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Everything posted by jasonmarc

  1. My sentiments exactly.........
  2. I want in on this too you panzyass, grundel licking, anus lickers! You got shit for brains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Nice Post......I've donated to the RED CROSS. I wish i could've given more, but it's all i can afford right now.. These families need all the help they can get right now!!!!! If you're not there saving lives or clearing debris, this is the only way you can help....
  4. I need a beer.....ugh...... DAMN TUESDAYS ALL TO HELL......
  5. It sure did! I was bascially homeless for a couple of days until some of our family was able to get into our area and get us out. my mothers car had been tossed down the street and overturned.....NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO WHERE TO GO, NO WAY TO LEAVE. The worst possible feeling ever... My sincere prayers for those in LA and MS......
  6. Fuck Mondays! I wanted to hit the first face I saw walk into my office..........
  7. I lived in Homestead at the time ANDREW rolled through, I was 12 years old and I still have embedded images of destruction in my mind.... This storm is no joke, i despise saying it, but people ARE going to die and this will be bad for all cities affected.........
  8. It was just ok, thank god i didn't pay for my ticket. A friend had an extra ticket so i jumped on board. However, there were many many many many hot girls...OMG!
  9. Sure you can pack in 17,500 around one stage, but then you wouldn't be able to get the wide range of different talent like Ultra-Miami does. I figure maybe only 5-6 huge acts over a 6-7 hour period. It would be a nice event, but still not to par with Ultrafest.. My $.02
  10. It wouldnt fit.....Only one big stage and the land is just too small, unless you go into the parking lots...
  11. DAMN!!!!!!! Someone up top needs to pay for this..........That is just dead wrong... If it doesn't stop there, who's to say this couldn't happen at Ultra or some other large event.......
  12. JasonMarc305@hotmail.com..... You can just link it, i have it in my sig...
  13. SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should probably start getting my tickets and snow gear ready! OMG I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!
  14. Raincry, you went to one?!? I think we might have met at some point.....We held it about 3-4 times and the last time we were just ordered to turn it down by the city cops. Mind you, we used a whole 12' trailer load of audio equipment and amps.... ..It was usually Sean Bauzay, RC-(The Coordinator) and I most of the time on the decks. Im sure there were others on the decks but it was quite a long time ago, cant recall. Had a pretty decent turnout 20-35 people every time. Very comfortable and chill. No bottles of course. Great times they were. SEND ME THOSE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I could attend this one, but I am stuck in NYC for another month or so...... Would love to do it again...
  15. Anyone got any info on dates/ tickets yet???
  16. Anyone ever been to this place? I have a few friends who are planning to attend tomorrow night, but they are not real knowledgeable when it comes to this deal. I just need to know what I am getting myself into so that I can save my night before it even begins......
  17. I gotta give dood a call. I am moving back to Miami..
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