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Everything posted by snoboardr2

  1. PEOPLE LIVIN IN THE CITY (Sexxy-D!?) You really don't know ANYWHERE to sleep for about 25-100$/ night w/o any roaches, nice bed and bathroom?
  2. All I ever wanted was a girl that would make me laugh, have a atleast a small sense of adventure, go out clubbing without having to ask mommy or daddy. kind, good looking also help. ~Anyone know? I've only been looking for 18 years, so maybe I need more practice? PM me or E-mail me (Snoboardr2@aol.com
  3. Def agree with you. It was probably the most amazing time in snowboarding I have ever seen. That first air he threw, parallel to the ground 18 ft up, on a 12-16 ft pipe. GOTT HAVE BALLZ! sickest trick I have ever seen live, (Stimilon event, Big air & style, Mt Snow VT in 97-98) was a dude I've never heard, nor do i remember his name. Stimilon was 50% partnership between my brother and his best friend from college, they build snowboard parks. The guy came down, IN STEP INS! now, I ride with step in's b/c Im sponsored and have to, (or i could pay 300 bucks but why bother when I have fine bindings for my fav. price (free)). They might have been Generics and Blax boots and board, but anyway-- He went off the jump, took his back boot off of the board, still managed to do a frontside 5[40], AND STOMP INTO HIS BOARD ON THE LANDING! guy won first place and mega $$$. This dude was prob featured in Transworld, but i dont rmmbr his name. peace
  4. I think I sense some sarcasm?
  5. Funny, x2 Bu seriosly. I don't wanna spend 300$ / night at the mariott marquis in times square... and one of my friends said "youth hostile" (i think he was kididng b/c of his snicker, and wouldnt tell me what that it), WHATS A YOUTH HOSTILE?
  6. Does anybody know a good place to sleep in the city? PM, E-mail, or POST A REPLY thanks
  7. Staying on topic of the thread for once, OPEN Q~! WHATS YOUR FAVORITE? MINE: your turn
  8. the moves at Exit are usually rockin, what about ROXY?
  9. Anyone know a nice place to sleep in the city this weekend? I'm gonna be pretty busy: Fri: Roxy or Tiesto's Exit Sat: Limelight's goodbye Sun: Exit? Email me Snoboardr2@aol.com or IM me PM's!
  10. The official bouncers at Exit are Darrell and Fernando? Isn't the sunday night gonna be a fuckin NO ID night anyway? And from sourced unnamed, I know the saturday party FOR NOW is a trial run, and the thursday night party too (oops.... shhhhhhhhhhhh) or else
  11. YO MAN! holy shit! I can do all the rails (not the shittyn ones at the beg b/c no speed), but the kinked, then the reg, then the flat... i hit all three (sucks when people are in the way)-- we should meet next week one day and ride, i have off school all week. I took off lawt friday and practiced.... hard to do the 2 rainbow's but the 2nd's smaller. THAT ROLLERCOASTER RAILS IS FUCKIN HARD! i havent seen anyone do the whole thing (or the C rail next to it). lets ride bro Exit sunday night Roxy/ Exit friday night
  12. Any word on roxy this friday? lemme know--
  13. what also really sucks, is those small "GLOW SITCKS" which are really small little dots of light thats are about the size a quarter with little keychains on the end, and when you accidently let go, and lose one, esp someone elses. (thank god i found it) NEVER AGAIN!
  14. Anyone wanna meet up @ exit or roxy ( i have a feeling from burkeroper that Exit would be more approipriate for this) and teach me anythin new? sounds gay (no offense meant to anyone), but I can usually dance better DRUNK!
  15. my worst story, not as good and Romina's or the other but... I drove m,yself and my date to the city to park around 72nd and Park, we were sleepiung at her friends house. we drank a little (aiight, we drank a lot), the stumbled over to find a cab to get to World. [let us never speak of this club again]. Afterter spending twice what I normally pay for stoges (cigarettes). I took the time to sing up for the clubplanet gueslist save a couple bucks, TURNS OUT EVERYONE GETS REDUCED... after leaving early b/c it sucked, we arrive back at her apt. She (my dates friend 'Jess') wasn't there. We wake her prnts (who didn't know a guy was going to sleep over) and they didnt know wher she was either. Luckily after talking to them from the phone in the lobby we wited downstairs, and she showed about 45 min later, and about 2 hours late for her curfew, we walked up, her prnts all mad, me and my date reakin of alcohol and smoke, I won't describle the screams we heard that night. Not as bad as the car staories, but it answers the Q Aint this funny:
  16. You talkin about Dan i assume.. Danny Kass is one of the funniest guys I know. If you can think of somone who is an all around fun guy to be with that just makes you laugh anf has a good time? that's him. I rode with him a lot my soph year (he still lived in Jersey), and rode in Pro Am comp[eitions] with him--- he was fucking amazing. He did deserve Gold, and the judges were such bullshit artists, obviously the Japanese were pissed off at thier performance this year so they had tot ake it out on a nation that ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO SNOWBOARD! sorry-- just venting. but anyway, yeh Danny Kass is from Jersey, and I am gonna try to get Mtn. Creek to throw a little somethin somethin in his honor (SILVER BABY!)
  17. I def a little of everything, I just can't wait to get back to exit after my traumatic experience (see "what in the WORLD was that" thread). #1-- when dancin with a chick I ama hugger, or grinder. #2- raver:-- lookin for the circle, or make one, and check out other ppls moves, and try to improvise on them. [For Rook's- in circles one person shows off his shit, i.e.- pretending to look up a girls dress, or dirvin stickshift then raving and stuff, person after person till it dies) #3- the standstill, the person only feels his knees (and he's sober) #4- the lunatic (CRAZY SHIT) I guess i am #1 and #2 Dont YOU HATE IT WHEN THE FLOOR IS WET AND TIS HARD TO JUMP BACK UP! gimme feedback
  18. Aiight, I'm done bitchin how much World sucked, after 3 days it's time to move on with our lives (atleast mine). Most say it sucked, Some say it didn't Time to UNSUBSCRIBE check out Exit peace
  19. Holy shit! The web site kix ass! oh man anyone got info about PROMOTION AND/OR GUESLISTS? Email me ( Snoboardr2@aol.com ) [or IM me]
  20. JOEL-B, you couldn't be more right! A good fuckl is good every once in a while, but when it comes down to it, just makes me feel dirty sometimes. Yeh i'm proud of it the next day or even for a week, but I have enough self respect to not try and go fuck a different girl every weekend. I'm single now, and kinda likin it, kinda hatin it. I just want to love someone again, and be loved back again.
  21. what's 1-8-7? I know its' in a sublime song-- "screamin 1-8-7 on a mother fuckin cop"
  22. That's so true-- i'll explain next post (on the phone)
  23. As young as I am, there is one thing I know so far. I am 18, as well as atleast 6 more of you are. There are two types of 18 year olds-- you're either mature, or immature. That's all it breaks down too. and i fuckin hate the immature girls, even if they are good lookin. GROW UP PEOPLE! I am not judging anyone, kinda just venting
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