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Posts posted by hoke

  1. genious

    How ironic.


    I met and spoke with Leonard Weinglass, and he was very convincing in his analysis of the case.

    As near as I can tell, the "Free Mumia" movement is not as much about freeing the man as it is about obtaining a new trial. So many facts in that case just do not add up, and he deserves for the case to at least be reconsidered -- <b>fairly</b>.

    The letter of the law -- "You've been found guilty, no takebacks" -- is, IMHO, often followed too closely. For example, I think that OJ should be retried, too. Cases like these could benefit from an independent body that's able to say, "WTF were those lawyers thinking?!? REWIND!"

    Not a popular idea, I'm sure, but I just pulled it out of my ass, so please be gentle on me :)

  2. Okay, I'm gonna be the only idiot to speak up in favor of the Segway.

    Yes, it looks dorky, but consider the technology:

    - It responds to shifts in body weight, not controls. So, people with disabilities (partial paralysis, the elderly, etc.) now have a way of getting around at a reasonable pace.

    - It's nearly impossible to knock over. See previous point.

    - It travels all day on 5 cents of electricity. With all of the people who routinely take cars to travel just a couple of miles alone, this is a great way to reduce traffic and spare the environment a little, too.

    - I think the name "Segway" is important. It's a misspelling of "segue", which means "transition". This device is the first of its kind -- wait and see where this technology takes us ten years from now!

  3. I just moved to Astoria, too. Used to live in Park Slope, but couldn't stomach the rent (or the boredom, for that matter). Astoria's fantastic -- I lived there for 10 weeks last summer and loved every minute of it. My personal favorite spot is Lounge 32, which used to be called Amnesia, on Broadway and 32nd. The people who work there are really nice and they have a pretty decent house DJ.

    If any of you Astoria-dwellers want to hang out some time, drop me a PM!

  4. I'm trying to be myself,

    Understand everyone

    It's a mission and a half.

    Damn, all of a sudden I can't remember it all...

    Human Traffic is one of my favorite films of all time. Other films may be more documentary or informative, but few do such an honest job of addressing twenty-somethings' frustrations with the world and each other:

    "Yeah, and you know why you know that, huh? 'Cause you're just like the rest of us, mate."

    How much more honest can you get?

  5. I work second shift (4-12), and I'm used to the schedule, but I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with my free time. I'd like to take a martial art and dance lessons, but so far I haven't been able to find any classes offered in the mornings.

    What do people who work second shift do with their time? How do you meet new people, besides clubbing and/or bars?

  6. I spent my junior high years in Switzerland, when everybody was listening to cheesy pop techno (Rhythm is a Dancer, etc.) I still have six CD's from the "Dance Mission" series :). But then my best friend bought a CD called "Street Parade". It sounded so *different*, so much *better*! I didn't understand how they made it sound like just one song -- I thought they just laid the songs end to end.

    I listened to that CD over and over again, and it was my only real trance CD until a couple of years ago, when I discovered Oakenfold... and Sasha... and Digweed... etc... now I listen mostly to house, but it's fun to look back on how my taste and exposure to music evolved.

  7. do u A) want to be stuck in yer room all the time with turntables that u prolly will suck on and have to buy vinyl all the time to keep up with dj-ing which means more moeny out yer pocket...or B) have a phat system in yer car which i hope yer in more than yer in yer room cause this way, if u got a girly in the car u can throw on some tasty beat and let the bass do the talking while u my friend, do the driving.

    That's a sad outlook. Seriously: "You'll probably suck, so you should just give up on your dream of being a DJ and buy something else instead."

    Follow your dream. Give it a chance. You have the rest of your life to buy a fancy sound system.

  8. "I generally come in at least 15 minutes late. I use the side door -- that way Lundberg can't see me. And, uh, after that I just sorta space out for about an hour. I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably about another hour after lunch, too. I'd say in a given week, I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work"


  9. Shortly before he was to be released on April 21, McVeigh was recognized as a bombing suspect and was charged with the bombing.


    Kill the whites

    Kill the americans

    Thank you. The racist bullshit is getting really old. A guy I work with said he wanted to poison the starving kids instead of help them. WTF? And the Muslim guy I work with has been the target of so many jokes, it's ridiculous. I admire his patience.

    Some of you should try living outside the US for a few years. Once you've experienced a few stereotypes about Americans, you won't be so quick to turn around and make blanket statements about other nationalities.

    I don't like Bush, but he's at least party right in this case. The children are going to suffer quite a bit for the follies of adults (perhaps a few of them their parents, admittedly).

    It amazes me how easily fear and anger can make us forget the innocence and *vulnerability* of youth.

  10. the ecomony started its downturn while clinton was still in office...but no one was paying attention because the clintons were too busy lying

    Nothing the Clintons could have done would have stopped the correction of the ridiculous web-based economy of the late nineties. And nothing they could have done would have stopped people from pouring billions of dollars into the "golden goose" that the Internet was assumed to be. Greed and lack of perspective, not the Clintons, are to blame for the current state of the American economy.

    I suppose it's much easier to have a scapegoat, though, than to admit the greed and gullibility of the American populace.

  11. The study noted that ecstasy users were more likely to smoke marijuana than the controls, which might have influenced the memory test results.

    Gee... d'ya think? :rolleyes:

    IMO, this is one of the largest factors affecting the conclusiveness of ecstasy studies. Not to say that ecstasy doesn't affect memory (I just don't know), but to my knowledge, cannabis has not been ruled out as a factor in any studies so far.

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