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Everything posted by vanguard

  1. Excuse my impoliteness. Happy Belated Birthday. Vanguard
  2. Token Black guys? I wonder who they can be. I think he just called "the token black guys" his pets. Sorry to barge in your business, but I find something terribly horrid about this phrase, "Token Black Guys." I feel you are implying something very perplexed. Let me break it down: Token- serving or intended to show absence of discrimination Are you saying that in every other circumstance you would show discrimination towards black people? That's what you are implying by your comment to the other poster. I'm just curious. I read this yesterday and I've been dieing to ask. I just didn't want to cause unnecessary drama; but this inquiring mind still wants to know. Maybe I'm looking into the sentence to hard. Forgive me if I took this the wrong way. Vanguard
  3. I'll tell you what, like it or not, Clinton had this country moving. Criticize him for getting a BJ in office, not because he didn't run this country. At the time of his presidency his administration was on top of these problems. At least his officials were being heard and respected by foreign government officials. Although he did a patch up job, issues were much more stable than they are now. Of course Bush is going to point the finger at Clinton. What do you think Bush would say, “I'm an asshole, me and my administration fucked up."? Hell no. Hell would freeze over first. It is my belief that these "terrorists" waited for Clinton's resignation. They saw the opportunity to attack through the weakness of the "leadership" in upper office. It's no secret that Bush is a bubbling idiot. He has no clue what he is doing in that office. All he knows is that his Daddy did it and his presidency would make his family the modern Kennedys. This is what happens when you vote for an actual party and not for the man running. This is what happens when you don't vote at all. The more I think about, the more I think this is the last days, months or years of time as we know it. You should not be quick to assume that America is pious or "good." Hell, everybody is a little evil. I don't care if you consider yourself the pope, the most "Devine” or a saint. Every man falls short of being totally benevolent. USA is all about money. How does the USA profit off of other countries resources? How will the USA benefit from the partnership of another powerful? You don't think the USA will piss off and KILL less fortunate people. Please sir, don't be naive. WTC is probably in the same ball park to the same affects the Middle East has felt on the hands of the US over a period of years. It's just much publicized and intensified that it happened all at one time in the financial capital of the world. Don't get me wrong, I was and still am mad as hell. I almost lost my mother. She had to witness people jumping out of the top floors, and hearing the thuds of fellow human beings bursting like balloons. She was a step away from being a victim. I don't know what I would have done with out her. But you have to take a step back and evaluate the situation. What would posses a group of men to murder a skyscraper full of other people? REVENGE. It's ugly, however your, and my good, old Red, White and Blue are just as responsible as Al Queda is. We are responsible as the vast masses because we keep on electing and allowing them to appoint these dick heads and figure heads that don't know their heads from their asses. How do you have two premier agencies of a super power, the FBI and the CIA, not collaborating with one another? It's just asinine. Let me shut up. Vanguard
  4. Poor misguided Fool. 1. I'm with you on the Bush and Chaney idea. Those two are just figure heads. One is a complete and utter idiot, that finagled his way into office. Family legacy is the only why that misfit is in office. As far as Chaney, I wouldn't be surprised if he croaked already. I haven't heard from or seen this guy in quite a while now. Powell, I was never big on him. Men should only tap dance when they hear music. Powell is just, as I like to call it, "mantanning". 2. How can you imprison a group of people based on their ethnic background? Isn't that halting and breaking everything that is deemed "American"? Our government and fellow citizens like to boast about Constitutional Rights, Freedoms, Equality.....Yadda Yadda Yadda. I have to just smirk every time someone talks about America's Morality of Truth, Justice and Equality. That's a joke if I ever heard one, considering what the nation has built itself on (Slavery, Imperialism, Elitism, etc.) Have you ever sat down and thought about why the middle east has conflict with Israel and America? I doubt it. I doubt you care. Your brain washed. You believe only what your fed through the media or directly through the government. Sir or Madam, you have to look deeper into the situation. Besides, the terrorism that is being used by American opposition, is the same terrorism America has used through out history of this nation's development. 3. Russia, already got it's ass handed to them. I doubt they want any part of the Middle East. It would take a lot more than just Russia. 4. Nuke Iraq? You think we'll be able to nuke them without the retaliation of them nuking us? Start singing it, "It's the end of the world as we know it," Nuclear warfare. You don't want to go there, chief. Death is inevitable. The American government fucked a lot of people and revenge and payback is a bitch. American citizen pay this toll. You have no idea what the American government has done in the name of American citizens. That's what happens when we keep electing this crooked ass politicians. Hell, we let a man scam his way into the presidency. I hate war, but this is reality. There is nothing we can do right now to halt terrorism in the main land. Maybe next time it will be a white female with blonde hair and blue eyes, who sympathizes for the Middle East, that straps a bomb to her chest. It scary but true. You just don't know. Vanguard
  5. Try having a world without Rhythm, player. Vanguard
  6. They're called Isrealites. Very, Very confused people. Don't mind them. I'm black and they told me I was going to hell because my grandfather is cuban. They said something about Cubans not being part of the right tribe. I just laughed and gave them my screw face. They're just mad because they're population is dwindling after thier "messiah" didn't come at the crack of 2000. Inter-racial partnership is okay with me. As long as you have what makes you happy, everything is relative. Vanguard
  7. Chief, Do you bring sand to a beach? Water to a well? Unless your truely in love with her....I'd really advise you to keep the old gal home. To many things could go wrong. Jealousy is the main issue. Even people that are not the type to get jealous, still get jealous. It's an uncontrollable emotion. Vanguard
  8. Aight....Now I know what I'm looking for......If you see a black dude with a mini 'fro and a black and grey sweater wandering around, looking lost, dazed and confused......Do me a favor and say "we're over here Vanguard"...... Thank You:D , Vanguard
  9. Aight....Now I know what I'm looking for......If you see a black dude with a mini 'fro and a black and grey sweater or a red Guess T-shirt wandering around, looking lost, dazed and confused......Do me a favor and say "we're over here Vanguard"...... Thank You:D , Vanguard
  10. I'm new to this board, but I'll be at Roxy tonight. For those that may know me from the other boards....See ya lata. For those that don't, I'll see you guys tonight-Godwilling. Be safe, Vanguard
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