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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by urthe1

  1. Its going to be a great night! I love performing there. Joeys is a great venue and the crowd is always full of energy. The open bar will be a great way to start off the night! Dont let me down Jersey, I want to see you all there early so we can all have a CRAZY night of partying! Hope to see all ya there! Rich
  2. I completely agree with you guys. I have only been reading this board for a few days now, and I've seen more drama than I have conversations about clubs, the shore, the city etc. Lets all chill and enjoy the rest of the summer, and for those driving to Exit from Tempts-be safe! I too did the Temps to Factory drive back in my day, and it can get INTERESTING! See you all Labor Day! Rich
  3. Wow- you only expect to see that kind of CRAZINESS in Seaside! Too bad summers almost over, I would like to check this house out! Rich
  4. Since I have been touring a lot this summer and performing at different places, I haven't been able to make it down the shore a lot. I would have to say that my favorite night though was either the night I performed at XS Memorial Day Weekend (the Friday) or the night I performed at Merge and then went over to Tempts. XS was bumpin' that first Friday, and the energy at Tempts was off the wall that other night. The only thing I didnt like is when the lights went off and a couple of guys spotted me, they started chanting my song. It was kind of embarrassing! I'll be down Labor Day though-gotta enjoy the rest of the summer while it lasts! :cool:
  5. I just want to thank all the headz in NJ and ESPECIALLY Seaside Heights for making this the best summer of my life! You've all made my dreams come true. I love the energy that you guys put out there and YOU GUYS CAN REALLY PARTY! See you all Labor Day Weekend! I WILL be at Tempts! Rich Luzzi
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