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Everything posted by pgiddy

  1. perfect 10's?? please elaborate....when I saw him it wasn't wiht lisa shaw, I think it might have been 2 times ago....it was well over a yr ago....
  2. if I can get a late flight home I will be, if not then tom. am. I might give miggs another shot........
  3. no question about it, but as soon as she opened up that yapper to SPEAK I would send her packing. Then again I would do a one legged midget at this point........
  4. my bad, you still get to live the rest of your life......thanks for the first pic!
  5. ew I'm gonna kill you, thats soo nasty, why did you have to ruin it for me. Please fix and attach the good pics
  6. she sings? Hmmm I didn't even know that, anyways who cares about her voice.....pictures please:blank:
  7. sex sells thats nothing new, she wasn't the first one to figure that out. If it was left up to her she would not be where she is today....she doesn't have a clue....
  8. did she even graduate from high school? Please a retarded moneky is smarter then her, just listen to her speak, it's painful to listen to her. That pic does look hot though, but wonder how long she starved herself beforehand and how much airbrushing they did, you can just see it.......post pics of my girls now......it's only fair....
  9. she's as dumb as they come.........she doesn't make any decisions, it's her team(PR, mgr, record execs, etc..) that tell her what do and to act like a slut. In closing, I would do her like the dumb bitch she is......I think I like Christina Aguilera(sp) better, she's naturally nice and dirty, doesn't have to pretend to be, better body too
  10. how dare you say "that woman" you better not be talking about alyssa milano:mad:
  11. I second that, there wasn't a problem he couldn't solve. Anybody that can launch a nuclear missile with a paperclip and a lighter is my hero not mention he stopped a potentially disasterous(sp) acid leak with a chocolate bar and had leftovers for himself......
  12. near mad hatter on M st., have to be all dressed up to get in......no ravers allowed
  13. welcome to the world wide web espn.com or sportsline.com
  14. you have a problem with choking the chicken
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