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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by sumguy

  1. Originally posted by greeneyes234

    may not get laid, but some people will. It's just a meetup to place names with faces....and act on some of those "message board crushes"...

    Everyone on this board is horny, but not everyone is down to fuck just anyone. It's just fun to flirt.....

    nah mean??

    nah exactly what u mean.... then why not call it another meet up.... not a shagfest?

    It's false advertising! :)

    the people expecting to there to be a shagfest may go nutty and start beating people over the head with their dildo! or whipping people intending to harm instead of please!

  2. Originally posted by XxS87xX

    This post is pretty fucked up but...

    not everyone is going to have sex or get laid or be apart of a huge orgy. I post how i feel on this board and I am going Shagfest to meet board members that I talk to and post with. Appearantly you were going or are going because is all about fucking, Even if you aren't going use common sense people are just having fun on the boards. There might be a couple of people who go home with each other but its not all about sex.

    you said it all dude..... if no one will be fucking, why hype it up to seem like that is going to happen? That's the definition of "how to play yourself."

    I would have reacted the same way if the rave of the year was promoted in the same fassion (lights, music, outdoors, free drugs...etc), and then just didn't happen.

    get me?

  3. Originally posted by greeneyes234

    of one of those fuckin prudes.......

    go get beat off cous, and leave others to do what they want....

    you probably suck in bed!!!!

    before i get banned from CP for pissing everyone off.....

    ya' got me green.... i'm a prude who is terrible in bed. WTF?

    have fun at the fuckfest. try not to fuck to many girls. :rolleyes:

  4. so let me get this straight.... all that will be attending will be getting laid? everyone will be fucking one another? ladies, you'll let some stranger fuck you? guys, do you really think you will be getting laid? do you all think that this will happen? yes? or a huge fucking no?

    here are my thoughts.... this idea is so pathetic to me BECAUSE it will not happen. I'm sure u all will get together and nothing remotly close to a "shagfest" (lol!!!) will take place.

    PEOPLE!!! come on now!! lets be realistic here. lets say 20 of you show up...... lets say 100 of you show up.... then what? will u all just get naked and fuck the hell out of one another? I know you won't. you know you won't.

    Don't get me wrong. it's a great idea in theory. but the chances of it happening are a big fat zero!!

    I'm not too worried about who gets mad @ this post because if you have even thought of going to this, I'm your fucking reality check. can anyone say STD? or will there be a doctor to test everyone @ the door? do any of you think? or do u just post bull shit to seem like you are someone that people like?

    This is a message board and most of you on here are so full of your own shit that it makes me want to yack on my keyboard.

    but hey, make sure u all bring your dildos! after you all realize that you have played yourself by attending this hoax, you can all have sword fights with your dildos! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  5. Cheating. no question. you should be ashamed of yourself. and if i were your b/f, i'd dump your cheatin' ass. I'd even start spreading nasty rumors about you and all the STD's your infected ass is carrying around....

    Cheating sucks and people who cheat are assholes! yes, it's happened to me, so i know the feeling...

  6. Originally posted by joeg

    Theres no way your actually going to jerk off to those 2 pics, right? I think that 2nd one is going to give me nightmares.....

    jerk off? ummmmm no. haha! ummmm...... that's not why i asked for to see the pics.... eye candy dude. that's all!:D

  7. Originally posted by shroomy

    Not quite raver chicks but dear to Shroomy's heart

    pretty sweet..... do u know these girls or are they from a website or something?

    would love to cum across that while running through the woods.....

  8. Originally posted by clubkat

    took it with "a grain of salt"

    ::compliments of cook haha::

    well i can see how sex in writing could be boring, the actual act is quite wonderful lol........::go figure:: :idea:

    reason i told you to take it to another board is cause u threw me off with all the drug comments, i have yet to see a sex board post that involves taking anything except a cock or pussy in the mouth:confused:

    ::maybe its me::


    good point cat...... besides, i wouldn't want anything aside from a dripping wet pussy in my mouth anyway....

    i'm just use to logging on here and seeing at least 5-6 posts of naked chicks at any given time..... but now, it's just not like that anymore :(

    what happened to the naked chicks damn it?!?! pictures are not boring.....

    AND you are not cute..... you are hot girly...... :)

  9. Originally posted by clubkat

    y did u post it here? isnt there a drama board? or even the nyc board babe...... :confused:

    yes, you're right. But it's the sex board that is boring.


    I apologize for making fun of you a little while back.... i saw your pic and u are a cutie. :)

  10. but i can't any longer.....

    this board is sooooo boring! Much like club land in NYC, it began with an explosion, and now has dwindled away to shit. I'm not going to call anyone out here, but collectivly, it's just sad.

    and PLEASE do not tell me to go fuck myself, die, eat shit etc.... There is not one name i recognize here from when this board first came into being. There were some very interesting and well thought out posts here just one year ago. Now, it's who can do the most drugs, where u do them, and who jerks off the most. ???

    Shit, i'll bet that this board is one of the tools used to close tunnel forever.

    Lets discuss neuclear physics @ the next meetup.... oh wait... I mean how much ecstacy you can do within one night.:rolleyes:

  11. Originally posted by dgmodel

    This night is some bullshit... i got in my car went to the beach, and got a summons then went to the city met up with apples and a friend got summons in the tunnel then on the way home, someone hit me as i was changing cd'sin the trunk.. what lump of shit thi snight was.. fuck this...

    im out.. pissed as hell...

    too pissed to even fuck around on cp or talk on the fon...

    good night...


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ahhhhh..... sweet karma at work....

  12. Originally posted by marcid21

    K....where is our beloved DaVE??? I think I'll go and find him

    just like a little baby.

    Waaa Waaa!! Dave, help me!!

    Whatever dude. U just played yourself.

  13. Originally posted by dgmodel

    Hey secret agent man... if i wanted to find out who you were, and were you lived I would... I however Time is Money, and by fucking with you Im not making any, and more importantly Im wasting it... so listen if this is just a msg board to you or whatever youre calling your pathetic attempt to make friends...

    Please Im asking you as a gentleman leave us alone...

    no problem dude. But i didn't turn this into the ugly post it has become.

    If one of you has thought about what my intention here was, congrats. It truly came from a good place. The part about posting tities and pussy was a joke.

    To the ones like you dg, hey, if you can't see the purpose here, then don't reply! Go earn your $$.

    But me being a gentleman myself, i bow out from this post. Rip me up if u need to.:cool:

  14. Originally posted by linabina

    lol thanks dg!!! i didnt think to actually go look it up to prove *myself* wrong so u go do it for me LOL... anyways... i did type in on my computer and spellcheck didnt pick it up so.. whatever lol.. i guess i AM wrong.. at least i can admit when im a "MORONNNNNNNNN"

    and knowing is half the battle.

  15. Originally posted by marcid21

    Sum, what vulgar pleasure are you getting out of messing with this board??

    #1 - No need to reply to Lina that way.....Many "cans" should be opened on your ass for that. There's something called respect, look it up. OH...and light was a typo...I think the word Lina meant to say (and the word you just totally confused) was LIGIT. That was what you were asking for right??? A ligit answer to your ignorant question???

    So anyway, here's an answer to your lame ass question.....people here post there pics because they want to. Period. End of story. If you don't like it, close the window, or just don't click on the link in the first place.

    Ps....you really should read DGMODEL's entire post, unless you just don't want to read the insults directed at you.

    PPS...LADIES PLEASE.....STOP POSTING YOUR HEADLESS NUDE PICS FOR SUM.... (notice how they all jumped at the chance)

    Insults? to me? Well that's just not possible. Unlike yourself, there is nothing on here ever that could insult me. It's a message board jackass. I bet that hurt!

    With every word you used in your reply, the smile on my face grew. You spent time on me, and i am greatful for the fact that i got to you. It was not my intention at all, but what the hell...

    open a can on me??? ha! imagine that... i mean really imagine it. going back to my post, u don't know who/what i look like, fool.

    Is there anyone who can give me an answer without sounding like rancid21?

  16. Originally posted by linabina

    and forgive me for reading ur post wrong... i thought u said LIGHT not LIGIT... but whatever i could care less.. and "lite" isnt actually a real word lol... so it IS light... so, thanks for callin me a moron.

    You could care less so much that u saw it necessary to reply to my post, not once, not twice, but three times.


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