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Posts posted by bbbooom

  1. Oh And Btw Just Because You Have A Job Hat Isnt Creative Doesnt Mean Your Not Creative... I Mean People Would Say Im Creative And Im Going To Be A Cop Hopefully, Not Because I Have No Goals But Because I Dont Want To Waste Anymore $ In A Classroom And I Want/need Job Security

  2. SUCO REPRESENTT!!!! nah i think oneonta has a population of 15000... with about 9,000 being college kids... 3000 being kids who failed out and dont want to leave the little paradise of oneonta.. and the rest are definitely trahsie yokels... with a few professors/doctors thrown in to the mix...

    what year did you graduate by the way??? i was may 03...


  3. I have a tendency to get involved ONLY with creative artistic men. I've been with a dj (one quite well known ) , photographers and now a tv producer from L.A

    I respect talented and creative men. Being creative is the most important thing to me. So I'm not really attracted to 'normal'guys with a'normal' job and a 'normal' life

    Wall street dudes, doctors or lawyers don't impress me because anyone can goto med school and law school or get a wall street job.

    actually no, not anyone can go to law or med school. and yes anyone can get a wall street job but not everyone can keep it...

  4. looking at this from the other side....

    i don't understand how you couldn't look beyond what your mate does for a living. you're not with them when they are working. There are some really great people out there who are in the military, construction workers, cops, teachers, etc., they will never make a shit load of money. but, what matters is how they treat you, not what they can do for you.

    i have a friend who has been a police officer for like three years now and he doesn't want to be a sergeant, detective, lieutnenant, captain, or anything and is also completely happy making $35k+ a year. lack of career ambition doesn't make someone a bum and shouldn't influence the level of respect you feel for them as a person.

    i think this hit a sore spot... :D

    where in the hell is your friend a copper ?

  5. i do like someone with passion for what they do and the desire to do better but at the same time, i dont think i would hold it against someone if they never found their calling. maybe they will someday, maybe not. if they have all the other qualities you think are important, it is just one flaw. a big one but not something you cant get past. i dont think there is anything wrong with doing what you have to do to survive. i dont like my job but i do it & keep trying to find something better. if i stop working i will not be able to survive. unless youre parents are millionaires you should relate....


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