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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. OBsessions nightclub--this saturday HUGE trance dj - dj IRISH comming in from over seas- iwas having dinner with his booking agent tonight and the place is going to be TREMENDOUS
  2. damn Hype? ur not comming this saturday?
  3. clodplay? i know im supposed to know what that means - but im drawing a blank right now- help me out here?
  4. i have to agree on jerrys descriptions on BOSE you really have to chek it out in the right environment-surrounding-roomdesign paradigm- is what i went for at home though so, good choice on that one bro- and for the components that match the quality w/o over doing it trust me get some ONKYO goodies for it but again for hte BOSE---comparing to the use for a home theater- cant compare its basically the whole romm and building design come into play
  5. i wish you all luck and benefite on your next steps everyone
  6. ppl keep telling me this all has something to do with the economy i hardy think so- i mean- i have had ppl look @ my resume' and they literaly cant believe that it took so long to find a job or even get laid off from the one i had- but do you think? are the war(s) - since we are involved in 2 of them in case some have forgotten- have to do with all this?
  7. dont take it seriously this is just a jokey joke
  8. i think your right and i also think this is because the rest of the world is (bottom line) runnign around money
  9. funny-- as soon as i posted that above and the page refreshed this stupid pop-up cme about take it as a sign i suppose
  10. true:eek: so true:eek: and to the (unmentioned person) that just PM'ed me.. the 1st reason we pay so much for insurance as an example- remember that HUGE 100+ car pileup early lsat spring in washington? when theres that many cars and its just impossable to place that much colatteral blame and cots of damage to just one person.. where does the money come from? 1st car sues 1nd car sues 3rd car and so on.... that takes too long to both investigate- and resolve... so all that money that you have been paying over the yeard on ins. goes to situations like that- where all of asudden 500,000 dollars in just mechanical damages comes out of somewhere- not to mention the cost of medical damages to each and every person lost wages and so on.... hope that answers it for you jp18 PM me my agent might be able to help you out w/ a new policy....maybe:idea:
  11. AIM? how was it? anything eventfull take place?
  12. if someone chose to do that for a living as a LIFE choice they would probably need all of thee above:hat:
  13. brwneydtrouble....now thats one of the most original names ive seen here in CP anyway most of my prob was i have been on the job hunt for the past 6 months-- in that time- the bank re-poed my truck 10G's is what they want know- can you believe they still call asking if i can send it to them? i keep telling them HELLOOOOOOO!! ARE YOU FUKIN CRAZY? WHAT DOES it take for me to get you to understand I HAVE NO JOB!! ...they reply.. well can you borrow hte $$? my anser..... GET A FUKIN CLUE whats wrong with you? if i could borrow it i would have done that BEFORE i lost the job DIK-HEAD!!!! anyway congradulate me someone cause after all freakin 6 months of searching going completely broke- renting / borrowing cars, money and what not- i finally did start a new job-- WOOHOOO like i can really complain right? i hate not working #@#@ anyway how about i get us all a nice treat a dj frend of mine is here in the states and will be spinning in central NJ not really central but alittle north of central the tix are really 20 bills but i can get them for 10--- i dont want to PROMO anything here but its just that he'll get me them so cheap and it looks like WE all need somthing to get away too hit me for the imfo..... i think things are about to get beter for us all bye the way
  14. there are 2 different forms of points you attain 1) on your licence with the motor-V dept 2) on your insurance company (their records) only your points recorded by your ins agent carry over- not the Motor -V points and NJ Manufactur- is one of hte other companies i was trying to remember- but they ARE still taking policies HURRY !! QUICK!!! MUG SOMEONE FOR THE $$$ AND GET IT !!!!
  15. yea difinately ALOT more- seriously about 1000+ more- mom is my insurance agent (i just shot her a question about it) dont bother looking towards statefarme- they have been good to me so far but soon will be dropping their auto-policies for the last 5 years they have been loosing about .25 per dollar on automotive policies the reason i go into it is cause they are NOT the only agent/company that are going to stop taking new policies they are however still renewing the ones they have i cant remember the names ofh the other 2 major companies in this same situation but when you come across them- dont take it so hard that they wont give you a policy
  16. according to joe's question- he asked for any info, thats my info. and besides- if the owner is going to stiff djs- and try anf run game to make extra money on a new years party and short the ppl that paied in advance for something that turns out didnt exist at all- y else wouldnt i post my thoughts on it? ifi had a bad experiance then that my opinion of the place and until i see or experiance something nice from there- i will remain with the same feelings- wouldnt you agree? and to tell me to grow up is invalid- im one of the few ppl on here that dont burst out hatting something w/o knowing anything about it- so that was just my opiion- he doesnt have to agree or see validity in it at all-im just one person here and there are 100's others that know DIVAs and would post about it both good and / or bad
  17. thanks for reading (the whole thing) njangel- but i wasnt saying that money is the root of evil- i did type that originally but changed it before i posted- cause i know thats not the case. but especially like this part and again everyone- i just wanted to say that this was just a discussion that took place its just an avenue of though (more like fantesy) and foodidoo got it right with the 1st post it is called communism...... but when the native americans did it here in the 17-1800's it was just a normal way of life- i guess theres some idiosincrisys.... (someone spell that for me)......that would be in play
  18. i see your point stiff thats y i posted this i wanted other input to be able to see this from different angles and thats a good one:D nice to see you onboard MARVISI
  19. i know what you mean NINA i saw that post and i posted my thoughts on the validity of certain actions to take place in this way but i posted it in january- the 1st reply was someone telling me that im crazy for even talking about it- the following month someone reposted about the same info and now we have the posts and news we see today:confused:
  20. then wouldnt we trade technology? or would we even have that anymore?
  21. Let me impose somthing on all of you- for a few moments i want you to think about this "discussion" i had with someone- a few years ago i came up with a type of "THEORY" that i think would better the living, the whole world over here it is: ATTN RIKSTA!!!! THIS IS NOT AN INFOMERTIAL HAAHA What if the world NEVER saw money- or anything to that effect? a long time ago- everything worked on a barter system- if u had, and someone needed, then you would give it. and vs/vs for the opposing party as well: Lets say that tomorrow- i became the prime director- or the head controlling party of the WORLD and proclaimed that money was NOT a need to the masses any longer how would we survive? simply- when you were born and raise to a certain age you would choose what TRADE or profession you wanted to learn- after learning this- this is what you did (NOT AS A WAY OF LIVING-) but as a way to contribute to SOCIETY- if you wanted to build homes thats what you did- and ppl will come to you to build their homes be their doctor harvest and give them foods and anything else you can think possable- this is what ppl did to contribute to others and in return- others would be contributing to you as well- (BARTER SYSTEM) 1)there would be no need to have banks- what would you be saving? 2)there would be no need for the STOCK EXCHANGE- theres no CASH VALUE on anything anyway 3)there would be no need to have GOVERNMENT - to cotrol parties of power?where? everyone is now equal in their existance.... see where this is going? drugs war poverty xxxdancers crime(in a sence) what other "jobs-problems-crimes-professions" would be eliminated? even some levels of HATE and envy -- would never had come into existance------ Now i have a queston for you-all- what fault do u see with this theory? seriously- i want to know if theres somthing that im missing here- i mean 1st off i have to say i wasnt going to type ALLLLLLL of my thoughts on this- i want the rest of you to think it out as well-(!) go on - im sure theres going to be a few questions of HEY LIQID? what about (SUCH AND SUCH) did u think about that? how would that work? name another profession that you dont understand how it would exist in a society like that- and in fact- maybe it wont be something that society needs trust me this has been something that i talked about for YEAAARS but it comes back to me at times like this (WAR)
  22. dude this is my onpinion Dont waste your time unless you want to chill with a bunh of fake ppl clicks
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