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Everything posted by alivak

  1. at it again I see, 10 articles from reputable sources such as the guardian. Do u realize how redudant you sound. Why not post something that doesnt make u look like a complete partisan wack job. Another US war crime? where was the first? this crap? Honestly, get over it. Bush is in power, blair is in power, sharon is in power. Live with it. I can see y no responds to you.
  2. nice to see some russian lingo...where did u stay when in Russia
  3. sorry, i mis-typed. I meant to say that reading Karl Marx does not make u an expert.
  4. If u dont care what anyone else thinks, then stop posting since...it doesnt matter what we think. Skince55: You're right, i was actually just bringing up a point, until i was told that i was practically an idiot for what i said. However i have dealt with people much worse then Sassa, she is harmless and is only looking for attention about she cares about. Of course that completely contradicts her statement about not caring about what others think. Oh and Sassa, when i said i was in Russia, i was there in the 70's when it was communist rule, not on a school break or there for a year after communism fell. I was born when Breshnev was President and people were still disappearing for no reason. Dont patronize me and tell what mob rule it has become. U know jack shit about russia and communism - reading Karl Marx does make u an expert.
  5. Sassa, you make yourself out to be more then you are. Once you get over that, then you can have normal conversations. You really are not that impressive as you would like to think. If you would like to get back to a topic, stop listing 15 of them and going off on people who dare to question your opinion or views. And your replies are so predictable. let me guess, your gonna roll your eyes at me....again....well let me do it for u. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: and then u will tell me how stupid i am and the that all zionists are pigs for slaughtering innocent arabs and muslims, and the US is a the great imperialist that must be brought down. and your "sources" and "experiences" make you believe that only you are correct and no one else. This is why no one takes u seriously.
  6. yea...you're not condescending or anything...the more u yap, the sillier you sound. Just keep posting your articles that you think will change the world but that make u look like a complete wack job and just keep quiet. U are the last person i need to prove anything to. I am secure within myself and dont need to change or prove anything to anyone...unlike yourself who is always trying to proof something. Its 10 AM have you posted your 15 articles against Israel and the US yet? I started this because of an observation, but u obviously need the last word so go ahead. I am not going to sit and respond to you. Obviously you need a life or else you would not have over 10,000 posts on a party site and there is no way i can keep up with you. So i will see u sometime on TV getting your head cracked by a cop during a WTO protest or some other anarchist riots that are staged a couple of times a year. Have fun. Oh and yes, my degrees means shit, my life experience means something, and no anti-everything egotistical ass who thinks she has "sources" and who knows everything can change that. Dont bother responding cause i can care less what u have to say. Just have you bitch brawls with Igloo and everyone else who you have managed to piss off here.
  7. U just provide my whole point...and this is why its impossible to talk to people like you. I wasnt projecting one, i was giving an example of what you do so well. You just gave an "i know everything about russia, israel and the world" answer. You roll your eyes, classy move...and your very easily aggrivated, you dont need a live conversation to experience that. I wrote what i wrote, i am not going to debate with someone that know everything about everything, i am not going to get into i know more then you bullshit argument. I have my sources as well, its called Life, not what someone told me and what i heard. I am very secure within my self and what i know. I dont need to prove anything all the time. You are always trying to prove something, and everyone is always wrong but you. Its an amazing thing to watch and read. Because for someone who is as smart as you are, you lose credibility really quick when you do that, and everything gets lost in the screaming. And yes i am all for defense of a nation and people. 100%
  8. i missed your last sentence, and I apologize for sterotyping you. I just read in one of your posts that you were in Israel or lived there, not sure. Again, sorry.
  9. actually i am a good judge of what right and wrong - and i am sorry to say that you do not have a monoploy on that issue. Dont you hate it when people give you that holier then thou routine . Sound familiar? cause that is all you do in your arguements. So basically you are saying that Zionists are too blame because they stick with their people and support the land and religion, but Arabs and Muslims who could care less about the Palestinians except for their mutual hatred of Israel get no blame whatsoever. Nice one. Thank God they have billions because there would be no Israel if it wasnt for that. Saudi's and all the those kingdoms have 10x the amount and do squat for these people, palestinians are considered rats to them. And again, this is somehow the Zionists fault. Coming from mother Russian taught me a lesson of what it is like being communist and rule and life in a dictatorship. That is why i can appreciate the freedom I have now, unlike some people who take it for granted and bitch about what they dont have instead of what they do have.
  10. I came in 1979 and do live in NYC. I came from Lvov, its now Lvev. Thats where they had that tragic air show crash last year when a plane flew into a crowd and killed about 100 people
  11. sassa, I dont know who u are, or what your cause is. I dont post much, but do read a bit of whats written here. I got two degrees and consider myself somewhat informed. I have a law degree from one of the most liberal universities in America where debating was fun, sometimes out of control. It always is when different points of view are discussed I must say however that you are absolutely amazing when it comes to your writings or posting of articles from various organizations. I cannot figure out why you would post your rants on clubplanet, you should be posting on takebackthemedia.com which believes that Bush and his family are Nazis, or post on moveon.org which is also quite "progressive" because you have absolutely no place in the mainstream. For example, 20 Israel's were slaughtered and u find no fault with the bomber but blame Israeli occupation. You compare Israel retaliating and killing leaders of Hamas and razing homes of suicide bombers as the equivalent of a bus bombing of innocent civilians. I read how you mentioned you are from Israel, either you are self-hating Jew and there are many of them, or an Israeli Arab which would explain a lot. Your hatred for anything dealing with the right is so transparent its not worth responding too. You are no better then Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell were when Clinton was in office and they accussed him of rape and murder. Its clear your intelligent but your rants and constant posting of the same crap makes it very hard to take anything you say seriously. Also, I am from Communist Russia, came here when I was young and no matter who is in office, or what the situation is...this will always be the best country in the world. It is the only place that allows you to do what you want and how you want it. You trash this government and country out of complete ignorance. You have no idea what it is like to live under a dictatorship or similar regimes. No education from any school can tell you otherwise. There is nothing close in comparison. This by far is the greatest nation. Oh and one last thing, don't ever think you know more then anyone else...because what you have written, its obvious that you dont. Alex
  12. How can u say our troops are not courageous? These soldiers volunteered to serve and protect this country so idiots like u can say something so stupid. They are not drafted like they are in Iraq or North Korea, they willingly go and fight our battles so we can live free. U dont have to agree with the war or the President, but how in your right mind can u say "courageous my ass" when it comes to our soldiers
  13. Arc is much better then SF. The new system/sound is amazing, definitely the best in the city and crowd is much better then SF. I'm actually going to Space to see PVD spin, first time down there.
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