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Posts posted by alivak

  1. Oh Sassa you never stop. How do consider this to be a puppet government...and are things really that bad for you. You seem to be enjoying your first amendment rights here...that evil patriot act hasnt really effected anything you do personally...miranda laws are intact, you're not thrown in jail for trashing Bush and the country... you're eating, drinking, doing whatever you want. So tell me, how is it that you are suffering here, how scary is this free country when people like yourself can dissent and yap non-stop. Again, if it is so bad, go where it you will live happier, why suffer here. 250 million people seem to be ok, we all go through tough time, but saying how much worse can it get is adsurd. You dont have to like Bush, but there is still way more good in this country then bad.

    I assume you are going to give me the rolling eyes for this one ;)

  2. actually i wasnt being sarcastic, i was trying to undertand how i can show something that didnt happen. Sorry if u took it the wrong way.

    If you're talking about the last sentence, i was joking but i guess you cant really pick up on that through postings. PM if u want to with the whatever you have, thats fine.

  3. Proof what? tell me how do u prove someone was not missing? Simple question - now answer it. I am going by what happened in this country's history and what is known, i am not reaching for the moon trying to create something that isnt there.

    Name you're sources - avoiding that one again, proof me wrong. Show us this wealth of knowedge and wordly experience that you possess. Teach me oh great one.

  4. Sassa - quick question - how do u prove someone DIDNT disappear. Enough with your bullshit sources, they mean nothing and its very easy to say i have sources. Who the are you're sources, name them. Stop hiding behind them. My sources told me no disapeared. Does that make it more credible?

    MaCarthyism was a witchhunt for commies in which people were put through congressional hearinga, this wasnt Stalins russia. Get over your conspiracy theories..its nonsense.

  5. Did you read the response you wrote to my initial post?

    There was nothing insulting or offensive in what i wrote at first, you dont have to agree with it, and intially what you wrote was fine...but then u went your usual way and decided to say something completely baseless and idiotic. This is not a one way street here. I am more then willing to discuss and have give and take, but you like to instigate..so learn to take it.

    what is a self-called republican? its stupid terms like that, that make absolutely no sense and piss people off. Now who is on a high horse

  6. nobody disappeared because people thought they were communists, there were military personnel and people in the media who were questioned in the 50's because of their feared support of communism. As terrible as that was, no one disappeared..people did disappear in communist countries

  7. Sassa my illiterate friend,

    I brought up Clinton because of things Bush was being blamed for that started long before he came into office. It is quite clear that besides being obnoxious, insulting, you're also iliterate or you would have seen that in my answer. If you're looking for a fight, you wont get one, i dont waste my time on stuck up borish bitches like yourselfl. So read before you yap.

    What does my degree have anything to do with this? I can see why your so loved here, considering i wasnt even talking to you. Go shave that mustache and post 10,000 more articles, or better yet, get a life

  8. you're wacked.

    He didnt take over two countries, he retaliated by going into Afgan after we were attacked on 9/11, and we only have something like 7,000 troops left there.

    Since when is the president in charge of anthrax investigations?

    Clinton presided over the greatest intelligence failure in this country's history by doing nothing after the first World Trade Center bombing, the Cole bombing, the Kohbar Towers, etc. All he did was send a scud into Sudan while getting a blow job in the office.

    He didnt execute a federal prisioner, the law was signed by Clinton in '96, it was just that by time the guy made his way through the system, bush was in office. Remember, Clinton was for the death penalty and executed a guy in 1992 during the campaign who had a labatomy.

    Homeland security, i believe all your lefties passed it with flying colors, in fact, bush held out until he realised that his only option was to veto the bill...and who wants to do that after an attack like we had.

    Get your shit straight, i can on and on about this nonsense.

  9. you said it yourself, Russia is a mafia state, putting politics aside for a sec, the US is not. I cannot see the comparison between the two. I know you feel that we are corrupt and money definitely has corrupted our political system...both parties, the Clintons raised money by the boat load from as far away as China..and bush is doing as well. However, we are still a lawful society run by institutions who are held accountable (to some extent..to say the least). We are not an organized mafia (again do not look this in a partisan way) that is holding the country hostage.

    Its is indeed very sad what has happened in Russia because it is a beautiful country with the most natural resources of any land...intellectuals who are being held down by the government even after the fall of communism. It will take time, but in the end i can see democracy working there. You cannot change 75 years of repressive ideology where the government stole, murdered and supressed the people and expect them to change overnight. It all takes time.

  10. we do not live in a police state, you have no idea what it is like to live in one. Dislike or hatred for John Ashcroft or the governement, Patriot Act, etc. does not make this a police state. In a police state you would not be able to post half the stuff that you do, just as an example. Forget about speaking negatively against the govt or leaders. You have that ability here, you have the power to protest and live free as u choose

    Sassa, I hear ya, my whole point was really just a rant/observation. To compare the old kremlin to Washington in terms of corruption is a huge stretch and i think you know that. I mean the KGB and the secret police. I know we have issues, but nothing like that.

    BTW, nice to see this being a civil discussion.

  11. yea she is definitely a unique character. Forget talking about anything that she disagrees with because then it becomes a food fight.

    Ralph Peters has been great pointing out what accomplishments we have had in the middle east compared to the way mainstream media protrarys it. His best example is the "Arab Street" - how all the pundits said it was going to explode once we went into Iraq and how none of it became true.

  12. sassa, for someone who begs people to stay on topic, you dont seem to say much, other then bullshit taunts.

    BTW - anything is reputable if u want to believe it. Someone posted here the other day that that the bush family was part of the nazi party - I am sure it was from a reputable sources as well.

  13. raver mania - absolutely right, they are two separate topics, but i didnt really get into it with Israel, and do not want to. I was trying to mention keep it on the US., used Arafat to make a point about the way we look at our leaders compared to some terrorist on the outside who gets more favorable treatment.

    I do not want a police state - came from one. Big difference between protest and power to change a state and what goes on here. this is just plain bashing, very partisan and very mean. Didnt work for the right when clinton was in power, not going to work for the left with bush.

  14. sassa, i am picking up on the fact that no one responds to your comments, stop saying stick to the topic - u only have one topic, anything and everything that has to do LECTURING us on how bad this country is. By the way, those editorial cartoons, or whatever they are - quite old - try something new

  15. I recently started reading the posts here and i noticed that 90% trash the United States, i wont even go near the Israeli bashing. I know its done by a few people not everyone, but its really aggrivating especially when you see the hypocracy involved. Lets start with the anti-war movement.

    We saw the streets in NY, DC, and London, etc with peaceniks all yapping against bush and blair. Where we these guys when other countries were being invaded. Where were the peace protests when Russia went into Afgan in 1980 - for no reason other then to turn that country into a communist state. At least we were attacked. Where we the peaceniks who marched during Vietnam and still march today whe Soviet Russia went in to the Hungry and Czech Republic and massacred thousands. We saw no one marching on Moscow. How about Iraq invading Iran, did anyone protest that? Or when they invaded Kuwait. Did anyone them become human sheilds for the Kuwiati people? Where are all these peaceniks who yap and yap about the US when others are the aggressors? Can u imagina a protest in the middle of Moscow during Stalin or Kruschev, these people would have been slaughtered. You think Hussein would have allowed a peace protest...you would have ended up in one of those mass graves. However, as soon as the US does something, all hell breaks loose. Its funny what freedom allows you do to. Go protest in China or North Korea, get the hell out of here if you are so concerned.

    Then you go around posting artlices and trashing this country like its a sport. All you see here are people trashing this land. We are far from perfect, but why not mention human rights abuses elsewhere like in North Korea where people starve everyday, or the middle east where women are treated like 3rd class citizens. You think the Patriot Act is bad, go to Saudi Arabia and say something about their government - see how quickly they hand you your nuts on a platter. You guys harp on the same crap every day. There are leaders in Africa, Southeast Asia and the middle east who have more blood on their hands then all US presidents combined. Post those articles. dont be hypocrates. You treat Arafat a known terrorist who even had a US diplomat killed in Jordon in the 70's not to mention the olympic massacre, better then your own leaders here. Its pathetic.

    The worst part is naturally i am going to be told that i am wrong, yadda yadda. For a group that supposedly believes in tolerance and acceptance - you're neither tolerant nor accepting of other views. You are always right and the other side is either stupid or ignorant. If that's the case, and you are always right, then you should not be on Clubplanet, but solving world problems. Quoting the Guardian - British verision of the NY Post (except for the opposite view) does not prove a point.

    there are legitmate issues in the US that can be reasonable discussed, by posting 20 articles a day trashing this country is not one of them. The great thing about this land is that there are open borders - based on the anger and venom that is spewed here - why dont you just leave. there is nothing good that is said here or even offered. Its Bush this, Zionists that, America sucks. Grow the fuck up or get the hell out.

    I am not addressing this to anyone in particular, just a rant based on an observation.

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