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Everything posted by snoboardr2

  1. Realz-- was there for you... maybe we'll meet up this weekend? If I'm lucky
  2. I couldn't agree with you more-- Have you ever been to roxy?
  3. anyone tell me about Roxy? crowd? music? "vibe" (good call other dude who said that). people? dress?
  4. I don't know who you guys are, i'm not good with names, BUT EXIT friday's are much better than WORLD! It was horrible... maybe it was just the crowd (sucked), but I don't like the setup in World either. Exit is far better then world. nough said And the dress code? what dress code? THERE WASN'T ONE!, ppl looked decent at best, with an occasional eye popper, and occasional disgust. Whatever-- taste is "each to his/her own". I gotta get back to Exit next weekend-- and Roxy fridays? anyone?
  5. DO NOT GO TO WORLD! AS FUN AS MY DRINKING MOTOR OIL! crowd was fucking WEAK! DJ'S WERE HORRIBLE! (But I disagree about the bouncers, they were cool about everything) Ppl couldn't dance for shit-- If it helps at all, Mrs. Sexxy D-- I'm sorry I didnt listen to you. I really regret going there-- NEVER AGAIN! i dont give a shit who spins there. Setup sucked, small dance floor, and i felt like myself that's just my opinion, of course I could be wrong (DM) EXIT saturday's baby--- THAT has got to be a smashing party-- PS-- anyone know why (18+) my hand had a "T" on it from the bouncers??
  6. I said it once (dif. thread) I'll say it again, WORLD SUCKED! anyone else there respond? How was Exit last night (2/9)?
  7. aiight World 2/9 crowsd was weak, def not the cit crowd lemme SPELL IT OUT: DISSAPOINTED Sucked..... rea;lly fuckin sucked. whatever, just a warning to you all: DO NOT GO
  8. 2 conlifcting posts-- on 2/9/02, can 18+ go to Exit? or only to World this week?
  9. So whos spinnin till 3? BTW-- True or False: World AND Exit are gonna be 18/21 this sat night? help me out.
  10. Hey-- becasue my unfortunate geographgic location.... in other words people here suck and all they do is drink in the woods even in the winter, which i think is really gay (no affense to anyone, but you do it once, its fun, after that it sucks). Anyone wanna meet up @ world or at exit? I still odn't know which to go to... Peace E-Mail + AOL IM: Snoboardr2
  11. So Exit is starting with 18+ on sat.'s? Roxy is? Aside from the 50$ World, what going on pres. weekend? [E-mail me cheap guestlists + VIP access]
  12. I am pumped! Exit 18+ on sat. nights? ARE YOU KIDDING? the place is gonna be PACKED!!! This is gonna be huge.
  13. So will people ...... sorry, will the purcahse of drugs slow down becasue of that commercial?
  14. I don't know much about this, but I saw the commercial. I do think that most cocaine is from South America. Most X is from Israel. Weed- not a drug, so it wouldnt count anyway. Could be a bluff, try to appeal to teenager's conscience to stop buying drugs. Could be absolutely true. But there is one theaory I believe from a movie I saw "Behind veery drug deal, and most illegal action, there is ususaly some rich white guy behind it". Terrorsim, Iran, Iraq, Afg., others, I dont see the connection. That's my story and I'm stickin to it anyone explain to me who you can connect the two?
  15. prude! -hate the fucking word. Mudvaine - stop screaming, nobody cares Fucia - what a name for a color "I'm bouncing" - even though i say it, i hate it. WTF? am a ball? NO... i'm leaving -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OT- I dont feel like starting a new thread-- Best and worst pickup lines you've heard, and used on a chick (or guys if that's your thing). good night ~ G ~
  16. If I dont feel like goin home at 5, 6, 7 in the morning, is there anywhere in the city to sleep? anybody know hotel prices? anywhere else? ~G~
  17. <---------------------- Jewish + American ~G~ AOL IM : Snoboardr2
  18. Hey- Me + a couple friends wanna know the CHEAPEST guestlist to be on for a couple clubs (Roxy, EXIT, WH, Etc.). Pleas resond with gueslist name, and amount to be paid at the door. Thanks ~G~
  19. Goddam hilarious! ~What caregory do i fall? ~G~
  20. Any suggestions? Been to exit, I wanna try something new... any suggestions? G
  21. Hey-- been busy with my bro getting married and all-- but I AM BACK! anyway--- who cares? you can look at certick woman and say "SHE LOOKS LIKE SHES 12" and other "DAMN! SHE IS SMOKIN! I'D TAP THAT IN A SEC! (she looks like she 21)" both brils may be 17. All i'm saying is a number is a number. I'm 17, and look NOTHING like a 21 year old. I consider myself lucky enough to have a fake 18 ID. No need ot bask people for their age. 17 year olds wanna go clubbing as bad as 26 year olds. Cna you eally blame [us?] for liking to go to exit? the music rocks, the chicks are smokin, and we have a good time. I'm not pissed, and I didn't read through all the posts--- just expaining my side of it all Gil
  22. Hey-- been busy with my bro getting married and all-- but I AM BACK! anyway--- who cares? you can look at certick woman and say "SHE LOOKS LIKE SHES 12" and other "DAMN! SHE IS SMOKIN! I'D TAP THAT IN A SEC! (she looks like she 21)" both brils may be 17. All i'm saying is a number is a number. I'm 17, and look NOTHING like a 21 year old. I consider myself lucky enough to have a fake 18 ID. No need ot bask people for their age. 17 year olds wanna go clubbing as bad as 26 year olds. Cna you eally blame [us?] for liking to go to exit? the music rocks, the chicks are smokin, and we have a good time. I'm not pissed, and I didn't read through all the posts--- just expaining my side of it all Gil
  23. what the difference if i go to exit on the 14th AND roxy on the 21st? if i put down "wu tang guestlist" (explain to me the deal about staying to the right?), and the sexy d guestlist? Gil
  24. Tiesto is 18+ at EXIT Dec 14th. Just to inform you all....dont want anyone to be disappointed. Guestlists for the JUDGE JULES and DJ TIESTO events will close at 12 MIDNIGHT not 2AM. If you go at 2AM it will be $35 at the door and guestlists will be closed. The price for guestlist is $25 before midnight. Better to get there early and save 10 bucks than to get there later, pay extra $ and freeze your ass off cuz the lines will be long after 12! More info/flyers/etc. at www. exit nyc .com hey-- so dec 14th w/ Sexy D guestlist (check out her site), Judge Jules gueslist, or DJ Tiesto guestlist? gotta get there before midnight to be on the list? who do i call/ tell to be on the list? or do i just mention it at the door? what about roxy on the 21st? any word? havent found any threads on it (codica3?) ~~Gil
  25. Lisa-- i dont mean to be cheesy, but your name sounds REALLY familiar. ???? i might be wrong, in that case sorry, but I've def. heqrd your name before (radio? tv?) Gil
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