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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by sumguy

  1. well goddamn.... out of all of the replies, not one was a good one.... not one of them!!! all the same crap..... "wasn't funny sumguy" or "I didn't even crack a smile".

    Well fuck you all again.... but this time I mean it. "Get a life" "I skull fucked you" How very sad. Almost barbaric in the intelligence level used.

    I was'nt even going to come back to this post, but I did. And I am sorry I did...........really I am.

    Everyone who replied/read this will have 12 years of bad luck.

    love sumguy-:tongue::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    fucking fools!!!!

    Damn this board SUCKS......

  2. yeah so who here hates them all? I personally can not stand any of them. I think that the "music" these assholes make is just the absolute worst. And the amount of props these morons get is sickening.

    Ah well...... just another product of the music industry in order to make $$$. It's working no doubt, but come on!!!!! Give me something real and not plastic......

    Anyone agree/disagree?

    My 2 sence....:tongue::(

  3. oh man... i was just trying to brighten the life of this dying board.

    u guys call those wack ass responses DRAMA?!? Come on u dickholes!!! u can do better then that....

    "Ahhh... yeah man!! and..... uhhhhh...... hummm.... oh!..... your name sounds like chinese food!" Hey, that's a GREAT one.... we have a genius who is very aware of the obvious.... hey, lets see what is the EASIEST, most UNINTELLIGENT RESPONSE I can give!!! U did it!!! WAY 2 GO!!!!!

    "I pity u" Yeah, when u can't think of anything else to say, the 'i pity u' line always goes over well..... HA! How about u suck my ass! I don't need your worthless pity!!! Fuck face!!!!!

    Gary the retard from howard stern could do better then that!!!

    and has!!!!

    Oh, and I'm currently taking "get a life 101"..... I see that avalondon3, heretic909, misk and bigpoppanils have already taken this class and are teaching us all on how to conduct ourselves.

    Guys, this is the DRAMA board, not the little miss cutie pie itty bitty sleeping kitten board......

    BRING IT!!!!!!:cool::tongue:

  4. I saw a whole slew of replies to one of the posts before.... I had started it asking about a rave or something. One of the girls here replied saying she would give a lap dance to the right guy. After she had said this, there were about 6-7 replies from guys saying "hey, I want one of those"..... "me too, I want a lap dance".... The origional question was forgotten after that. It was all about the lap dance....

    My question is this girls.... does this sort of thing bother u? Do u enjoy constently being the object of this, in my opinion, sub-human behavior? No offence to anyone here....I'm just using this as an example cause it's fresh on my mind.

    Gentlemen, why do we act the way we do? We have made leaps and bounds with technology, medicine, helping 3rd world countries, cloning..... etc. (we are an intelligent group of people!!) With all of this progress, the one area that has not changed since the stone age is how we talk to and think of women. In a nut shell, why couldn't she have said that (lap dance), and gotten back some different responses rather then what a monkey would say/do if it could talk.

    I was just wondering what you all think on this topic.... ladies, do u enjoy it? Guys, do ya think before you speak? OR is this behavior just part of us..... like breathing is.

    PLEASE please only real responses....

  5. Originally posted by jimk29

    I was thinking of checking that out but I have two concerns:

    1. how much is it

    2. Is it going to be the same exit crowd, or will it be a party crowd, I really can't deal with guidos and hoochies

    any feedback would be nice

    If it's exit, it will probably be guidos.... i don't mind the hoochies lol!

    Anyway...... it warms my heart to hear that the hell that is called exit will be closed. One of the worst vibes in clubland....


    Yes i am angry damn it! u morons made it a fasion/EGO show rather then a good time! fuckin' bastards....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  6. how do u get down? Go nucking futs or slow..... do u chill or get into the fucking circle and represent?


    how has the style changed? I'm a product of the old LL and raves from 2-3 years ago.....

    Has it changed? I heard it is pretty different then from what it use to be....

    Hard to explain, i know, but I want to see if someone can splain'


  7. what about the crowd? I mean, in my opinion, nothing tops a rave at like 2am..... music is bangin'. But I have experienced the same type of music at twilo, factory, exit..... etc. Only there are people at these places (not all of you!) that look like they should be in a bar.

    LL back in the day was OUR'S (those of u who were there know what i mean). All of the meat heads (sorry guys, but it is true), were beating someone up in a bar somewhere. ALL OF A SUDDEN, there is a huge explosion of prim and proper people attending the clubs, as well as the introduction of clubs that cater to this. I roll with it, no doubt. But I really miss the freedom of being comfortable at a club. I swear, I have been on this scene for about 7-8 years now, and I have NEVER experienced what went on in LL back in 94-96/97. Too many guys who want to impress with how big they are or how much $$ they throw around. WTF?! In my opinion, the club/rave scene was formed for people who were tired of main stream happenings. Look around.... this scene is so mainstream that it really hurts me to see what has happened with it.....

    OK. Sorry for my rambleing. Back to the crowd question. Will it be a rave scene or a bar scene? Thanks!!

    PS- please don't relpy to this with something like "u asshole" or "u don't know what you are talking about." What I have stated is 100% true. I watched it die....:(

  8. Just wanted a change..... no, i didn't do anything wrong.... for those who payed attention last time i was on though might recoginize my sig.....


  9. Well I've been here before under a different name..... but I'm back under this name now....:):tongue:

    Hi everyone!! Hope u all have a great weekend! Stay safe and be smart peps! I can't hear another club horror story.......please!!

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