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Everything posted by illlogik

  1. naa not tha case for me, I was into the music before i started rolling, then it just made the music so much better. It kinda made me understand it better though. And i do like all music
  2. :laugh: EXIT EXIT EXIT:laugh: :puke: EXIT
  3. December 30, 1981 babuhhh 19 but have a liver of a 50 yr old and lungs of a 50 yr old i get tha bum deal, being so close to christmas and all . lol 19 yrs. of putting my rents threw hell. haha
  4. this is deff big treible shit..my world is upside down..I almost had to skip town. I know i know you girls are right, it could be worse. can't imagine if it was but thank you soo soo much for responding and caring. I am at work and i am trying to hide my feelings and what happened to me last night. which is so freakin hard right now. But i let down so many people, including myself. Its going to take a long time to get over this one. Just seeing my mom crying kills me, and makes me cry. But i have been through hard times b4, peeps tell me it builds character and only makes you stronger. but right now i don't feel like it is. I feel weaker. Work is almost over and now i gotta go face the music again. FUCK , so everyone have a good time tonight, i won't be meeting up tonight. Don't think i will be doing much of anything for awhile. shit finally caught up to me and now i must pay. 3 things i need right now-1 my girl back ,which deff. ain't gona happen. 2 want this shit out of my head, so i can sleep. 3 turn back the hands of time. All of which won't happen. have fun be safe "Hard times build character, or so I'm told. They teach you lessons worth your weight in gold, and I've been shown things happen for a reason." - etown concrete
  5. Have you ever felt like you fucked your life up in one night? How can you forget and move on?
  6. Ruff night , yeah i think I had the ruffest night ever last ngiht. I am done for. somebody tell me something funny to cheer me up i need a laugh!!
  7. can't stay awake, and i drank 2 cups of coffey..wtf i can't wait to get the hell out of here:mad:
  8. WERD alright mugz, l will look for it or drop me a line on here. :grin: :grin: :monkey:
  9. Fuck that then, some kid told me it was good and to go. But all i've heard is wacky shit, like fetish partys and guys wearing jock straps and nothing else. haha nope sorry:rolleyes:
  10. Anyone ever goto FUN? IS it FUN? Will i have FUN? Where is FUN? who spins etc. etc.
  11. nice , whoever degrades JP is a straight up asshole
  12. :laugh: HAHA LOL you really got me there for a sec. damn
  13. Because clubheadz are SLACKERS!!! ANd not enought fuckin peeps bought tickets!
  14. the boy all the way to the left, just had the best day of his life so far:D
  15. O poop. hah o well.. as for going in on the Kurfew side, HELL NO. Not that I am homophobic or anything, but me and a friend went over into kurfew side through the tunnel one night a while back, just to check it out. Ya know.. we were just chillin looking around and shit seeing what everyone was doin. They were playing N'Sync (NO JOKE!!) and some horny mohterfucker grabbed my friend in the ass. I've never seen this kid jump so high!! LOL he was so scared and ran right out of Kurfew back to the tunnel. I have never laughed so hard in my life!! LOL Ever since then I am afraid to go in there. :laugh:
  16. Well i dunno about you guys but I think thats pretty phat idea, if it happens. I know it will be a pain in the ass for him to do that. And it will be some loot, but i will go to both. I heard hes going to head over to the tunnel at 4. who knows its prob just all BS. I wouldn't trust the tunnnel or LL anymore.
  18. i am very bored too , plus i am having a bad day :( what can i do to make time go by faster?
  19. don't do it Daniela!! :laugh: LOL see ya at 5
  20. Never been to SPACE whats it like i need directions and some more info is it 21? or 18?
  21. O GOD, i was once addicted.. that game can brain wash you!! ITs should be outlawed. I was on kinda on house arrest(things got alil too hot) LOL and i think i played it for a month staight all day every day. I can't even look at it anymore with out getting pissed off. FUCK SNOOD
  22. You can still go out on Fri. Just don't drop silly SMoke some weed, have some drinks, take some bumps. just chillll. THats wah i do, but thats me.. O yeah we never meet up last friday. What happened? I got to factory real late that prob why. What are you doin thrus? :)
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