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Everything posted by klubveteran

  1. If he had a contract and it wasnt what he had agreed to he is in every right to bow out.
  2. theres no need for that. it wasnt funny. and youre being a jerk
  3. Eddy you got more surprises in your bag i hear hmmmmm
  4. :laugh: Espacio taking credit away from Space for an incredible lineup of global talent wether you like trance or house (they filled both tastes) is simply dumb. hats off to Space. but booking the best DJS in the world isnt enough for people. NOT including the best residents of Roland Oscar G Edgar v and im not even throwing in Bellini who pretty much got that terrace thing going in the first place. I remember when the terrace was used solely to get fresh air and get a break. people bash him but he still rocks it. i dont know:rolleyes:
  5. Space CAN get into a club and throw flyers around. Space WONT go into another club and throw flyers out Space doesnt NEED to go to another club to throw flyers out
  6. and you admit this?? you DONT ever go into another club and give or throw flyers to another place. and then you talk about Space not having class or respect. wow:confused:
  7. DANNY TENAGLIA @SPACE everytime you ask this question theres your answer. i wouldnt make the number of gigs a dj has to how good he is. think DT couldnt get another gig or two if he wanted? every DJ in the world goes by that Party and most if not ALL will say thats "theee" party of the WMC
  8. do one out of the 400 pics show you getting banned from Space 34? :laugh:
  9. yes its true on that day (PVD) and ive seen it happen before with off duty cops securing the door/street. the people above who said to get their names are right. next time just do that. but if they have buddies high in the ranks of thier force they might not do anything anyway.worth a try
  10. come Edgar Its WMC..... put the pedal to the floor!
  11. Release yourself party @Maze w/Roger Sanchez :eek: :eek:
  12. good review. you always seem to have a fair, open and honest point
  13. man if this is ever an example of riding on the success of Space and hoping to get people in who go to Space or get tired of waiting in line......THIs IS IT! they should give Space a % of thier revenue simple stats: (ready) Fuel nightclub Exile Living room .....all tried and failed neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext:blown:
  14. close. im surprised they didnt think of that one. we were at Bongos. its a comedy hour there. then on the ride we heard every freestlye song ever made. we were so 1986 sat. but yeah we will do it again.
  15. Danny T's party is by far the best party year after year in the WMC. its like the must be event if any. but..... yea i dont like the politcal statements. and DT being from NY and 9/11 come on! hollywood actors and musicians are always making theeee dumbest political statements on the air. if not just keep an eye on the Oscars. Every dork will go up there and say the worst things and make you cringe. DT just rock Space. i bet whatever in his speeches he will have some war comments.
  16. I hope you brought back some good Portugese wine you bastard. while you were gone i was hijacked by Ralph and your brother on a time machine back to 1986. they made me listen to "the best of freestyle" all night and we ended up in the most obscure places. ill e mail you later with more details
  17. give credit when credit is due. this time you are right on the money! Ralph F and Jimmy T are the next big djs here (along with of course stryke) but them being at Rain in the upcoming summer months would suck with the heat, "rain", and humidity. ive forwarded this to the maze gang see if they can pull the punch;) a nice big club with A/C and a good soundsystem and then the fit is nicer. last night i was just hanging at a friends house on SOBE not even dressed to go in anywhere. but i drove by Crobar and the line outside was a mob.and had friends reprt to me as laliuz said that Sky Bar was a zoo.
  18. "the risk that somehow inaction will make the world safer is a risk I am not willing to take" -George W Bush in his primetime news conference on Iraq. we need to wipe these guys out. and at the same time we are STILL fighting the war on terror as we saw them catch the 3rd biggest Al Queda member. Osama is next. htese guys dont nderstand PEACE. nobody likes war but sometimes we have to have war to make the world better after.
  19. no that would be way too obvious and easy. i know! Its the age (34) when owner Louis was last in a cheerful joking mood (some 8 years ago): hence the tribute:D where do i claim my prize??
  20. klubveteran


    oh really Espacio? you are a big Oscar g fan all of a sudden now.hmm thats funny. I guess you got into Oscars music from hanging out at Score all night. and as far as Roland this guys days are best behind him. sure he is good now. but nothing beats when the Roly-nator used to drop monster sets at Mad Jacks in Miami Lakes and at Bar 609. Bar 609 is in the club hall of fame!!
  21. klubveteran

    Check It Out

    Ill bump this up to the top and at the same time wish you all the luck and succes this wmc OGMIAMI. its a massive lineup. the only negative about wmc. is sooooo many damn things to do in such a short period of time
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