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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. St. Etienne- How We used to Live (PVd mix) cant believe he played that...now im jealous i wasnt there what a great tune
  3. dont worry, if I ever see you out ..Ill introduce myself
  4. go to bump forum people have seen me out but regardless, i got game
  5. neither are you. You remind me of that zit faced teenager on Simpsons with the coarse voice
  6. theres nothing wrong with intelligent people, only nerds who dont know their role.
  7. i never see people bashin SF here (well not in a long time) If aint it happening, why bring it up?
  8. I know Im pretty close to the truth. Your pic says it all. Fucking tool.
  9. bro, you got like 10 "Platinum Roll Call" threads on SickTracks. Relax. You look like a nerd, but honestly I dont think you are very smart. Ive seen you refer to your internet friends as your "Family". To bad some of the people in your "family" talk shit about how desparate you are. You sound like a real winner. Even though you are pretty young, I dont see any hope for you. Maybe you should give up clubbing (and djing for that matter) and just kill yourself. Its the idiots like yourself, that have put the New York club scene in the slump that it is in today.
  10. yes I think your life is pretty funny too :laugh:
  11. like you would hook up anyway ??? you look like a fuckin dork. and gettin back to the point, I dont know what the starter to this thread is talkin about, I dont see any SF bashing. Everyone got their own taste, he just wanted to start drama.
  12. I never take these boards seriously but you need to relax. You know nothing about clubbing. Just by your posts and pics, I can tell you are a fuckin tool all throughout your life who never went out and never knew shit about Factory or clubs. Magically you just stumbled upon all these messageboards and made some friends through the net and now you think you're all bad and shit. PLease. All the people you go to clubs with are people you came to know through the internet. You just got into drugs too, and think you are cool or something. Why come over here and get played, when you are gettin played on your own messageboard. You say go out and get new clothes, but yet dress like the same clones you hang out (A/X & Diesel is so fuckin played..you dress merely for the label - learn fashion pleease) You get dissed cause you got no game and you probably havent gotten laid in over a year. I hear girls become your friend cause they feel bad for you. But thats besides the point. Let people talk whatever they want, as long as you keep gettin K'ed up and continue to go to Platinum & SF (the only clubs you have ever been to in your life), whats the problem??? You know nothing and never will. You got enough drama on SickTracks, dont go bringing it over here.
  13. thats like the fifth time you used that joke...come on..be creative
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