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Posts posted by candeo

  1. Glad you all had a great time at The Edge! Yeah, their drinks are the bizzomb. I've learned to get a rum and coke with an extra coke on the side.

    Anybody thinking about going this Saturday? I'm DEFINITELY going to be there. I've gotta see DJ Storm. She's an amazing Junglist. Real funky with lots of vocals and she really fucks with it, too.

  2. Originally posted by fkornre

    isnt it funny when you are trying to open the baggy and ur fingers are numb or sweaty and u just cant do it :laugh: i hate that but it easier than a jar to tranzport or hide:hat:

    Sometimes (if it's a really good night) I fuck up when I'm trying to bump off a key and I exhale and blow it into the toilet. I never get pissed though, I figure, "It serves me right!"

  3. Thanks for the site! I went ahead and picked two up. $15 is the best price I'd found, besides auction sites. $6 seemed like too much for Shipping, though, but I didn't feel like contacting them and then waiting for a response, cuz I need em for our house party next weekend.

    Got an order of the 3D glasses, too. Now, do you guys like those things, or am I just too Kandy for my own good?

  4. Originally posted by velvetgoldmire

    Doesn't Warcraft 3 have dwarves with guns? That's so cool!

    Whoo! Sweet strip!

    Hell yeah, Dwarven Riflemen.

    "I'm yer shooter! Let's go!"

    We're DEFINTELY having a CP lan party when UT2003 comes out. I can't wait to unleash the wrath of my Tiki God (new PC) on all y'all.

    But in the meantime, the new Mario comes out next Tuedsay, as does Super Monkey Ball 2. If any of you haven't played Super Monkey Ball, you have GOT to check it out. Even you, Melanne.

    So, if there's a pre-party before going to see Emma Feline next Friday, I'd be honored to provide the Game Cubes and Monkey Balls.


  5. Hey, I really dig those Photon Rav'n lights. They're the ones that are white if you hold em still, but flash different colors when you move em around.

    I really suck with glowsticks, but I dig these things so much, I'd practice with em till I got non-clumsy.

    Problem is, they're expensive as hell! Online they're $19 - $28, and on Ebay they're as low as $14, but the shipping is jacked up.

    Does anybody know where to get em cheaper or even have a pair they're sick of that I can buy?

  6. Word. Unreal Tournament was definitely my favorite game. I'm the most viscious War Cow that ever mooed. For some reason, though, I just haven't been able to get it to run as smoothly on my Geforce 2 as it did on the Doodoo 3.

    I've been looking forward to UT2003 forever! Don't hold your breath on Unreal 2 though, it got pushed back well into next year. The scary thing is that I think it'll still be ahead of the technology curve when it finally does drop.

    The demo for UT 2003 should be out soon. There's no release date for the game yet because they need to evaluate the demo for a couple weeks after it comes out to see what needs changed still. I'd say it's going to be October before it hits stores.

    The demo should be out in the next week or two, though. Here's the status on it:

    CliffyB went on the official board with this post:

    Update: The original post was deleted from the forum. I guess it was taken over by morons.

    Well, let's see...

    The objective for us has been to make sure the game feels DONE before we release the demo. That way, we're not fixing things from the demo that we do not already know about.

    Botmatches are being tested quite a bit. We want to make sure the AI is challenging without being frustrating.

    Ragdoll is being tested everywhere. Must make sure everything has low poly Karma collision assigned to it.

    Maps are being set up to run well on lower end cards. We have a bHIGHDETAIL flag we set on actors that are out of view (meshes outside of play, extra particle FX, etc...) and going through all the maps to do this takes time.

    Menus are being polished and tweaked. Server browser included.

    We just found that a few of the player meshes had their collision cylinders set incorrectly, so headshots were hard to get on these guys (being fixed...)

    Redeemer is IN and working. Effect is being tweaked and adjusted.

    All weapons are being given "Switch to" sounds.

    Bombing run works really well. Debating whether or not some of the goals should require a double jump to get to or not...

    James Golding (physics guy) is working his butt off to make sure the Bulldog (vehicle) is in and working properly in network play. (mostly for mod users)

    Chad Schoonover is working on taunt animations are being put in for each of the characters. The pelvic thrust shall return!

    Final taunts are being put in and localization is being worked on.

    There ya go. Hope that helps.


  7. Originally posted by Kuro

    I just started on the Orc missions yesterday. I am a Wracraft/Starcraft player.

    Oh, hell yeah, Kuro! man, you're shaping out to be a helluva person! Cowboy Bebop, Warcraft, DJing... shiiiit....

    I've never been into RTS games, but Warcraft 3 is just so amazing, I couldn't pass it up. I was FEINDING for a well balanced game with a lot of options that you could play competitively, and I don't have a circle of Street Fighter fiends right now and I gave up Magic.

    If you get on Battle.net, get into the Friends tab and add Gibbles. If I'm on, you can send an "/w Gibbles Yo." and it'll send that to me in game.

    Don't worry, I suck horribly. I'm a super-scrub! I forget to resurrect my hero. I build extra peons and teach em to play Go Fish.

  8. Definitely orange juice. That helped me out. Orange juice is familiar enough and has a strong enough flavor that it shouldn't upset your stomach.

    But yeah, I think there's two reasons people get sick off a shrooms. For one thing, they are a poison, so your body's gonna try to reject them. The other is that it seems like you're a lot more aware of parts of your body, like your stomach. I swear, last time I could FEEL the difference between orange juice, water or Red Bull... IN my stomach.

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