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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. hell i didnt even ask where or if she met you in person- now i wish i did:( but she got your CP name like it was tattooed in her mind, it was one of those " yea i met xSUCH AND SUCHx" from the boards conversations
  2. Yes we sure BURNED IT last ngiht- woah ok !! i was just having a relapse for a sec HAHA:eek: the pics came out GREAT but uhh im not going to post them online- i know how your mom likes to surf the net and she might see what he daughter was doing ( or undoing) LOL ive got PLENTY more of those THINKG your talking about for more "fun" heh heh not a prob nad how did you like the metalic blue colored ones? they're a bit snug but the satin is a nice touch and nice TO the touch. (im talking about MY pair by the way) DONT FORGE TTHE ROPE il got the chains (rubberised for no abbrasion)
  3. its ok on CP u only need your fingers as long as you got all 10 (or at least 6) im sure youll do fine:hat:
  4. did u say ROPE? oh man-- this is going to be another sleepless night- yea that sounds good to me- was i supposed to brign anything from home that we talked about? i mean it was like 330 am when i passed out so i dont remember much after taken pictures with the full moon behind you alittle later you were passed out - i woke up- and put out the fire
  5. Yes miss thaaang same reina---- im up for finding trouble--- how about the rest of you "london Bridges" ?
  6. Reina nothing bad but ur name came up as a memory was all i was taken alittle by how personable she was
  7. ahh the day has doen it again you game or has yesterday been too much? and uhh (eh-HEM) EUROCHICK in the house!!
  8. ill shoot ya anytime you like hell for that matter anytime I LIKE too:D
  9. this is where we call them BUTT-HEADS!!!! haha Hey misk? i met someone that remembrs you from a while ago(dont know how long ago)
  10. A-men ninadd i was FINALLY happy when the pres gave an ultimatum i hae been away all day- does anyone have any info? what happened? anything? anotehr speech take place?
  11. sorry justin i didnt see you post b4 -- i dont think its factorys job to do it at all its societies job that is, anyone that wants a better living for themselvs. i mean the MAYOR couldnt stop it and i wont even take a shot but i know i wont perpetuate it by starting up either:rolleyes: but like it says in my last statement obviously it would have to start somewhere and that cant be just my opinion- if the police are getting involved too- and since thats the case they thought of it well before i did
  12. mrhappi (nice name bye the way:tongue: ) of corse im not singleing out that place- i know very well the ficticious side of the "war on drugs" we all know well that it has its hidden input to the american economy of corse- im just saying that i am looking at the big picture- i mean if it was as simple as closing down BOOMING locations of drug activity then the first shut donw would have to be somewherer right? ive even seen ppl passing shit around at that HUGE book store on rt3 in clifton you know where it is right?- anyway - i didnt think i deserved any hate like that- in a way that im clueless on the drug issue- we all know what going on- but again it woould have to start some where IMO
  13. i would have just called them WHIMPY STICKS
  14. Bus its nice that you went to the station to report it but the important thing i want to know is did u once again flip the bird as he limped -...cause that really would have got him HEATED
  15. the bus has a good point but i just want to see it shut because its not doing anything to aid the drug problem positivly if making it "GO" is too harsh then what about getting some REAL support in the place?
  16. no matter who you hit - i found out that you can get a hunitng licence and also a percription from your optomitrist now when the cops stop you make sure you dont have your glasses and make like your unaware of your surroundings- tell them your meeting your family for hunting that day and youll get off free- cause in the books: there is NOTHING that say you CANT hunt ppl or anything else with a CHEVY now wheres my 2004 model KIA
  17. i wouldnt have it anyother way ill get the matches you get the gas
  18. i just wanted to highlight the important things so that the next person cant say ---duhh i got lost- and these are important to me as well----good words--(insert thumbs up here___)
  19. HAHAHA:laugh: good laugh 1st thing in the A M
  20. in this house i have 4 beds and 2 living rooms so im building my fort out of all those cushions:D
  21. i heard that if you stare at it long enough it will move away from where your starring
  22. FINE then a BIG F U to carlop!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i have to stay here all year
  23. it was just stricking me again today that i posted this image some time ago funny how in a few hours from me posting this it actually had REAL meaning - cause last time there were a few ppl that got bent for me posting it- and now...with the presidants actions on our door step- i wonder...what is to become of us this time around? we are still living our lives normally thank go- no more starring at the skies in anxiety like just after the 9 - 11 tragedy. no longer - HEY YOU - EITHER LOVE MY FLAG OR LEAVE MY CONTRY- from simple folk this time we are fighting what seems to be (to me) the most split decision war our counrty has faced there are so many of us against the war and others with their extremely valid points for having it- IMO this is all about a power move this has NOTHING to do with terrorism- unless im missing something- having been stuck @ home(for the most part) for the past 5 months - i have had time to actually see what is forthcomming ,newswise, and see the effects this has had on our society. I think theres a part of me that is alittle worried- yes - yes there is and this is only because this war has YET to really start in the physical sence of military- thus far we have only making moves to be in the right locations for strike and defence also worries because this has not yet started so theres really no telling what REACTIONS may come of it from the other side- then from us- and also there is no way of knowing ---how long it will last---- midnight thoughts of LIQID
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