews are bad. lets ignore the facts and reality, because israel is bad.

  11. besides not mentioning the fact the Palestinians were not known as a nationality nor as an identity before 1967, lets take a look at what Zionism really is, not a vague racist definition by Ms. Ann Lesch, whoever she may be


    In 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution slandering Zionism by equating it with racism. In his spirited response to the resolution, Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog noted the irony of the timing, the vote coming exactly 37 years after Kristallnacht.

    Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, which holds that Jews, like any other nation, are entitled to a homeland.

    History has demonstrated the need to ensure Jewish security through a national homeland. Zionism recognizes that Jewishness is defined by shared origin, religion, culture and history.

    The realization of the Zionist dream is exemplified by more than four million Jews, from more than 100 countries, including dark-skinned Jews from Ethiopia, Yemen and India, who are Israeli citizens. Approximately 1,000,000 Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze, Baha'is, Circassians and other ethnic groups also are represented in Israel's population.

    Many Christians have traditionally supported the goals and ideals of Zionism. Israel's open and democratic character and its scrupulous protection of the religious and political rights of Christians and Muslims rebut the charge of exclusivity.

    The Arab states define citizenship strictly by native parentage. It is almost impossible to become a naturalized citizen in many Arab states, especially Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Several Arab nations have laws that facilitate the naturalization of foreign Arabs, with the specific exception of Palestinians. Jordan, on the other hand, instituted its own "law of return" in 1954, according citizenship to all former residents of Palestine, except for Jews.

    The presence of thousands of black Jews in Israel is the best refutation of the calumny against Zionism. In a series of historic airlifts, labeled Moses (1984), Joshua (1985) and Solomon (1991), Israel rescued almost 42,000 members of the ancient Ethiopian Jewish community.

    To single out Jewish self-determination for condemnation is itself a form of racism. "A world that closed its doors to Jews who sought escape from Hitler's ovens lacks the moral standing to complain about Israel's giving preference to Jews," wrote noted civil rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

    When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Martin Luther King responded: "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism."

    The 1975 UN resolution was part of the Soviet-Arab Cold War anti-Israel campaign. Almost all the former non-Arab supporters of the resolution have apologized and changed their positions. When the General Assembly voted to repeal the resolution in 1991, only some Arab and Muslim states, as well as Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam were opposed.


  12. I agree - well, I have NO sympathy for suicide bombers at all - what they do, they knowingly do, be it revenge or whatever, you don't kill innocent kids and children.

    However, why should your sympathy be diminshed for the innocent palestinian who is just walking around doing his job, or a kid just playing on the street, when BOOM, an Israeli bomb explodes and wipes them off the face of the earth.

    yes. i see your logic.

    lets say i belong to an organization called Kill Zionist Jewish Men, Women and Children, known by its arabic acronym - Hamas.

    i have friends and colleagues, who belong in the same group and who plan suicide attacks with me, against any and all Israelis, because Hamas views every Israeli as a settler, not just the people who live in W Bank and Gaza

    i walk up to you and murder all of your family, friends, and dozen of other people by blowing my self up. Now, does your government sit by idly, waiting for another massacre like this to happen? NO. if your government and military is doing its job, it will go to the place where I lived, and dismantle the terror group to which i belong. Do you follow the simple concept? Let me say this S L O W L Y.


    now you, living on another plane of logic, decide that when the IDF goes into PA Areas to take out groups like Hamas, and prevent more murder, are just as equal as the terrorists who caused this in the first place. Furthermore, you suggest that the IDF should not have gone in those areas at all, because gee-whiz, innocent people get killed when a fire fight erupts between Arab terrorists and Israeli troops. guess what dipshit. Israel cant sit and watch its people get murdered without trying to stop these Islamic fascist cunts. No government would EVER sit by and do nothing. Certainly not the US government, and you saw its reaction to 9/11 with Afghanistan.

    your moral 'equivalency' theory rests on a big, brown pile of shit. if you cant see the difference between what Hamas does and what the IDF does, you are too fucking stupid and fatuous to be discussing world affairs in the first place.

  13. I already admitted to your dense ass that suicide bombings are horrible, so you points do not really carry any weight.

    YES they do! it is precisely because of terrorism and suicide bombings that the IDF is forced to go into PA areas and flush out the suicide bombers and weapon labs. No terrorism = No IDF incursions. Can you grasp this simple concept? do try.

    Also, I guess its okay that Israel drops one ton bombs on civilian neighborhoods.

    civilian neighborhoods? oh, you mean the casbahs of Nablus, known internationally as Terror Alley? the headquarters of Islamic Jihad, spawning ground of Hamas bombers? or maybe you call it 'civilian areas' due to the fact that these cowardly murderous scumbags conduct their operations in a midst of a refugee camp and surround themselves with palestinian kids for propaganda so naiive dumbshits like you can sit around and go 'oh wow, israelis are bad, they are killing children'

    and you couldn't even answer my question as to why israel has to kill families upon families of palestinians when they are after one person......and don't come back at me with some stupid suicide bombing rantings either.....because you can't get the fact that I do not support suicide bombings into your little Zionist head.

    the fact that you dont support them is irrelevant. what is relevant is that you fail to understand that suicide bombers and Hamas are the catalyst to the whole conflict. all your claims of IDF 'killing entire families' come from the fact that IDF had to be there in the first place. why? because some brainwashed Allahu Akbar chanting dipshit just killed 30 people who were having lunch with their kids. ONCE AGAIN, no terrorism = no IDF incursions.

    and i don't even know why you are in bed with Israel and the IDF so much, being that you are not even a real Jew......many of your Steinberg friends should label you as a "self-hating Jew", if they haven't already....

    awaiting your Zionist filled response.....

    Its funny how you frame the word Zionism to mean something bad or perhaps corrupt, without knowing what the word really means. kind of like when people use the word Islam or Jihad to describe all thats bad about the religion or the phrase without really understanding its true meaning.

    Im not sure who Steinberg is or why he would call me a self-hating Jew. I certainly love myself, and I'm half a Jew, so you are wrong on both counts. I've been to the middle east inlcuding Israel, Jordan and Egypt. And if exposing the fundamentalist Islam for what it really is, and understanding the situation from sources other than Al Jazeera and PA State Television, if that's 'being in bed with Israel', then turn down the lights and put on some Barry White.

  14. For one, when both sides are committing terror peace is not achievable.

    this is non sense. just like the phrase 'cycle of violence'

    hunting for Hamas terror chiefs in densely packed cities and towns is never, ever the same as blowing up a bus full of women and children. if you cannot comprehend this simple and indisputable concept, you have ate too many paint chips. i cannot help you.

    just to clarify my point, visit this site,


    I understand that Israel has to defend itself, but they do it with terroist attacks and purposely try to murder as many Palestinians as they can when they do.

    again, hunting for Hamas terror chiefs in densely packed cities and towns is never, ever the same as blowing up a bus full of women and children

    the brave soldiers of Allah hide very well among the Palestinian civlian population. but hey, who knows what you would do for 72 virgins, right?

    It doesn't help that every fuckin "suspected terrorists" house gets bulldozed, why can't Isreal go in with ground troops and just take the suspect, they are perfectly strong enuff to do that.

    yes! congratulations Captain Obvious, youve answered your own question. you see, this is how it works;

    a) Islamo fascist terrorist blows himself up into catfood, while murdering innocent men, women and children

    B) IDF (Israeli army) goes into his neighborhood and try to detain or arrest the people who helped him make the bomb and plan the murder

    c) the Islamo-fascist terrorist's (IFT) supporters (other scumbag terrorrists) put up a fire fight with the IDF soldiers. Civilians are killed in the cross fire, all terrrorists are either dead or arrested, more suicide bombings are prevented.

    you see how this works? or is this too fast for you?

    why do they have to kill the whole family and destroy communiites of houses?

    yes, good question. i always wanted to ask this question to a suicide bomber before he detonates a nail-packed belt bomb into a crowd of women and children in a Pizza Hut, killing and maiming hundreds for life. why ?

    that just leads to more terror, i. e suicide bombings.

    NO, eliminating murderers doesnt. Breeding them does..


  15. the stampede is primarily the fault of the Saudi government, who obviously cannot handle large amounts of people descending during the Hajj.

    the bigger point and more important issue here is that in the long term outlook, the Arab world is for lack of a better word.. fucked.

    Think about it. what does the Arab world have to offer the rest of the world?

    lets take a look at the situation in honest terms. The Arab youth of today

    a) lacks education and technical skills

    B) fueled by fundamentalist zealotry

    c) intoxicated by vicious and blatant anti-semitic imagery and sermons

    d) have nothing to hope for in terms of jobs and stable career, because there is almost zero foreign investment in these nations, and also because so many turn to theological studies, becoming imams and other religious figures, which does little to advance their society for the 21st century.

    looking at the media from countries like Lebanon and Syria, it becomes apparent as to why these nations are completely fucked long term. not only are the leaders of these nations unwilling to modernize their archaic economic, social and political systems, many divert the public rage towards the only progressive and democratic nation in the region, israel. is israel guilt-free and perfect? never. israel just like any nation deserves critisism for policy and actions taken, but not the gross and blatant racism that it recieves from its neighbors and the europeans.

    so.. unless the Arabs dramatically change their outlook towards the world, towards the Jews and towards themselves, they will never regain their standing in the world. suicide bombers will never gain you respectability. books and peace will.

  16. #1

    this was an unfortunate accident, lets not generalise about religion and culture based on a tragic event. there have been stampedes in the US before, its mob mentality which can be prevalent anywhere


    Marksimmons, it seems to me that you have a case of Americanaphobia. you seem to be rabidly anti-American, judging from your ill-structured ramblings involving twinkies and fat-americans. perhaps your American boyfriend left you broken hearted, but thats no reason to spouse off on this great nation. no offense mate, the English are not exactly the zenith of sensible culture. cut the crap.


    dj xeno, let me ask you something. tell me honestly, if you were an israeli, what would you do in order to have peace. im just curious.

  17. http://www.honestreporting.com/articles/critiques/2003_Dishonest_Reporting_-Award-.asp

    for the most vile, biased and inaccurate news stories this year.

    Reuters broke all 7 violations of reporting

    "7 Violations of Media Objectivity":

    1.Misleading definitions and terminology.

    2.Imbalanced reporting.

    3.Opinions disguised as news.

    4.Lack of context.

    5.Selective omission.

    6.Using true facts to draw false conclusions.

    7.Distortion of facts.


  18. freakin oversensitive yahoodis. i swear theyd make it illegal to think bad thoughts about jews if they could. why didnt they apologize for waving the japanese flag? and why should it matter if the jewish holiday was on that day. every culture has a holiday everyday of the year so why be so damned pc all the time.

    what are you, puerto rican? you wouldnt understand this issue and your ignorant and disdainful remark proves that. perhaps if your parents, relatives and a vast number of your ethnic group were machine gunned and gassed, 2 generations ago, you too would be an 'oversensitive yahoodi'

  19. While we're on the subject of children being killed...

    it is rather obvious that you have absolutely no concept of the reality in the territories. your links and weak attemps to portray the Israeli army and various palestinian terror groups as equals are illogical and make very little sense. let me explain it to you this way.

    the IDF is operating in those territories right now, ONLY due to the actions of the terrorists, who kill civilians on purpose and with an established intent. they are murderers, people whose intent is to kill as many civilians as possible, by various actions like sniper attacks and suicide bombs.

    The IDF, like any professional and humanitarian army in the world has rigourous standards, laws and regulations regarding the killing of non-combatants. all the links that youve posted are oriented in a combat zone, where civilians will die due to the heavy fighting, NOT because IDF wishes to kill them, but because they are caught in a middle of a war. if you can not comprehend this very simple and obvious difference between the two sides, im afraid i cannot help you, nor talk to you as one reasonable individual to another. but even if i were to tap into your delirious and inane logic, even if the Israeli army wanted to kill Palestinian civilians, as you so vocally have tried to demonstrate, there would not be one civilian left, because Israel has a powerful conventional army, rather than a squad of suicide terrorists.

    i spoke to many israeli soldiers and only one pictures emerges. they all operate under the extreme pressure of palestinian terrorism and Israeli liberal democratic values. I have never, ever, seen nor spoke to an IDF soldier who purposely or gleefully killed an arab civilian.

    one more point id like to mention before i leave this circle jerk of disinformation. the IAF pilots who refused to perform their duty were not killed, nor were they jailed, beaten or abused, unlike people in the Palestinian authority. the pilots were taken off their positions and were withdrawn from the air core. legally, they had no right to did what they did, while wearing the Israeli Air Force uniform, and the same thing would have happened to them if they served the USAF. as a civilian, you have a freedom of speech under the Israeli and American law. As a military professional, it is unethical and dangerous to not follow your duty and refuse to serve your country. believe me, these pilots are not seen as heores in the eyes of an average Israeli. the entire issue was very hyped up by the virulently anti-israeli european press.

  20. im relentlessly waiting for a time, when a member of Hamas, IJ or even arafat's own tanzim will stand up and say "Bombing women and children in cold blood is immoral. Shooting babies in the face is immoral. Raising your children with bomb belts and nazi stereotypes is immoral. Hijacking planes, buses and schools is immoral. "

    i have an eternity to wait, because if any reasonable and sane person in the Palestinian society were to say that, they would be killed.

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