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Everything posted by crank47

  1. ON SALE NOW!...The Stylish New Teriaki Thong.Very popular in Arizona & California, These Dogs will keep you Cool and looking Good for the rest of the Summer Months ahead. Perfect for the Beach or even a last minute Patio Party. 3" Heel will give you an extra lift.
  2. see funkyfreshdc's avatar.
  3. Gluten Teriaki Teriaki Sauce 1/2 C. brown sugar 3/4 C. soy sauce 1 garlic clove, minced 1 T. catsup 1 t. ginger, minced 1-2 T. sesame seed 2 T. lemon juice Mix above ingredients together and soak slices of gluten in sauce for 1-2 hours. Remove gluten from sauce and thread on wooden skewers with slices of green pepper, pineapple, mushrooms, onion, tomato, etc. Baste skewers with more sauce and place under broiler. Watch closely, occasionaly basting with more sauce if desired, until they are browned.
  4. Zachary G. Holloway, 20, and a pal were arrested in Springfield, Ill., in September and charged with breaking into one car (and stealing, among other things, a motorcycle helmet) and attempting to break into another. To try to get into the second car, Holloway put on the helmet, stood back from the car, and charged into it, head-butting a window, unsuccessfully, twice. The two were arrested shortly afterward. [state Journal-Register (Springfield), 9-5-03]
  5. UK label Hooj Choons has announced it closure following two years of "horrendous financial struggle" according to a statement from the label. Over the last 13 years Hooj released some 136 tunes into the global House music market. They released the following comments regarding the reasons for the closure: "Naturally, this has come about as a direct result of: Sept 11 / any middle eastern conflict you care to name / downloading / the slump in the global economy / music industry / dance music industry... No, the truth is that as distinguished labels, clubs and magazines shut down around us, we failed to react quickly or effectively enough to what was going on. We thought we'd seen this happen before, and could work our way out of it, but this was a different kind of slump."
  6. buy lots of beer and booze, find a nice window to sit next to and enjoy the show. Thank you and be sure to tune in at 11 for an analysis of the best drugs to do during the storm.
  7. I think you're talking about the eye wall, which has the highest sustained winds in a hurricane.
  8. I'd save a lot in gas money fo sho!
  9. me too. wonder what cübik's line up will be that night?
  10. hmmm... maybe I will go up to nyc that weekend afterall.
  11. crank47


    it even lists all the "ingredients"
  12. crank47


    Spun full soundtrack listing wonder what will make the soundtrack that eventually gets released.
  13. crank47


    yeah still no release date (that I can find).
  14. I think a lot of people are going up to nyc that weekend?
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