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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. There once was a woman named Jill Who swallowed an exploding pill They found her vagina In North Carolina And her tits in a tree in Brazil
  2. Why give out numbers if you don't want the guy to call?
  3. Question: What if I don't fit with RealDoll's sex parts? REALDOLL's vaginal and anal cavities are made snug to accommodate any insertion. The silicone flesh is soft, slippery, and very elastic. Any petroleum or water-based lubricants can be applied to ease entry. REALDOLL's oral cavity contains soft silicone tongue and teeth. The oral cavity is as snug as the doll's other entries. All of REALDOLL's cavities allow deep insertions. Question: Tell me more about the doll's entries The inside of the Vaginal and Anal entries use a different grade of silicone than the rest of REALDOLL's body; These areas are extremely soft and feel very life-like, down to the subtle texture. REALDOLL's vaginal lips can be stretched apart very realistically. REALDOLL's Oral entry has a very soft and stretchy lips, ultra soft tongue, soft silicone teeth, and a hinged jaw that opens and closes very realistically. Question: Tell me more about RealDoll's "suction effect" When penetrated, a vacuum is formed inside REALDOLL's entries which provides a powerful suction effect. This effect is strongest in REALDOLL's oral entry. Some of REALDOLL's users have reported intense orgasms due to this specific feature. :laugh2:
  4. You're an ooooooooooooooooooold man!!! Happy Birthday brotha.
  5. £ddie

    Sex Laws

    :blank: Alabama, Anniston - If a woman loses a game of pool, it is illegal for her to settle her tab with sex. Arizona, Cottonwood - It is illegal for a couple to have sex in a vehicle with flat wheels. The fine is doubled if the sex occures in the back seat. Arizona - It is illegal for a man to cause his wife to become a prostitute. And: It is illegal for unmarried persons to have sex. The penalty is three years in prison. Arkansas - Adultery is punishable by a $20 to $100 fine. And: It is illegal for a husband to place his wife in a brothel. California - Adultery is punishable by a $1,000 fine and/or one year in prison. And: Husbands and wives are prohibited from having oral sex. And: It is illegal to import an Asian woman and make her a prostitute. Connecticut - "Private sexual behavior between consenting adults" is still illegal in Connecticut. Delaware - Only physicians and wholesale druggists may legally sell condoms. Florida - Oral sex is punishable by a 20-year prison term. Illinois - It is illegal for a husband and wife to have sex while out hunting or fishing on their wedding day. Indiana - It is illegal to entice someone under 21 to masterbate. And: Male skating instructors are prohibited from having sex with their female students. However, there is no parrallel law preventing female skating instructors from having sex with their male students. Kansas - Anal sex is punishable by a maximum six-month prison term. Kentucky - Only physicians and other medical personnel may legally sell condoms. However, their "condom selling" license may not be publicly displayed. Louisiana - Streaking is illegal, but only if the streaker intended on rousing anyone who saw him or her. Maine - It is illegal for a husband to place his wife in a brothel. And: Condom sellers must obtain a license from the state and display their license at all times. And: Maine, Buckfield - It is illegal for a cab driver to charge a passenger a fare if the passenger had sex with the driver while on their way home from any place that sold liquor. Maryland - Condom vending machines may only be installed in places where alcohol is served. And: Anal sex is punishable by a one to 10 year prison sentence. And: It is illegal to have oral sex with a person or an animal. Michigan - It is illegal for a husband to place his wife in a brothel. And: It is illegal to masturbate. The penalty is five years in prison. And: Sex between unmarried consenting adults is punishable by a fine up to $5000 and/or up to five years in prison. Minnesota, Alexandria - It is illegal for a man to have sex with his wife if his breath stinks of garlic, onions, or sardines. By law, the husband must brush his teeth if asked to by his wife. Missouri - It is illegal for a husband to force his wife to work as a hooker on the streets. Montana, Bozeman - Sex is illegal between two people who are naked on their front lawns after sundown. Nebraska, Hastings - It is illegal for a man and woman to sleep together in a hotel when both are naked. Also, a couple may not have sex in the hotel unless they are both wearing plain white cotton nightshirs, which, by law, must be provide to them by the hotel. Nebraska - Anal sex is illegal and punishable by a $5,000 fine and 10 years in prison. And: Only physicians may legally sell condoms. Nevada Condoms are mandatory for sex with legal prostitute. New Jersey - It is illegal for two men to masturbate in the presence of each other or to masturbate each other. The penalty is three years in prison. New Mexico, Carlsbad - It is illegal for couples to have sex in a parked car or van while on their lunch break if they can be seen by passerby. New Mexico - Oral sex is punishable by a two to 10 year prison term and a $5,000 fine. North Carolina - It is illegal for a man to spy on a woman through a window. The same law restriction does not apply to women watching men or men wathcing men. Ohio - Male skating instructors are prohibited from having sex with their female students. As in Indiana, this law does not apply to female skating instructors. Oklahoma, Clinton - It is illegal to masturbate while watching a couple have sex in the backseat of a car at a drive-in theater. Oregon, Willowdale - A husband may not use profanity while making love to his wife. The same is not true for his wife, who may cuss to her heart's content when she's with her loving husband. Pennsylvania, Harrisburg - Female toll booth workers cannot have sex with male truck drivers in the confines of their toll booth. Rhode Island - It is illegal for unmarried persons to have sex. The fine is $10. And: Oral sex is punishable by a seven to 10 year prison term. South Carolina, Branchville - It is illegal for a couple to "lewdly or lasciviously romp" either in private, or in public. The fine is $500 fine and a five year prison sentence. South Carolina - Anal sex is punishable by a $500 fine and a five year prison term. South Dakota, Sioux Falls - It is illegal for a couple to have sex on the floor between two single beds in a hotel. South Dakota - It is illegal for prostitutes to solicit customers from a covered wagon. And: Oral sex is punishable by a 10 year prison term. Tennessee, Skullbone - It is illegal for a women to masturbate a man or perform oral sex on him while he is driving a car. Texas - Sex between unmarried consenting adults is punishable by a $500 fine. And: Only a "registered pharmacist" may legally sell condoms. Anyone eles will be prosecuted for illegally practicing medicine. Utah, Tremonton - It is illegal to have sex in an ambulance. Utah - Oral sex is punishable by six months prison term and a $299 fine. Vermont, Beanville - It is illegal for massage parlors to advertise on road maps. Virginia, Norfolk - It is illegal to have sex while riding on the sidecar of a motorcycle. Virginia - Adultery is punishable by a $20 to $100 fine. Washington, D.C. - It is illegal for a man to cause his wife to become a prostitute. Washington - It is illegal for a man to have sex with a virgin. Wisconsin, Connorsville - It is illegal for a man to fire off a gun when his partner has an orgasm. Wyoming, Newcastle - It is illegal for a couple to have sex while standing up in a market's walk-in meat freezer. Wyoming - It is illegal to entice or help someone under 21 to masturbate.
  6. The business school at Fordham is pathetic.
  7. It doesn't matter if the DJ can control who records his sets. It would still violate (1) his/her copyright right to reproduce the set, (2) the copyright rights of the radio station that broadcasted the set, if any, and (3) the copyright rights of the artist whose record the DJ spun. But why do you care?
  8. Also before you consider working at a bulge bracket I-Bank, consider that you will work 100 hour weeks regularly, have no life outside of your job, and no time to spend the money you make. Add to that, you'll have very little job security (as the massive layoffs at Banks have proven). I know unemployed bankers with Ivy League educations and $800,000 outstanding mortgages on their New York City condos. Sucks to be them.
  9. Sue, it's never too late to jump on the Miami bandwagon.
  10. Kid's doin the right thing. Nothin wrong with partying AND planning out your future.
  11. It's all good. Personally DT is my favorite, but I'll take Junior when he's on any day over DT.
  12. Other DJs spin records, Junior creates music. End of Story.
  15. Yeah it's all about credit derivatives. I do a lot of credit default swap work, and it's growing exponentially.
  16. I can only take so much of tuna, by the way, the cycle i presented was for informational purposes only, I don't engage in such activities.
  17. And yes you can keep gains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  18. It's all about: 500 mg enanthate 10 weeks 400 mg deca 10 weeks 35 mg Dbol 4 weeks Arimidex post cycle lolol But seriously you don't need muscle to get laid if u have a good game. I found myself a bangin little hottie with a 6 figure salary tonight with solely my charm.
  19. Yup. http://trance.nu/v3/review_show.php?id=455
  20. Hey girl. Happ B-day. Have a good one!!! :D
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