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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. This was sent to the CLUBExL news section: BT is after a slice of the digital music action today, launching a new online music store to compete with iTunes, Napster, and Loudeye/OD2 - after trialling the service with songs by Robbie Williams. Powered by the white label technology service Blueprint, the service is designed to allow music labels able to dictate the terms for selling their tracks - a move which will create a plethora of different offers for consumers and contrast with Apple Itune's "one-size fits all" approach. BT has UK-based EMI as a first signed label and plans to ink deals with all four major labels by the end of the year. Using Blueprint's 'Open Royalty Gateway' (ORG) and 'Song Centre' software, the scheme will allow for many different price points and sampling arrangements, and various DRM schemes. ORG is a response to some music label that the iTunes pricing and DRM approach which from the outset set firm prices for songs and almost no discounting - a move which probably helped its early success in getting consumers used to the idea of digital music downloads. But some music executives think consumers will embrace the many deals and offers which arrive with OGR. BT says the new approach will "address many of the key problems hampering the development of online music businesses, such as time to market, capital expenditure in IT and networking technologies, control of rights and the margin structure of the present models." A mobile platform is planned for the Spring. OGR was trialled for Robbie Williams' recent No.1 hit single 'Radio' with Australia and New Zealand's leading music retailers, Sanity and Sounds. The audio, video, visual and mobile content was bundled together for sale, and linked with a competition utilising Blueprint's referral and reward technology to drive additional opportunities to win prizes. The service is now powering the global Robbie Williams 'Greatest Hits' digital download store.
  2. gee that sounds great - i mean NO ONE else is doing that so you shold be getting a TON of people to your most exclusive style party with its OFF THE WALL style and atmosphere oh wait....what place is this for? ...hmm they havent been around, i guess the great promotional team didnt find any staff so they had to split up
  3. information is worthless..................until it is given to someone else
  4. Five years ago, signing on a national DJ as a resident of a Las Vegas club would not have been big news. But for 2005, it's considerable--not only for the local club scene, but for regional nightlife and perhaps that of the rest of the country, too. Last Friday's New Year's Eve party marked the beginning of Seattle-based DJ Donald Glaude's weekly residency at Ice, the Harmon Avenue stand-alone club formerly known as Drink and currently famous as the epicenter of "The Club," a reality-based television show on the Spike TV cable network. This Friday, Ice will officially launch its weekly "Thank Glaude It's Friday" promotion, with Glaude as headliner. (Michael "the Funkler" Fuller, Faarsheed and Justin Hoffman are the club's local resident DJs). Residencies were hot during the electronic music explosion of 2000, but since the decline of the nightlife scene--thanks to federal scrutiny of clubs, anti-rave legislation and abysmal sales of electronic music in the post-Napster age, among other things--they've all but disappeared in recent years. Glaude's new gig--he previously enjoyed a quarterly residency at the now-defunct Utopia a few years back--is the only non-local residency in Las Vegas and one of the very few big-room DJ residencies in the country. To put things in perspective, Los Angeles, which now boasts three megaclub events every Saturday, only has one non-local residency: Brit DJ Sasha's monthly "Fundacion" party at Avalon. Glaude, whom DJ Dave Aude once dubbed "the James Brown of DJs," might just be one of the hardest working turntablists in the business. He enjoys a huge demand among national clubs, as well as a global following that includes England, Russia, the Far East and South America. (At press time, he was in the middle of a three-date stand in Colombia, thus unavailable for an interview). He owns two dance imprints--Eden and Jacked--produces his own tracks and records mix albums for dance label Moonshine. And, he's renowned for his inclusive interpretation of house music--a funky, flamboyant, tech-tinged aesthetic delivered via four turntables, complete with cut and scratch trickery. "He's versatile," says Fuller, who's also Ice's marketing director. "He's willing to work with the audience. He won't stick himself in one category of music. That's important to Vegas." For many clubbers, Glaude's expertise behind the decks doesn't compare to the extroverted and charismatic presence he offers in front of them. "He's totally dynamic," says Fuller. "At the beginning [of one of his performances], you could tell the majority of the room didn't know who he was, but at the end, their hands were in the air and they were screaming." Glaude began DJing 17 years ago in his hometown of Tacoma, Wash., before becoming a popular DJ in the Seattle area. His big break came when his former Seattle peer and good friend DJ Dan, who had relocated to San Francisco, suggested Glaude play for Bay Area underground syndicate Funky Tekno Tribe. Shortly after, Glaude became one of its permanent residents. Since then, he has played West Coast cities as San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas so often that he's amassed a loyal and sizable fanbase consisting of both clubbers and ravers. Glaude's residency signing comes smack in the middle of Ice's resurgence in the local club scene. After some high-profile management changes last year, Ice found itself partnering up with U.K. clubbing institution Godskitchen--formerly aligned with Ra at the Luxor--which recently acquired most of Spundae, an American clubbing brand established in several other U.S. cities. This teaming has played a part in "The Club," which chronicles the (sometimes dramatic) operation of Ice. The club has also become the only Vegas nightspot to regularly book international DJs--which is significant given that five years ago, several local clubs were touting global talent every week--and make house music its defining sound. Is it afraid its neighboring competitors will soon follow in its footsteps? "Quite honestly, there's no way in the world with Godskitchen being home at Ice that another club can compete with the consistent draw we have," says Fuller. "They'll try. I hope they do. The more they push, the more they have to come to Ice."
  5. Well its been in discussion for a few weeks now (offline) and today i will unfortunatly be missing the most important meeting thus far for MetroMix in NYC. I already called Ella about this so she and others are well aware of why i wont be able to show. I was going to come down regardless of weather conditions. However today (this evening) i was asked to come by one of the Clearchannel radio studios in norther NJ so sit with one of the radio jocks that im cool with, to discuss finaly ON AIR the advantages of having someplace for the electronic music lovers to be able to TUNE IN and not just during a specific time of day on an FM station like some places do. We all know of stations on FM that have timeslots for eletronic music listeners, and at the same time they would invite a local dj to come in - interact with listeners and spinn LIVE for a time slot but what do the listeners have when the time slot is DONE? Well i cant tell EVERYONE aboue MetroMixRadio but at least with todays conversational piece on the air, ill be able to spread the word about MMR to a 10-20 thousand at least in just a few short minutes. We will also talk about why there isnt such a thing takeing place mainly here in the tristate like LIRR was going to be doing. Trust me, im sure LIRR is well known but not as big as we all wanted it to become. Its not as big as MetroMix in my opinion. Maybe with todays talkings, that can change for the better. Im sure it will. So wish me luck - again im sorry to miss tonights meeting and Please Ella and other keep me posted on the topics that came up with any notes in mind for me. If theres anything needed from my end, by all means just ask. Love peace and beats i needed to add that i will be talking about MetroMixRadio quite a bit during the time ill be there about 4pm to 6pm at most - and it seems they dont have a prob with me talking about an internet radio station during a live show suprisingly. But if they say its cool, then i wont ask questions lol
  6. Well its been in discussion for a few weeks now (offline) and today i will unfortunatly be missing the most important meeting thus far for MetroMix in NYC. I already called Ella about this so she and others are well aware of why i wont be able to show. I was going to come down regardless of weather conditions. However today (this evening) i was asked to come by one of the Clearchannel radio studios in norther NJ so sit with one of the radio jocks that im cool with, to discuss finaly ON AIR the advantages of having someplace for the electronic music lovers to be able to TUNE IN and not just during a specific time of day on an FM station like some places do. We all know of stations on FM that have timeslots for eletronic music listeners, and at the same time they would invite a local dj to come in - interact with listeners and spinn LIVE for a time slot but what do the listeners have when the time slot is DONE? Well i cant tell EVERYONE aboue MetroMixRadio but at least with todays conversational piece on the air, ill be able to spread the word about MMR to a 10-20 thousand at least in just a few short minutes. We will also talk about why there isnt such a thing takeing place mainly here in the tristate like LIRR was going to be doing. Trust me, im sure LIRR is well known but not as big as we all wanted it to become. Its not as big as MetroMix in my opinion. Maybe with todays talkings, that can change for the better. Im sure it will. So wish me luck - again im sorry to miss tonights meeting and Please Ella and other keep me posted on the topics that came up with any notes in mind for me. If theres anything needed from my end, by all means just ask. Love peace and beats i needed to add that i will be talking about MetroMixRadio quite a bit during the time ill be there about 4pm to 6pm at most - and it seems they dont have a prob with me talking about an internet radio station during a live show suprisingly. But if they say its cool, then i wont ask questions lol
  7. that chic screamin into a mic? thats his daughter?
  8. read above and i dont know why i typed "her" instead if Him or his
  9. gotta give ppl what they need Information is only valuable when its given away
  10. sory - i was using someone elses keyboard - mine is the ergonomic kind and im used to it also i been up for almost 3 days with a family issue (some in elderly with diabeties SP)
  11. i dont think i even know what the hell she looks like someone post it up
  12. ur right - they were booing and i earlier today i was listening to one of these radio reporters talking about her show She went on to bad mouth (a little) Kelly performance cause for a few seconds one of the backup singers mics shot WAY up in volume - So what she was KILLIN that place so hard she lost her voice by the time she was done with the song the reporter also said(and this is as close a quote as i can give " Everyone welcomed with cheers Ashleeys arrival to the stage " bla bla bla i was SO PISSED When i heard this - i called the station - got the jock who was on air at the moment "cause they know me and he knows me" and i made sure they recorded + played back LIve the TRUTH and our quick conversation If i can get the audio of my phone call - ill post it "What the hell did Daniel just report about Simpson?..."B" im sorry but everyone in the free and MTV world was there BOOING her out loud. Even the ripped drunk people in the stands. She was actually VERY unwelcome and no matter what kinda deal shes going to do to her Drummer at the upcomming show is going to fix the fact that SHE CANT SING- my grandma with no teeth can humm Bach better then she can be reproduced"
  13. can you blame him / her whatever --- hes still using his friends PC and momys car
  14. I got my pics up - took a bit cause i needed to go over things with the radio station Friday (new years) complete madnes) the sexy pics with alot or wayyy too much skin are not up yet but thats later There were so many shots taken on friday - its going to take me the next couple weeks to have them all up - Saturday was the HANGOVER party where the TROOPERS came out. 300 ppl in ONE room while Jay rips the dance floor thanks to all who came Gallery here http://www.clubexl.com/gallery2005 who else has NYE weekend pics?
  15. which kid posting? and yes its Gwen stephani
  16. did you hear that he wont be on the next season of THAT 70's SHOW ? he says hes not going to be part of the main cast anymore - and neither will Topher Grace (eric the main caracture) Ashton however will continue in the show making guest appearances i would suppose hes goingto furter her big screen career - i would if i were him - he was pretty good at The butter fly effec
  17. holly crap you pork stuffer spell the name right theres no U in liqid - and besides - how exactly would you know about those places being so trashy anyway? the fire is on....ur gonna burn
  18. woooooah easy there partner shes really built something for herself started her own business got into some real modeling shes WAYYYYYY more then just a body - and certainly not mexican im still wondering where you got the mex from?
  19. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?p=2547831#post2547831 im sorry - maybe im patting myself to hard but i just like what i typed in there
  20. i also read up a quicky report that Clarkson wanted to back the hell our of the halftime show when she found she will be the only one performing with Ash cause Stephani cant make her show their either i wonder why stephani backed out,,,, they said it was cause of scheduling conflicts but i think its a conflict of profession. i would RIP THIS HAIR OUT HER HEAD if i werer stephani workin my ass off to be a pro - and Ash just take the DAT tape route
  21. i dont care how much you shame me hate on me burn me with your vengful ways (verbally) i still you anyway best for ya in 05 misky (was nice meeting ya---well it was only once so i can hardly remember either lol )
  22. I wish these Newbie promoters would at LEAST try and learn something before coming around and acting like they A) know it all Use comments like " I been in the scene (OR) circuit for a long time and so forth so with all that in mind - let me (someone who HAS been in the cough cough scene for along time) Pick this little pricks post to pieces WHen he says "Male and Female Nightclub Dancers wanted for one of the hottest nightclub/lounges in NYC" He makes it sound like he owns the club or manages it but a real pro would actually SAY the name of the club this would be for becuase they actually work there. Since your posting a simple god forsaken @AOL email address, it means you A) Dont have your own domain name for a website or ad agency dont own shit C) still live at moms place D) You have been dooped like 70% of the freakin population into thinking AOL is going to give you the best service when i know for a fact (because i have broken many of their codes) i know for a fact that THERE IS NO REASON ANYONE HAS TO BE PAYING FOR AOL service. ..moving on.......... when you say "in one of the most upscale nightclub lounges in NYC " one of the most? come on, are you kidding? if its ONE of the most then which one is it? and to boot WHY THE HELL WOULD AN UPSCALE LOUNGE HAVE DANCERS YOU FREAKIN PORK RINE!!! moving on to this part "Open audition will be held at club at 9pm Sunday January 16th" at club?.... you know what im going to say right? let see - 9pm sunday most likely means you have some so called "Net working" or "Industry party" that you going to TRY and boot into action by having these ppl come by and while waiting around they will have to buy drinks - well well well ok so what if it ISNT that your having some ATTEMPT of an even there....... heres what else is wrong with that last statment 1) You posted NO requirements niether physical or any other. Does this mean my 14 year old cousin can come and audition, because she's been dancing for the past 7 years. 2) You posted no more then an email address to contact you. Whats the matter? Are you using your friends computer and dont have a phone at home? poor poor boy 3) Need i say more? Let the HATE BEGIN - IM IN A FREAKIN HOT ASS MOOD!!
  23. i think HYPE is trying to tell you something - maybe you should turn off the TV step back into REALITY and FUKIN LISTEN
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