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Posts posted by elitesnautica

  1. So have you found the guy that gave you herpies??? Once you have contracted the herpies virus it is extremely hard to supress, especially in times of stress. And yes that are extremely painful and make you feel like shit all over - that is due to your body trying to fight off the virus.

    You will actually never git rid of the virus. It will go into remission and when your immune system is low it will once again pop back up.

    The best was to keep them from popping up is practacing safe sex and never contracting the disease. But, before you get to mad at your boyfriend - it could have just as easily came from your mother when she kissed you good night or a multitude of other non sexual contacts.


  2. I truly appreciate the fact that you hung around long enough to at least reply. But, you need to understand where we are coming from. You have absolutely no contribution to this board what so ever. Then you come on hear and tell us you will be our board hero and help those in need. For a small fee of course.

    So you not a salesman. You have actually had an invention to help those who are balding. Here is your chance to tell us about your product. Don't point us to your site. We are ignorant, we need your help. We want you to explain it to us like we are in 1st grade. No copy and paste. Start from the begining tell us about your product.

    Then we will ask questions as needed.



  3. Do you idiots that spam, even take the time to come back to the site and defend or explain your product??? If so, here is your chance. If not, then good bye. And dont give me a site to goto. Your a grown adult and are selling the product. So you should be able to explain and defend the product in your own words.

    If not, then you need to find another line of work. A good salesman believes and understands the product they are selling. Show us if you are a good salesman.


  4. Any time you eat fiber, this will happen. Humans much like many other mammals can NOT properly digest fiber. In order to digest fiber humans have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in our digestive tract. These bacteria digest the cellulose in order for our system to be able to absorb the nutrients.

    The biproduct of the bacteria's digestion of cellulose (fiber) is methane. The natural flora mentioned above is bacteria (mostly E coli) the numbers of these will grow with increased intake of fiber - but the methane will still be a biproduct - there will only be more bacteria to create the methane.

    As far as soaking beans or other methods it does not neccessarily work. Obviously the more digested the fiber is before it reaches the digestive tract, the less the bacteria will have to digest, therefore, the biproduct will be less.

    If you females would quit worrying about your boyfriends hearing you FART, then you could let the gas out and bloating would not be an issue.

    Good luck


  5. i tried the ephedra diet pills before and didnt see any particular loss of weight. if anything it gave me the energy to run and workout for days but i found myself hurting myself lifting more often then not. maybe it was poor form or lack of thought when lifting..not sure. I also didnt sleep for crap when I was on those.

    Of course i had an undiagnosed heart condition (along with hypertension apparently from this condition) and could have killed myself with ephedra.

    The general consensus ive always heard if they are useless...they just prey on the fat americans needs for a weight loss pill they can take while they drink a 6 pack of beer and eat a dozen doughnuts while waiting for the fat to disappear.

    Notice I said only 3%. And of course everyone should have thorough check ups, especially if they are going to change up their diet, workout routine, ect....

  6. No need. Ephedra only increased metabolism 3%, but the crash afterwards would put the weight back on, plus some. The other supplements do not even compare to the effects of ephedra.

    Concentrate on diet/exercise.

    Unless, of course, you want to take the DNP, plunge.


  7. What has been said above is correct.

    But, it is even more simple than that. The human body (Or any bilaterally symetrical body planned organism) has the "desire" or need to be symetrical to a certain degree. Millions of years of evolution have favored bilateral symmetry. So, lets say a person only does left arm bicep curls. What will happen is that the left arm will not grow as much as it should, but at the same time the right arm will get signals to grow - so as to maintain a certain body symmetry.

    The same goes for lower vs. upper body. If you want a large upper body, you must also work legs - PERIOD.


  8. I will refer back to my orginal statement. You can read articles and books that give fancy calculations for how many grams will be absorbed by each person. But, lets try an experiment. Do the calculation, then find out how much your body absorbed, then find out how much your buddy absorbed, then do the test after a workout, then do the test after a meal, then do it first thing in the morning, then do it after starvation, then do it after being full.

    I think you get my point. Your body will take in what it needs, depending on your genetics, depending on your intake of other foods, depending on your current training, ect........ I could go on with 1000's of variables.

    Just use a little common sense and remember - the worst thing that could happen if you take in too much protein is that you shit it out. In other words if you are trying to bulk, load up and don't worry about it unless you start putting on fat - then you can cut back a bit.



  9. You will have to give us more info than that. Is it a loss of voice or is it a slurr of speech. This diagnoses could be anywhere from simple laryngitis (swollen larnyx) to nuerolical diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

    Other words, this is not the place. If the doc did not seem concerned, don't worry yourself. Get the proper test, such as MRI, CAT scans, Neurological, ect... and go from there. But, don't worry yourself or your dad until you know there is something to worry about.

    Keep us up to date, and if you have any more info, let us know - then maybe we could give you some more info.



  10. If a man did chest exercises would he get "boobs". I think not. The more weight women loose (especially, when cutting for a contest) the more of their breast tissue or fat they will loose. Some still want to have somewhat of a femine physique, so they have breast implants.

    And btw, men also will have "breast" implants. But, they are solid silicon, which goes under the muscles to make the pecs look larger.


  11. All foods taken in, whether it be protein or carbs are completely broken down by the body. The body then will use things such as amino acids to rebuild and/or repair muscles in the body. If you take in to much of anything the body has the ability to then store it as fat.

    As far as protein absorbtion and how much one can take in. It is totally different for every individual and their individual circumstances. If the body needs it, it will utilize it, if not, if will be flushed or converted to fat.


  12. its all about the omega3 fatty acids. I DONT eat fish in my diet..so figured id add this because of it.

    those multi's are good. i dont know anything about womans diets\needs but i would think women should take a calcium supplement unless they drink loads of milk (which i personally think is liquid fat with a little calcium in it). u might wannt hit up the doc and chat with a nutrionalist to get some ideas fit for your body instead of the general 'whats good for a woman' info

    I agree with you about the milk thing. If you do use milk to get your calcium from, drink skim milk. There are plenty of other sources of calcium. Green leafy veggies are load with calcium, lots of drinks are now fortified with calcium and of course supplements. If your diet is good and includes a wide variety of foods, you should not need to take a whole lot of additoinal calcium. And make sure you are also getting vit D, or the calium will not be utilized by the body (You body can produce enough vit D for calcium absorbtion, so long as you get 15-20 minutes in the sun).


  13. what does FISH OIL do for you? i keep hearing people taking them. vitamin wise i currently take gnc womens ultra mega

    Like mentioned above it contains Omega 3 Fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids in that the body can not produce them to the extent needed. So, a person must take these in from an external source. Salmon is the best if you like fish. But, if you dont eat fish like gamb, then the fish oil or flaxseed oil is the next best thing.

    These are extremely important for overall physical and mental health and are underestimated in the dieting world. They are also CIS unsaturated fatty acids, which will bind with trans fats as well as saturated fats (to some extent) inside the body and help remove them. Hence, fat reduction, trigliceride reduction and it will also help lower the bad chlorest and improve the good.


  14. did you have to go back to school to take some prerequisites?? i really wanna take the mcats and apply, but i still need to take some pre req classes...ive been very hesitant lately

    Yes, there are prereqs. These are the major areas which are required.

    1 year physics]

    1 year chem

    1 year organic

    9 hours of biology

    But, in my situation, I graduated in 94 with a business degree and had a 2 point GPA. Most med schools require a GPA of a 3 point to get in.

    So what I have done is in 3 years: I completed 126 hours and recieved a biology degree. AND most importantly carried a 4 point so that my orginal 2 point could be averaged out to a 3 point, in order to meet the minimum. Then of course, when I applied I explained to them that the 2 point was from 1994 so they basically over looked it.

    The other requirement is of course the MCAT, which is not as bad as most say.

    If anybody is hesitant about doing this, I say go for it. It can be done if you put your mind to it. I was in the Real Estate investment business and during this 3 years I was also working and selling off assets. Oh, and did I mention that I am 33 and have a wife and 3 children.


  15. Just wanted to let everybody know that I just recieved my acceptance letter to medical school today. I have been away from the boards abit lately, traveling to different schools for interviews and trying to finish up this last semester of school.

    But, now things should slow down a bit for me (at least until august) so I will have more time for the boards.


  16. My one friend swears by vitamin C, never tried it though....yea greasy food ALWAYS hits the spot....

    He swears by vitamin C b/c it is an antioxidant, which ties up free radicals. The problem is that it is not the free radicles that are causing the pain, but it would not hurt to start the recovery process. And Vit C is only 1 of a thousand antioxidants, and you will most likely be getting that with the juices you drink in the am.


  17. In order of most effective to least

    1) Pedialite

    2) V-8

    3) Tomatoe Juice

    4) Gatorade

    5) Water

    These will help restore the electrolite imbalance caused by dehydration. Obviously the sooner in the night you start replinishing with these liquids the better off you will be.

    In addition, advil or tylenol but not neccessarily healthy.

    I have actually started sticking to Beer and tomatoe juice (or V8) when i go out, so I have not had a hang over in a long time.

    If the hangover is really intense and you do not have anything to do that day, then you might consider a vicondin, it will clear that hangover right up, especially if you mix it with a bloodymary. Another non healthy choice but it is guaranteed.


  18. I thought spot training is like a gym's urban myth?

    Anyway...I find circuit training more ideal for me. I think men find it difficult at first because they're so into that "spot training" that they forget about endurance.

    And Kev..yea, Curves is based on circuit. Although, I'm not sure how effective it is, since the maximum workout is 45 minutes (( or something close to that )). :confused:

    What in the hell are you talking about. "spot training" is an urban myth??? You must explain.


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