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Posts posted by rackham

  1. To loose weight, you need to not only do a balanced diet, but you also need to excercise both from Aerobic and Weight/Strength training. In other words, you need a balanced diet that puts enough calories in your body and in the same time, you need to exercise (Aerobics and Strength Training) to burn the excess fat, and build muscles which weigh less than fat and so you loose overall weight.

    Hope that helps.

    So if I understand you correctly, a person should eat enough calories to gain muscle weight, and at the same time burn enough calories to lose fat weight?

    Also, can you explain what you mean when you say muscles weigh less than fat?

    One more question: is it possible to lose weight without exercising?

  2. that was just not funny...

    Rackham...i hear what ur sayin but its just the point of having to count calories...everytime u go to eat something u have to write down what u ate (calories) and there are times when u just find something small to eat and its easy to forget what the calories were...or i just love when i am in a grocery store and i see ppl staring at the side of the container counting and adding in there heads or they have out calculators and graphing charts to see what they can eat or cant...unless ur a competion bodybuilder i see it as just too much work...

    If you want to lose weight, you have to take responsibility for what you eat.

    There is no way around that. No magic exercise, no "stomach-trimming" diet... just you, the calories you eat, and the calories you burn. Period.

    That applies to everybody, not just bodybuilders.

  3. look at all the trouble u have to go through to count calories...fuck that shit already...eat, lift big and be fucking happy :D

    It's not that hard. If you eat something out of a box, the calories are right on the back. If you cook for yourself, you just choose recipes where you know the calories. The only tough part is eating out, but I only eat dinner out on weekends, which are cheat days for me anyway.

    So it's not hard at all... if you care about being lean, which some people do. If you don't -- more power to you. :)

  4. cool site...thanks

    my concern about calories is the accuracy..

    how would i know the exact calories of a homemade dish..

    also..im really just trying to target the stomach area...with that in mind..would this be the best way or should i opt for the SoBe diet that claims to make you lose belly fat first..









    SoBe diet, Atkins, Weight Watchers, sticking a plunger up your ass... none of these things will make you lose weight specifically on your stomach. Short of liposuction, you have to lose weight all over, or not at all.


    For homemade food, you can enter the ingredients in Fitday to find out the calories. Or, you can cook recipes where you know the calories. http://www.allrecipes.com has a lot of recipes with the calories provided for you.

  5. im not fat..but i dont have a six pack which i need by June 22..

    i eat pretty much what i want..i watch te really high sugar stuff though..

    would u recommend the weight watchers diet for the next two months? Correct me if im wrong but they base their point system on calories..

    i dont believe the hype about the low carb shit

    I always had success by actually counting my calories -- just write it down on a piece of paper, or use something more fancy like http://www.fitday.com. Start by aiming for 12x your bodyweight per day in calories. Keep working out the way you are currently. Weight Watchers might work, too, though I never tried them so I can't really comment.

    You should be able to lose about 1-2lbs per week this way. If you lose weight too quickly, add more calories. If you don't lose weight, take off calories. But give it time before adjusting -- at least a week.

    From now to June 22 is a bit more than 5 weeks... you should be able to lose between 5-10lbs by then by following this advice. You could lose more, but it would be more likely to come back.

    Good luck!

  6. So your saying annorexia (sp?) is the solution?

    Speaking of which, its lunchtime. I think I'll get a burger :rolleyes:

    You can't lose weight unless you eat below maintenance.

    That doesn't mean starving yourself, it just means eating less. Diet should be your first priority, not the elliptical machine.

    Feel free to attempt to prove otherwise.

  7. It's very simple:

    1) Somebody puts food on the table in front of you.

    2) You push it away.

    Repeat as needed.

    Talking about "which machine is best to burn fat" is misleading. There is no such thing as a machine that targets fat. You burn calories when you exercise, and your diet handles the rest. Lifting weights helps you to minimize muscle loss while cutting.

  8. Originally posted by GLopez

    I went home and did a cardio workout (jogging) for 45 mins, and still have these damn little love handles. Any body have any idea of an over-night way to get rid of these?? I'm considering liposuction!! LOL....

    Again, thanks for everyones help.....

    Sorry, they do not disappear overnight (don't we all wish, lol).

    Even if you were to follow a crash diet and lose 5lbs or more in a single week, you would most likely gain the weight back very quickly.

    Do yourself a favor: eat right, train right, lose the weight slowly, and enjoy the long-term benefits. Your body will thank you, believe me.

  9. Originally posted by lalate

    The advice "became" incorrect when he began to mistate the advice and say that is what was said ... and coupled with a lot of name calling.

    It's sad because this was a cool board with no attacking. oh well.

    Oh, the irony.

    You just keep attacking me personally, and refusing to answer a simple question about the advice you gave. You say the advice "became" incorrect, but you have not explained how it was "correct" in the first place (which it wasn't).

    smokesum, here are a couple informational links (GLopez might want to read these too):



  10. Originally posted by lalate

    Calling someone ridiculous after you mistated what they said doesn't matter? Oh really :lol:

    I didn't call YOU ridiculous. I said that recommending 5 exercises per bodypart for a beginner is ridiculous. That's not what you meant, so it's not worth arguing over anymore. I'm not quite sure why you keep bringing it up... :confused:

    Again, you're avoiding my question: how does training obliques help to lose love handles?

    P.S. I'm leaving the computer for the night, so I look forward to reading a well-stated reply tomorrow... :)

  11. Originally posted by lalate

    Oh, so let's recap.

    First you mistate someone ....

    (mistating them as saying do all five exercises when they said CHOOSE FROM these five exercises) ...

    Then you call them them "ridiculous"

    (Originally posted by rackham Recommending 5 exercises for a single bodypart to a complete beginner is ridiculous.)

    And then you say, it was all "semantics".


    1 exercise or 5, it doesn't matter. You're avoiding the question.

  12. Originally posted by lalate

    Did say 5 exercises together. Said "employ certain options. Try ..." , as in, choose from the below list.

    Okay, that's semantics. You still haven't answered my question: how will training obliques help lose the love handles?

  13. Originally posted by dirtyepic18

    By tone i mean help build muscle and increase definition. It obviously is useless if that muscle is hidden under fat, and thats why cardio and proper diet are first and foremost essential.

    The guy wants to lose his love handles. Why would he want to increase muscle mass in that area? It would just make the area larger. latate was saying that if cardio and diet failed, these exercises would help reduce the love handles. I'm asking how that could be -- do you have an answer?

    I dont quite understand what your trying to say... why would you be against supplementing diet and cardio with some simple stength excercises?

    Again, the guy asked how to lose his love handles. Latate's post did not offer a single piece of advice on losing fat. I agree that ab exercises are important for core stability. But that's not what this thread is about.

    If GLopez isn't already doing strength training, then I would absolutely recommend doing some. I would start with a very simple full-body routine, no more than 6 exercises, no more than one of them an abs exercise. Recommending 5 exercises for a single bodypart to a complete beginner is ridiculous. Compound movements should be the cornerstone of *any* routine.

  14. Originally posted by dirtyepic18

    Hey, chill out dude.

    I'm not picking sides on this shit, but no one's advice is ever perfect. that includes you. I wouldnt agree with everything lalate suggested, but the excercises he brought up will indeed help tone the area in question.

    Really? What is "tone"? How do those exercises increase "tone"?

    No, that won't get rid of love handles on its own, but combined with cardio and proper diet, you'd be well on your way to ridding yourself of love handles.

    Its always good to add your own advice, but dont post just for the sake of basing other people who are trying to help.

    I admit I may have come on too harsh. That doesn't make latate any more right.

  15. So... why DID you recommend all that ab training? I mean, you might not like me, but since you're giving out advice, I'm sure people reading this will want to know more... so please share!

  16. Originally posted by lalate

    Not here to respond to you. Here to respond to someone who nicely asked for advice in what was a very pleasant section of CP.

    If you're going to give advice, you'd better damn well be prepared to back it up.

  17. Originally posted by GLopez

    Rackham, What might be some healthy fats? I take protein powder ( 6 scoops of designer whey) pretty much every day because of my workout. My diet is what kills it. I don't eat healthy for shit, but I don't eat extremely bad either. I just need to lose like maybe and inch or so of my "spare tire". I mean it's not that bad. I know if i really buckle down, it won't take that much.

    Thanks for everyones help!!

    Fats found in fish and nuts are healthy fats.

    If you're worried about your diet, go here: http://fitday.com/ It's free to sign up and I think you'll find it very helpful.

    lalate, what articles was your advice published in? What awards did it win?

    There is NO substitute for proper diet. NONE. If you're not burning more than you eat, you will not lose fat. If you've adjusted your diet and still aren't losing weight, you need to adjust your diet some more.

    And you have yet to explain how training obliques would help at all. Do you think that it would help to lose the love handles? If so, please explain HOW (with all your award-winning, I'm sure you're capable of giving a very good response...)

  18. I wasn't even going to post in this thread until I saw this...

    Originally posted by lalate

    Well, could write volumes on this subject.

    You could, but it would all be wrong.

    Basically, if find yourself running 3 times a week and having a low fat diet and not having much improvement

    Running and low fat has nothing to do with it.

    .... and then you take a vacation and walk around seeing the sites and find yourself loosing the handles without working, there is a simple answer for whats going on - you have a sedatary lifestyle.

    This is the only true statement in your entire post.

    For those of us who sit at work all day, sometimes cardio and diet is still not enough.


    If not enough, you need to employ certain options. Try:

    a) side dumbell raises

    B) side oblique situps

    c) crossover bends

    d) side oblique weight machine

    e) crunch machine


    The results will show. Any questions, post back. Also, certain supplements help.

    Please do not give advice if you don't know what you're talking about.

    Weight loss is ALL about calorie expenditure. Even the most sedentary person in the world can scale back their food intake and lose weight. Meanwhile, you can train obliques until the cows come home, but if you're eating too much, your love handles ain't going anywhere.

    If you disagree, please feel free to share with the group the magic process by which oblique exercises reduce fat. I'm sure we'd all be very interested to hear it.

    GLopez, try aiming for about 10-12x your bodyweight in calories every day, and let us know what happens. After a couple weeks, adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You want to aim for no more than 2lbs a week. It will be tough to cut back your calories, but including a good amount of healthy fats and protein in your diet will help you to curb your appetite while cutting.

  19. Originally posted by howardstone

    Hey, I'm not try'n to convince no one, what the hell do I know about the bowflex, only that I will prob be out $2106.99. Can't wait to hang my clothes on it though:D

    BOWFLEX LIFE . . . . u know, like THUG LIFE:D

    It's like Dat!

    You can always return it.

  20. Originally posted by howardstone

    It does have advantages though:

    Home use

    You can use free weights at home.

    rowing machine

    Look, I found a rowing machine for $85 on Craigslist! I'm sure it's not as good as your $2000 Bowflex, though.

    seated rows

    There are many rowing exercises that can be done with free weights.

    pulldown tri's

    There are many triceps exercises that can be done with free weights.

    very tall towel rack:aright:

    A power cage would be just as tall.

    Look man, if you really love the Bowflex, go get naked and do triceps pushdowns to your heart's content. Just don't expect to convince anybody. Why? Because you're wrong.

  21. Originally posted by elitesnautica

    Howard you spent your money well. I believe Dorian Yates, also, used the bowflex to prepare for his competitions.

    You should sign up for the Arnold classic. That will give you plenty of time to prepare for the competition, so long as you follow the "bowflex" plan.



    Dorian didn't use Bowflex.

    He had a black belt in pilates.

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