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Posts posted by jennijugs

  1. [

    Nicest Person On The Board - Female and Male

    The award is being presented by... Sophia Lauren and Robert DeNiro!

    And the winners are... Dknybabe, LatinaZ, Neena and Sticky

    [Best Tits

    The award is being presented by... Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee!

    And the winner is... JenniJugs would be the obvious choice, but Doubledeuce is the most popular choice. Personally I’ve never seen Doubledeuce, so I’m not sure. I think we should have a wet t-shirt contest to determine the winner. What do you think ladies?

    Best Ass

    The award is being presented by... Jennifer Lopez!

    And the winner is... Vera @ Lookers, no she is not on the board but damnnn thats some ass!

    Best Smile

    The award is being presented by... Britney Spears!

    And the winner is... Mystify82281

    Tang Coordinator of The Year

    The award is being presented by... Jenna Jameson!

    And the winner is... Stardo

    these awards were all very well desrved !!! .. I think me and the other Jenny can accept a tie !!! :D :D :D I would like to thank my mothe rand grandmother for blessing me with what won me this fabulous award !!! I would also like to thank Pitech and all the other dirty old men in the smack down hotel in seaside for making me realize how to use them when i was young and impressionable ;) I would like to thank god and all my fans :D

  2. Sticky

    Of course we are still friends !!! dummy .. no that we are both carless ... it is going to be a lot harder to see each other .... maybe i can take a cab !!! :D

    Stardo :

    I got mine done over the summer in Paterson .. very cheap $280 but not good quality .. there is a place in Bayonne that does um really good i will get you the ## and pm you later ...

  3. Originally posted by laliux

    I've seen her rack from a foot distance and at the time they were like a C cup. :eek:

    I think Jennijugs has better looking melons. :D

    Awwwww ..thanks ;) ;) ..... but britney is my girl !!!

  4. Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

    Every person on this board has a story, many of which probably don't match yours as far as situation and socialization are concerned. For a few, this board really is all they've got.. I've met a few that turned here when the framework of their lives changed so drastically that they really didn't have anywhere else to go. One should take that into account before throwing the standard 'its just a messageboard' into the mix.

    I find it funny that this argument is given every time someone speaks out against drama. Cuz when you really think about it, thats what this little thread is about. Drama, the acts of belittling other human beings. Yeah, one could say its all in good fun, but whats good fun to one person, aint necessarily good fun to another. Tell you the truth, the drama that I've read on this board since New Years, and boy oh boy has their been alot of it, has quite frankly been piss poor as far as wittiness and execution.

    Drama with a flair for entertainment is funny, the base shit I see floating around the Drama board, this board and New York is just lame. No wit, no flair, no nothing. Add the Jersey people into the mix and it becomes a sign of the apocalypse. That breeds bad sentiment , but I digress..

    Just because YOU have an outlet and a life that adheres to the 'standard issue mentality' doesn't mean that everyone else does. And for you to stand there and point the finger and say 'waa waa, get over it' is to prove to the world that you have no desire to try to understand where other people are coming from. Yeah, thats your right, but highschool ended years ago for most of us and one could make the case that.. even with a message board.. one should at least make the effort to look a bit deeper.

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    I totally agree ... people start drama... say things about someones personal life or appearnce or what have you and when that person comes back to defend themselves they get that " its just a message board .. dont take it sooo seriously " .... i hate that shit !

  5. will you just grow up already .. i thought this shit ended a week ago .... GET OVER IT !!!!!!

    Originally posted by somebitch

    a doll, a sweetheart & a stalker :worry:

    hrm sounds a little odd to me but i guess anythign is possible.

  6. Thank you soooooooo much for all the B-day shots @ Cherri .. Carguy and Caruch I will try and make it to Taste Sat ...

    As for me disappearing the last thing I remember is Stardo being my Fairy Godmother and me looking in the mirror thinking " I gotto get outta here b4 someone sees me " lol !!!!!!

    I have pics but i am retarded and cant post them ... Notallthere help !:D:confused:

  7. i read everyboard just b/c i dont post doesnt mean i dont read it .. she is the one who brought to the sex board

    Originally posted by phatman

    ...eh he he ...you said boobers..


    ...this is some typical jersey style drama shit...should be kept to drama or nj for that matter...no offense jenni, but what are you doin on this board if youre never on it?...you're only perpetuating what you yourself have stated is ridiculous...so let it go and move on...or post a picture of your god damn BOOBIES...;)

    ...and how did you know spragga is pathetic?...are you friends with him?...are you really gabo?...

  8. your right i should have looked into why the argument btwn you and mistify started .. but i didnt b/c i couldnt imagine her just snapping at anyone ... anyway lets just truce ... it was really stupid anyway .. and tonight is my b-day party and i wanna have a good night :D

  9. i know what your saying ... but we had our argument ... and the next morning there were like 5 threads with my name on .. with them trying to put me down..

    they really really dont bother me... i just think they are being really immature

    Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Its the internet...don't take it to heart

    I get busted on all the time by people like rizzo and zlatang and to be honest, I don't give a fuck. rizzo is in a league of his own how he just completely rips people apart (whoever he may be)......I just fire back.

    Its really not worth getting worked up over. In person people are different.

    Another example.......the battles between me and ibclubbin would get ultra personal to the point where when I saw him at SF, I was ready to knock him out if he said somethin out of line......and I egged it on just to get an excuse. But later on he came up to me, said 'whats up, I'm sorry, lets end it' and everything was cool..........

    Its just the internet......don't take little cutdowns personally

  10. HMMM .. not in my opionon .. her and JohnHolmes blatanly verbally attacked me ... i was just defending a friend and they took it to the next level ... about my job, my intelligence, my looks ...etc.. things that nice people wouldnt go and attack .. mature and nice people would stick to the topic at hand . And they just kept going on and on and on and still are .... that doesnt sound like a nice girl to me

  11. somebitch : do you get any more pathetic .. this whole little thing must of been the most excitment youve gotten in a long time b/c you dont let it end


    :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown:

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