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Everything posted by vmisglow

  1. I'll be there with jimi. We're easy to spot. His hair is spiked and looks almost gothic and I'll be the asshole with the ugly ass bootcamp style haircut.
  2. way too look out Aly:D :D .... and it's not all my fault so don't hate. there is what maybe 30 girls total and they're all butch. so.... righhhhtttttt....
  3. oh right but i don't have very much input... so i'm just gonna sit here and cry now. :cry:
  4. why didn't someone tell me there was a sex forum??? :eek:
  5. I can't dance worth shit so there's no way my goofy ass trys to pick up girls at the clubs. I'm just there for the music and a good time.
  6. jimi said he can get me in free so i'm gonna go to d:fuse and i know one of our other boys is comin too
  7. D:Fuse is gonna be at glow. I know a few of my friends and I might go, but it depends on whether or not I'm gonna be workin that week because I need some cash.
  8. I'm never going to fly anywhere ever. Pretty soon I'm not even gonna wanna ride in cars the way things are going. Where the hell is my horse.
  9. aww no love jimi. it's alright i'm lookin out with the reply. good job. hey plan some shit out to do over thanksgiving also and not just clubbing. shit with girls too.
  10. :cry: damn i wish i could go see corsten but i'm stuck at prison school (VMI) till next sat. jimi just bring a cardboard cut out of me and set it up somewhere. i'll be at acosta and tiesto though and hopefully d:fuse if i can get some cash
  11. trance you're a bitch. you probably shouldn't bash people on the message boards cuz it doesn't make anyone happy. i've only met aly once and 1) she can dance 2) she is a real nice girl. my suggestion is cut your losses w/this name and start over w/a new name and identity.
  12. damn it that last smiley was supposed to be getting cut in half. egg you must put an end to the violence
  13. just make sure if you start wearing combat fatigues that you tuck the legs into the boot and don't let them hang over because it looks sloppy. will executions be public and if so will we know ahead of time in order to get good seats.
  14. i dunno how well the maxipad is gonna work for vic. hey i've got an idea... have you ever seen pulp fiction. you could hide it like the one guy hid the watch. except that would be gross. they search you though so you gotta hide it somewhere good. maybe you should.... i dunno... :confused:
  15. Ask vixen for details cuz she should be able to tell you everything, but there's not really a dress code although it wouldn't be that bad of an idea. I dunno about the camera though. It's a great party though and Insomnia is a lot nicer than Zei. :shaky:
  16. I'm pretty sure that it flushes clockwise. I have those super powered power washing toilets here to and they have more of an explosion than a swirl. I mind as well be in prison because this school (VMI) is definately not fun. It will all be worth it though when I get some great job I can bs all day and have a fat little ring on my finger. Too bad there isn't a sanatation degree here.
  17. I've been asking myself that same question since I was old enough to know that one day I would have to get a job. However I've been working on a solution. Marry rich. Then it doesn't matter what job I'm working because I will have so much money it won't be important. Now all I need to do is find a rich beautiful woman with long blonde or maybe brown hair that can cook, clean, put up w/video games, talk about cars, watch football, and love me forever. lol
  18. jimi that's the funniest shit ever i'm gonna do that to someone sometime on AIM.
  19. couldn't find the old neon green and pink outfit i was looking for but this is pretty close with different colors. if i was wearing this then i would have to agree to vidoe tape it. gloomier masks would be a no go because i wouldn't want this to develop into a snuff film.
  20. the masks are definately a must. that's some damn good thinking. how about the ultimate warrior face paint though? :paint:
  21. I've done a lot of dumb things and gotten a lot of shit from a lot of people about it, but I've never done anything that I couldn't own up to. I might not tell everyone about them, but if other peopel find out then they find out. If you're bold enough to give it a try and don't care where that tape ends up (because you know someone else WILL end up seeing it) than get to it otherwise turn off the camera and close the door. That tape might just make someone's day though.
  22. is there a lot of trance on Morpheus? Right now i have kazaa which is pretty much the same but there's not a lot of good trance. it gets tons of movies though.
  23. Anyone have any good ftp sites for full trance albums? -Jeff-
  24. SuperGlow was definately tight as hell. It felt so good to be back in Springfield and go see Acosta. Glad I met some new people, Royal, Aly, Matt, and Kelo (Sorry if i spelled it wrong) Thanks for everything you did Aly and I'll see you all on Thanksgiving Thursday for Acosta and that Saturday for God's Kitchen. -Jeff-
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