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Everything posted by nightstar01

  1. This thread just keeps goin'.....and goin'.........lol.......... ..........energizer thread!
  2. Men are like a fine wine. They start out as grapes. It's our job to stomp them, and then keep them in the dark until they mature. And hopefully they'll turn out to be something we would like to have dinner with. Top 10 Things Men Know About Women 10: 9: 8: 7: 6: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1: Why don't women blink during foreplay? They don't have time.
  3. ...lol.... those are so cute and funny!!!!!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,RUDY! :balloon: :balloon:
  5. :laugh2: .............lol.............
  6. You most def need a car in Miami!!! Without a car it's way too stressful on a daily basis......transportation system over here is not all that!!!! In my opinion living at the beach might fun and all but it might become a pain in the a**. Parking is not easy if you have visitors and Miami Beach Never sleeps! It's really up to what kind of lifestyle you want. I would personally live in areas like Coral Gables or Miami Lakes.....depends on how much $$$ you got. Maybe a Condo somewhere in the beach area.....that's an idea!!! Hope I was of some help!!! and Good Luck!!!
  7. That's some funny sh*t!!!
  8. Charlie.......Hector is right about Danny Howells... Nocturnal Frequencies.....I've had it for a while now and I always go back to it...awesome comp.......also the latest Renaissance-Revelation with Danny Howells and Nick Warren is great!!! Quiver's Transport is also great!!! And if ya get in the mood for some nice down tempo.....Thievery Corporation is the shit!!! My fav is The Mirror Conspiracy. GU's Deep Dish (Moscow) is also good! Hope I was of some help!!!
  9. Can't be!!! It's probably a MAN disguised as a woman!!!
  10. Happy Birthday Phrankadelic! I hope you have a great one.....I haven't had a B-day land on a Saturday in a real long time......lucky you!!! :balloon: :balloon:
  11. Yeah James.....are you sure you won't disappear on us.....like Friday Night at Opium????? ........lol.........
  12. I am a genius.....I counted 6!!!! My brains aren't fried yet!!!
  13. Oh my!!! I am boarder line.....35%......and all this time I didn't think I was!!!
  14. Again, I agree with ya Charlie!! Sometimes the only way to overcome those unhappy feelings is unfortunately by analyzing the lives of others. Taking a step back and looking at other peoples lives that are less fortunate than your own!! You really start appreciating all the little things if you just become more open to what and why we are truly unhappy.
  15. James.....Shroomy is right, it's all about growing up.....maybe three years is too soon for you to give up and go!!! Here's an idea......try and become involved in some kind of activity that you might enjoy.....it's a great way to make new friends!!! Just an idea.....but I still think that you shouldn't give up.....not yet!!!!
  16. I hadn't heard this one.......lol......
  17. I completely agree with ya!!! I actually read this thread when it first started and I thought that Noira was being unnecessarily bitchy! James was just simply making a recommendation......no biggie......but then Noira...had to come along and EDUCATE him! I thought it was all nonsense.......all that education.......actually bores me!!! Come on....Noira....try and be nicer.....there's certain ways of explaining things to others without belittling them. Feel the love????
  18. Barb....I thought it was odd that Kris was posting two days in a row!!! Oh my......how did the pics come out????? I must look like a crazy woman!!! And Lee.....lol.......that halo on his head must be hilarious!!!! I want a copy!!!!
  19. WOW!!! Wish I would have gone!!! Sounds like I would have had fun......oh well next time!!!
  20. nightstar01


    Welcome to the board Anthony!!!! Sorry that me and Lee missed DJ Stryke......we were way too tired!!! Glad you guys made it to DH!!!! Ummmmmm........Carmensita???? ?????okeedodee!!!
  21. Once again....I was super happy to see all you guys again!!! I think this was one of the biggest cp meetups yet!!! I gotta agree with most of ya that Howells set was better towards the beginning. I was really feelin' that first track he played.....It was AWESOME!!!! Ummmm.......as you all saw I still managed to keep myself moving....when I get started I just can't stop dancing.....lol.... btw....I think Danny Howells is a SUPER KEWL KAT...he's probably one of the coolest DJs I've ever met!!!! Treepwood~~ are ya feeling it yet????....lol......it was fun dancin' with ya!!! Lola and djdeken~~nice meeting you guys!!!! Finally.....Dade thanks for everything!!!! .............Zules:D
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