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Everything posted by orlandobreaks

  1. i just wanted ur attention. We must chat. I am not as bad as u think, just ask anyone///you just have to get to know me....we will chat at icey or whenever we see each other next, whether the wardon approves or not.
  2. posting times,,,,, knows jammy...... is angry at women...... hmm i still dunno.
  3. keep feeding tilly pilz and her anger will go away
  4. phuturemike gave some pilz to tilly......rollin rollin rollin.... snif snif raw rawk rawk
  5. tilly is a cool chick, lookin forward to a nice convo at icey. I need to meet some philly board headz though. I wonder why regs was kept a secret....I mean we knew she was going to move to ny. TO up the anti.....does she live in your building too?
  6. who is he, he is not me for sure.
  7. Last time I saw quoth he had a glass of wiskey and he saw a hot wiatress, so he told her how he wanted to show her his 7 inches of manmeat, however disgusting, this guy has no limits or boundries and has some funny shit even if its for chock value.
  8. my friend getting cancer. Getting hit by a mack truck and almost dying 2 weeks ago, car is a mess. loosing my ex gf to anger taking an eminem at cracktory and loosing all sense of reality
  9. And its not a soundfactory dolt, its someone with computer skilzz. Who are u alpha.
  10. I like him so much. Joeyg has a rodent in his avatar that is cuter than the suerel that pees smilie. Or is it a chipmunk. there he is peee left pee right
  11. scumfrog steven lee vs fortier at plant.... What to do......Oh did someone say both,,,,maybe but work calls.
  12. Oh Mugz, You know that girls always try to make you their bitch....especially........uh well, I am glad that things got better for a lot of people in the relationship department.
  13. MHO: Magazines are for the new upper middle class that want to stay up to the last 2 months on trends that do not have the time to research elsewhere. I do respect them as sheer entertainment though. sometimes I read Dj times, luomo', and mabye a wine related mag, womens wear D, cosmo for fun.
  14. It was great seeing you 3 times in one day, hehe:D
  15. good to see you all out last night, it was nice seeing a special guest that made her new home in this beautiful urinetown called Ny.
  16. NOw that I got your attention what was with the line and bullshit attitudes of the vinyl security. Same old shit. There are soem breaks tonight at Luahn though.
  17. Someone should ask Dave or Laine for this persons IP address to find out for all who it is. Is it some sound factory guido? Is it someone messing with me too? I do not know and I want to find out who it is.
  18. I hope you are kidding around. I soon will know who you are. If you are trying to harm Tilly, who I care about, I am going to hunt you down like bush on bin laden.
  19. I know you guys are out there help the underdogs of the board. Give advice, make comments. Marky Mark
  20. Haha, Mugz I pulled you out of the record box, hehe. I gues you didn't drinka thing. Joeyg and I are both drk, but he is way cuter hehe how can u mistake me for him. Joe does treat everyone like a respectful gentleman. An awsome girl will definately swipe him up soon im sure.
  21. Cause they dont want to help u move big guy......they want t9o crash on the couch......
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