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Everything posted by klubveteran

  1. today is the first day i ever opened this thread (sat march 1st 1pm) and i had plenty to look at. my observation is i wonder who is handling your PR? because i would cringe so bad if i worked for a club that writes posts from the actual name of the club (representing the staff) and you would engage in childlike arguements with people. yes some of the attacks by people are made very unfair because you havent opened as of yet. Maybe your doing these posts to create hype around your club and buzz. but but before the club opens i myself am questioning the level of professionalism there. if people started attacking MY club i would simply politely invite them over and tell them to make thier opinions AFTER they have visited the club. and look like the nice guy at all times. if they dont like our club i would have the " we are sorry to hear that" attitude STILL extend them an open invitation for them to try it again and maybe have them starting to enjoy it. did i make too much sense here? and while the attacks are straight down wrong. some of these people brought up good points. but like i said brush it off and turn right around and make them YOUR guest of honor see if they see the hard work you put in it. good luck I will be visiting you club sometime soon after it opens. If i like it i will praise it. If i dont like it i WILL NOT come on here or anywhere else and bash it. NMR
  2. funny how you twist the story to make what you want it to be. take it from an original staff member at Space. It wasnt exaclty how you portray it to be.and no i will not reveal personal and business decisions on a piblic message board.
  3. klubveteran


    milano i wasnt refering to the attitudes of the staff but the crowd. phony place buuuuut a nice looking phony place i can only take the "look at me im cool" crowd so much. im a big fan of space for the reason wear whatever and dance and shut up.
  4. klubveteran


    it depends what mood youre in very "south beach" like people said up top its a Nikki Beach and Delano type deal where everyone wants to be a celebrity. its cool only for a while. get ready for cocky attitudes and "are you looking at me?" deal
  5. that sound like that would happen. shroomy that "S" is history keep it well and preserve history for all of us. by the way i have a "SPIN" orange sign if you want to add your collection:laugh: I joked with some people i was going to get DJS to sign it and put it on ebay. If you want it PM me ill dontate it to the shroomy hall of clubs
  6. sgt FURY: shadow wouldnt have never been what it was without the pack of colombian hotties!!! every single one of them had lip job, boob job, and ass job, nose job.but hey it wasnt natural but it looked damn good:eek: we used to call the vip in the back "little colombia" lol
  7. yeah since Edgar brought up Taucher i was going to Mention that one:laugh: when we walked into work that night the club still hadnt opened and the waitresses came to me and said "there is a weirdo in a captain america outfit upstairs sitting by himself." "do u know who that guy is?" im like yeah thats the DJ for tonight Bizarre + the first rebirth are in the TRANCE HALL OF FAME the first time i heard bizarre i was like what the F*** that Night Taucher gave it t me on Vynl. i still have it
  8. oooooh i can imagine:eek: :eek: :eek: you guys had an apt in there with big screen tvs and couches and the ever popular "hi im one of the owners" line:laugh: hey. we had to settle for motel 6 there and we were damn happy for it!! read your pm's
  9. oh by the way: i didnt get the name Klubvetran by accident. I earned it ! so in that case for funny and embarassing stories of: 1) Biz Martinez type1 2) Louis Puig type 2 3)Oscar G + Ralph F type 3 4) Edgar V type 4 5)DJ Roland type 5 no way no way id ever sell out on my pals. besides they have more dirt on me than i do on them
  10. Mr Matas: Danny -is doing well. he is now a partner in a Club Just outside of Boston which is where he is originally from .and i keep in touch with him. the biggest news with him is that he is now a daddy Hassan- was one of the nicest guys in the biz and he joined shadow after he managed Chaos. He still lives on south beach and i see him all the time running his erands and grocery shopping and stuff. he is still bar/Gm at Nikki Beach........ Now for Dade!!!!!!!!............. maybe if you showed up to Spin for Acostas cd party and other nights you wouldve known who this is. you even replied once on her to me "yeah yeah i know ive been lame ill go next time" and never went:mad: anyway Ill PM you with my info so we keep in touch (if i figure out how the hell to PM someone) like i said THE BEST JUICY stories will remain .......... inside but here is a few. My best Shadow moment was (see if you remember this one Dade) we hosted a party for Hip Hop Mogul Russel Simons birthday and it was celebrity infested..... Oliver Stone, Cameron Diaz, Mariah Carey,RUN DMC, and im leaving some more out im sure.....well the point is they had this ultra exclusive table and i managed to wedge my way in. I Guess Mariah thought if i was in there was because i was some big shot. The REAL reason was i work there!!!so they cut Simmons birthday cake and Mariah starts feeding me cake and dancing and groping me all over and dirty dancing. I had to cut it short cuz i was afraid Dade or others would catch me and i get canned:laugh: then i remember saying this story on monday to my friends not lucky to get in and they didnt believe me or didnt want to. A CONFESSION TO DADE...... Dade we used that little storage room behind the marketing ofifce as our motel 6. at first only a few of us knew about it to use it.....then before you knew it i would go in there and i see barbacks and bartenders and bouncers getting friendly with our patrons i even saw little black sonny getting his freak on! and one Dade story........ Dade was more my type of owner he was a behind the scenes deal. not really a publicity whore. very hands on. so not many people knew he was an owner unless u knew him. so when the door was jammed outside of people aching to get in. I mean really busy those slammed bundled up pick me pick me type lines. Dade would ask us how we were doing (tipwise) then we would say not that good yet. he would say "ok" he stood in line as if he wanted to get in and it would go like this.... dade: "what is the cover today and how late are you open" us: "20 bucks open till 5 AM" DADE: "CAN I GET IN?" us: "GIVE US A SECOND" DADE "CAN I TAKE CARE OF YOU AND PAY THE COVER I REALLY WANNA GO IN AND HAVE A GOOD TIME" US: "SUUUUUURE" he would slap us a 50 and walk in we turn around give right back to him and everyone in line was emptying thier pockets. thanks for the xtra dough. keep the memories coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I can be sooo confident to say that NOBODY has more memorable Nights then ME at Shadow Lounge (except for Dade -OGMIAMI) on here !!!!! we were a family and for 3 years that i worked there (97-2000)it was one GIANT party;) and it was a stop for major celebrities back then. the staff got along so well we remain friends and in contact still today. *** the best stories are left untold**** some i would say and it would sound made up:D hmmm ShadoW
  12. :eek: :eek: wouldnt it be nice to have Edgar there once a month .. cough cough Tony Guerra.......
  13. good answer Eddy. he is not taking away credit from the people who made it happen he is one of the host here and has been promoting that place harder than anyone ive seen:eek: and he is a sexy bitch:laugh: ill call you Ed.
  14. you too huh :laugh: Im not a track id whore but i know a good song when i hear one. and what i was hearing was sick (even more than usual for Edgar) one time he played some kick a$$ song and the nitrogen went off and the horn and it brought back memories. I shed tears for real. he needs a sponsorship from KLEENEX to wipe alway those nostalgic tears:rock:
  15. yeah sunny teaches at a Catholic school so let all the priests jokes start:laugh: i would e mail them to her but she just sent me an e mail with the domain of the school so she told me to watch out:nono: she is at work Meli. she has a computer in the classroom when shes not teaching she e mails her buddies and posts on clubplanet:laugh: times have changed when i was in elementary we had a dusty typewriter
  16. I would hate to see Crobar go. It is probably the best nightclub around when you factor in all the elements. It is nice decor, still has a better crowd than other clubs (like level space) thier Dj bookings have slid a little but thats not thier main focal point as much as it is to Space. they added long time great promoter Tony Guerra (from bash, the forge and Opium) he knows the good Miami crowd and i hope they stick around for a while. Miami needs them. its till pretty funky and more edgy than others CROBAR dont go! give us more and the NYC venue might help the overall "Crobar corporation"
  17. Ralph is the guest bathroom attendant that night. and yes saleen nuke France !!!!1
  18. if you are serious you get the jerk of the year award. after what happend this week in two different cities all they wanna do is assure the safety of humans including YOURSELF! you probably think checking your bags at the airport sucks too:rolleyes:
  19. when i go to FtLaud i feel like i have driven more than just 20 minutes. it feels like another state. its a good change up but you are right they are soooooo far behind. People on here always say that FT L is on the rise? ok sure:rolleyes: never heard wendel. too bad for the vibe. Dave ralph at crobar rocked it pretty good. and next week Edgar V is there:eek: Just say no to fT lAUD:nono:
  20. aaaaaaaaaaw man i dont believe u gotta have a source somewhere ....or you should be capitalizing better on all that knowledge:D
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