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Posts posted by candeo

  1. Originally posted by clubprincess24

    There once was this guy named Jay, he dropped at least three pills a night, hosted the best after parties in town, 300 people a night, turned it into a business. He made thousands. There were misters, smoke machines, music, the girl with the funky glasses and white gloves , and oh, the lights, all the pretty lights. He created a state of being, the gathering clapped and danced and danced and tranced. People rolled into the morning, the darkness became a primalistic ritual, a spiritual experience for all. Jay was handsome, smart, got all the pussy. The King of his trade. He was "the king". Women were his addiction, they begged for his affection...danced erotically for him as he rested. One night, Jay met a godess, a woman who danced more erotically than any other, one who wouldn't give herself to him, a woman more temptacious than he'd ever seen. She teased him, night after night with her dance, and slowly..slowly...he went insane. He couldn't think about anything else, he couldn't breathe. When she stopped coming, he drove by her house obsessively, but would never admit he loved her. He saw her out over and over again, would stand and watch her on the dancefloor. Then one night, she came to the club with her ex-boyfriend. Jay decided he would not put himself through the pain any longer..he would numb it completely, get that woman out of his head. Jay went out to his $30,000 truck and took out his dealer's bag. He had already had a fifth of vodka in his system, the e had melted together...in one clump at the tip of the bag. He had a plastic spoon in his truck, he dipped it into the bag. what came up was over a tablespoon full of ex. He put it in his mouth and let it dissolve. 1 hour later, jay was never the same. He was taken home, people partied around him. they were even rude as he lost his mind in his own home. several close friends said he had the mentality of a 3 year old. He didn't know his name, the woman he loved walked in. She looked at him and worried. He had gotten her attention...however, she was so horrified and still turned off by his multipal lovers that she walked away. Jay never recovered completely. He now has the mentality of a 5th grader, he has gained weight, and spends many of his days in a confused daze. Few women want anything to do with him. That night Jay fried his brain. He will never be the same...and the woman? She moved on to better things. He still thinks of her, she still thinks of him and thinks, "what a waste." What do you think?


    Did he shit himself or not?!?!?!

  2. Originally posted by racerx1225

    i notice a little bit of the squirts the next day too but that may or may not be to my eating Vitamin C in large doses sometimes, although not always,,,, anyway I always give my dog rice to bind him up if he has an upset stomach or if I'm changing his food around a little and it works like a charm with him. It may help to eat a rice dish, or just some rice before rolling,,,,,,,, never tried it but just thought of it when I read your post :idea:

    or maybe eat some Imodium beforehand if you are that sensitive to it :)

    I could try rice, but I don't wanna get all bloated up with starch before I go out, either.

    I'll definitely try Immodium. XTCVitality generally knows what he's talking about.

  3. Originally posted by weyes

    i saw this thread after your thread in the dc forum.

    if you're looking for a quick way to clear out your bowels before you leave the house that won't make you sick but works, etc., i recommend coffee - a cup of coffee always makes me have to go, which is why i don't drink it. other people don't have that problem, though, maybe? i dunno. i guess if you're used to it, you may be immune to its poop-inducing abilities (cigarettes make me shit, too). then there are always prunes, which are goddamn tasty, and work pretty well, too. dried fruit is fiberfiberfiber, so that works for everyone. don't have more than 5 or 6, though (or whatever they say is the serving size on the bag; too many is BAD!). but about an hour or less after you eat those you should be able to clear out, and not in an unpleasant way or anything, just like normal :aright: .

    Hey, thanks a lot!

    That's some good advice. I didn't realize that prunes could work that quickly! Man, maybe I can just pre-stack my clubbing experience with some Redbull, Vodka and Prune Juice coctails!

    Good call on the coffie thing too. I almost never drink it, so it makes me BM nearly every time, too. Great for before clubbing, and the morning after drinking, eh?

    I didn't have too much of a problem the last time I went out. I bought a box of Cracklin Oat Bran and ate that for dinner Thurdsay and breakfast Friday.

  4. Originally posted by pluryou


    Lets hope he doesn't show up at Buzz this Friday. LOL My friend has a mask and bodysuit for him. Its really realistic.

    Michael Myers is the one to be scared of. :eek:

    You'll be perfectly fine!

    ....unless you start HAVING SEX! He always goes after the people having sex.

    In my experience, Friday the 13ths are just great nights to get shitty! That and full moons.

  5. Hey, this is a bit off topic, but I was thinking about going to watch Lexus spin at Metatrack Studio this Wednesday. Basically cuz I'm bored and it's free.

    Is it worth my time, or would I have more fun listening to a Derrick Carter CD while I play Gamecube?

    Also, Emma Feline is the BOOOMB! She rode with us to go see Storm on the 7th. I had to give her shit for employing emcee DT on her Twice as Nice album, if any of you have heard it. "Selec-leck!"

  6. Originally posted by Kuro

    Is "shitload" a quantifiable amount?

    Shitload would be $60 - $70 in game buying terms

    You can get it for $60 usually, but go to Electronics Boutique and get the collectors edition for a clearance $65. While supplies last!

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