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Everything posted by crank47

  1. Yeah, vegans have to watch their diets really carefully and take a whole bunch of supplements... which they never do. What's funny is that I've met people who claim to be vegan, yet wear leather. There was a restaurant in DC that used to serve only raw, unprocessed vegatables. People were allowed to bring their own bread. I believe it was based on a traditional diet from some part of Africa.
  2. Just admit it Vic, you're going to both Buzz and Glow this weekend.
  3. Vegans don't eat any kind of animal product or any food that contains an animal product. It's very difficult lifestyle because when you think about it almost everything seems to have an animal product in it. That's why vegans tend to look like herion addicts because they're malnurished and not eating anything. BTW, I was a vegetarian for 10 yrs and came back to the meat-eating way of life last summer. I do dig swine, the "other white meat."
  4. Vic and George: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?postid=554608
  5. What's with the one really fat kid in that picture in the lower right corner?
  6. ROFLMAO! :laugh: Yo, is that a relative or something?
  7. http://www.hypnotic.com/MEDIA/WINDOWS/hot_pants_dsl.asx
  8. There goes Vic, changing it again!
  9. Vic, you change your sig block as often as I change my location. Who has the biggest sig. block now, Vic or Jimi?
  10. Wasn't George W. busted for DUI? Don't forget all the stories of his cocaine use either. You never know...
  11. For too long our culture has said, "If it feels good, do it." Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed: "Let's roll." (APPLAUSE)
  12. Ok, I feel much better now. Thanks Chyna.
  13. Thanks Chyna, you've really made my day. j/k!
  14. Put me in there and consider the mean pushed! I think the AARP will start sending me stuff soon. I need a nap....
  15. True, probability of survival looks low. I'm gonna get it now....
  16. Thanks everyone. I'm 32. That's 164 in dog years! So remember to respect your elders and don't say crack or freebase unless you got some. I'm celebrating this Friday at Buzz and I hope to see everyone there. I'm bringing a bunch of people who have never been to Buzz, so this should be really interesting. I may even go to ACOSTANATION too and keep on going through my Superbowl party. No rest for the wicked I guess. Malanee, you forgot these:
  17. Hmmmm... I'll take that as an offer...
  18. Site doesn't want to work for me either.
  19. You should treat the person who bit you like an animal. They have to be alive to be tested so set a trap to capture them, then take them to a doctor for testing. It'd be easier if you hit them over the head with a 2x4 so they'd be unconscious. Dr. Crank is actually a lawyer, so I'd recommend seeing your doctor asap to document the injury, report it to the police, then sue the person with the biting problem.
  20. DON'T YOU PEOPLE HAVE JOBS!!! oh, wait, it's past 5pm.. I'm outta here!
  21. I'm out tonight, but I think I'll drop by Glow tomorrow, late, as usual.
  22. I was messed up, but I remember meeting Crown at Satoshi. Once on the dance floor in front of the dj booth and again as we were saying good-bys by the bar between the main and front room. Yeah, I've got one hell of a memory for stupid, insignificant things...
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