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Posts posted by doubleplay1970

  1. hmmmm we can always go back to useing PHAT lol

    i think sick is smething CP blew out of proportion.

    when me and my friends go out this is our rating system

    Bangin - above averge time

    off the hook - more than bangin

    Sick - beyond comparison. a night youll remember for a long long time.

    prime i think faggetabout it is an adjetive describing anythingincluding an adjjetive.

    Ex yo man the music was bangin last ngiht faggetaboutit. :laugh: :laugh:


    person yo man that place was off the hook

    other person fagetaboutit

  2. Originally posted by thehype

    I hear ya Bus

    We are on 2 different pages here. You into wit more of the new skool but still showin respect to the guys who got em where they are

    me on the hand am into more the 80s and early to mid 90s stuff

    motley Crue

    Iron Maiden


    Judas Preist




    Suicidal Tendincies

    I hope you are a fan of Shadows Fall

    christ this reminds me of back in the day when we hung on wood ave in linden and the "headbangers" use to hang at dunkin donuts until the guidos went and beat their asses for fun :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  3. Id say the best club in the state is where you walk out of knowing you had a great time.

    Deko Metro Bunka Platinum wherever. it doesnt matter. THe Room , Vibe and DJs help the night alot but if the people you are with or people around you dont make it a good ngiht it doesnt matter. IMO there is no best. Many good venues to check out so many good nights to be had.

  4. IMO

    Clubs always advertise as something of a NY feel or look

    I think and always have thought that paradox has the closest look to a NYC club around. there is a big room downstairs and a side room off of that then upstairs is a 2 story main room with a lounge behind it. the third floor is also got good feel to it. they did some work i there i like the set up. they need to promote it. plainfield or not tequila joes is in newark and was alway full. Joeys is in clifton and i hear thats not the greatest town anymore. they just need as spygirl said alot of people to dare to be different all at once and get it going

  5. Originally posted by saynotodrama

    Why can't people praise one DJ without putting down another?

    too may haters out there. people think if they put someone down they will look better.

    someone asked me sunday night who my favorite DJ is i said if i had a favorite then it might offend the other DJs i know.

    To be honest the last thing i worry about when i go out is the music. id rather just kick back and have a good time. if i like a song or someone really rips it i like it. other than that i dont pay it much mind. if you sit there all night and just worry about what hes spinning you need a life and some friends

  6. Originally posted by carguy19

    Take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and forget this all happened, You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how far down the rabbithole goes.

    Morphius in Matrix

    im still convinced that was E he was takin and the whole movie was just a nice roll

  7. Originally posted by caleb

    It's amusing how only JoeGio's friends have anything good to say abot this guy.

    His girlfriend and her friend and boyfriend.

    Keep up the good work.

    ok douche i think joe would do great down the shore.

    heres the best part. im not friends with him.

    i know him he knows me. We arent tight. i thnk hes a cool guy.

    an aquaintance but not at a friend standpoint i guess. I think he would agree on that but still ill show him support because he is a good DJ. There are plenty of good DJS up and coming. I think mike bugout would do good down there too.

    It would be nice to see joe spin there. he has a good following building. He is one of the upcoming guys who is actually spinning in bigger venues. Say what you want about places anyone spins but when you are starting out id rather say a cheesy place then say i only spin in my bedroom.

  8. i was just talking to a friend and we are loyal Jint fans

    so who in your wise opinions would be better at nickleback next year over sehorn

    tony saragusa comes ofretirment and trys a new position without losig a pound


    angie harmon wears #31

    paris leaves factory to play for giants

    mugsy bogues

    theo fleury on a crack binge

  9. Originally posted by xrapturex

    Most of them have enough money. Like when Metallica tried to sue when napster had all those problems. Seriously :rolleyes:

    rock is one thing

    a dance single is like 7 bucks.

    figure if the store get 2 bucks

    that leaves 5

    1 dollar for packaging and distrubution fees

    thats 4 bucks

    then there is a breakdown between the singer songwriter musicians the record co if its a good contract has to pay for the recording mixing the engeneers

    then after al that there is the companies overhead ( secrataries phone bills etc. )

    so i dont see it as they are making too much if they were 4 of them wouldnt have just gone out of business and some where good labels

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