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Posts posted by bleachblond420

  1. His residency at Earth (Exit) just ended a couple months ago, and he's been playing spot dates around the US. He just played at the ROxy for Gay Pride a couple weeks ago, but he dosen't have a new residency as of yet. His next big event should be for his birthday which might be back at Earth, but no one knows for sure yet...he'll definatley be spinning somewhere in NY though in August.

  2. Definaltey Vinyl...it seemed like a dope secret that no one knew about..

    ..then Twilo closed..

    Hasn't been the same since. I remember the week after Twilo closed that place was PACKED..and it was always comfortable in there before that.

    I too miss the black walls, and the dirtiness of the club (weird I know)..I miss those nasty ass couches in the cold room, who every came up witht he idea that wood would be comfortable to sit on?

    I'm diggin the lights at Arc though, they amaze me.

  3. LOL @ Avalondon editing his posts....that was quite the little bitch move. Grow some balls pussy, if you liked Exit back then it's all good, why you gotta edit what you said so no one could "laugh" at you...cuz of that I'm laughing harder.

  4. Is there a party there on Friday or Saturday or was last week it's final parties? I know Junior Vasquez' party was his last there on Sunday, but now I'm hearing that whole club is closed, not just Juniors party...anyone hear anything? I know most of you won't care either way, but there are still some Exit supporters on the site...anyone with some insight?

  5. Originally posted by zeeker

    Will the party draw enough numbers to have the whole place open on Sunday? That would be a shame if they had half the place closed off because no one showed.

    If the whole space wasn't open, how would we get upstairs to the roof deck to smoke?

    I hope the whole place it open...it always has been but then again I only go to Junior for big events (Pride, New Years, his B-Day). I went once and the 2nd floor was closed but they opened it around 3 PM.

    Should be a great day though, can't wait!

  6. Originally posted by zeeker

    he's hit or miss IMO. Some of his shit is fucking nasty, some is just rediculously stupid...ex, the worst rap line ever at the beginning of 'patiently waiting'

    "i grew up without my pops

    should that make me bitter?

    i caught cases i copped out, does that make me a quitter?

    in this white mans world, im similar to a squirrel"

    Ha, you have to hear his delivery to understand HOW bad it is. The rest of the rest of the song is tight, Eminem steals it though.

    Also, I heard him perform live on Hot97 last night, and he was HORRIBLE. No flow, no energy, and he mumbles his lines. They had to have a recording finish all his lines for him, cause he just couldn't say his lines fast enough to keep up with the beat.

    Like I said, he's hit or miss I think.

    He's actually good live...the CD has a DVD that came with it and his performances were good, he's got a good stage prescence. Not as commanding as say DMX back from his first two albums dropped, in fact theres a lot of better performers than 50 but he just started also, he's gonna get better that more shows he does. Just wait til this summer when Em, Dre and 50 go on tour...it's gonna be a wrap! Stadiums without a doubt.

  7. Originally posted by jaysea

    The Sundays are well worth it.....i love it.....its prob the only place i go to, and HUNNY.......im picky....

    everyone once inawhile u will see me at BE Yourself" or maybe late after hours at Factory, or Earth............but im telling you.

    i love the sunday's @ Church!!!

    Music is great. people are great....

    and a Surprise is that the Tina is very Down LOW...

    prob cause monday is well monday!!

    so there not as many Glassed UP Tweaking Bitches running around Having panic attacks, and Crying on the dance floor..

    its a nice change......

    I've gone once, saw Chad Jack spin...he was off the hook! I had such a good time that night. Only complaint was the HEAT in that club...it was so hot. They need those AC bursts like Junior has at Earth. :eek:

    And the dancefloor was so packed you couldn't dance on it which was kinda annoying but hanging out on the balcony dancing my ass off was fun.

  8. Oh, and The Tunnel was the first city club I had ever gone to, I'm from LI. And omg, it was amazing...I couldn't believe it, I had probably just turned 18. I didn't think clubs like that even existed..lol. It opened a whole new world for me which to this day, I'm lovin. :) The fuzzy room...damn...it was always so hot in there but the eye candy was just great.. lol.

  9. I gotta go check that, just to see it again. I would love to be able to go in it again and just walk around...that club was MASSIVE. I never went much, but I loved going once in a while just to be there in that space...that's when the Kurfew party used to be GOOD, and the main floor was always crazy with the stage performances, the strobes and those cages... :(

    I gotta go check it out just to reminisce a lil. :)

  10. Originally posted by huckleberry

    what time does the sunday party start/end?

    I believe doors open at 10 PM and it winds down around 7 or 8. It's been unbelieveably packed for most SUndays there...it's a great party, and the clubs beautiful. I wonder why the Friday/Saturday hasn't caught on...I'm not surprised though, gay nights always do great (Exit, Estate, Roxy) while the "straight" nights always seem to be struggling. Why is that?

  11. I dunno why people say Exit will always be shit...if it's done right, Exit can be the best club in NYC. Juniors parties on Saturdays are off the hook...the Friday parties can turn around, I mean the club itself is HUGE and beautiful. It's a great club in terms of how it's built....it just needs the right people doing the right things. Don't say it cannever happen when it already has a very successful, althought very different night. (Saturday/Sunday)

  12. Originally posted by zeeker

    I agree with a lot of this, but I do have a question....

    when people like you bitch about the crowd being unnatractive, am I to infer that you ARE most certainly attractive, and are...um...just too good looking to hang out with people not blessed with your stunning features???

    I'm about 95% joking about this, but it is something that I seriously do wonder about.

    lol, I can see where he's coming from...if 75% of the club is drugged up, glowstick twirling asians...that dosen't leave much of anything to look at if that's not what you're into. It's nice to hear good music while having some eye candy to look at, flirt with and possible hook up with. Not everyone goes just to hear the DJ....having good looking people is pretty important to a clubs success. But how do you bring in an attractive crowd without then getting the stigma of it being a snobby B&T crowd?

  13. ^^

    People sitting on the dance floor? That's crazy. Now that you said that, I remember walking into Exit real early one night and I saw people sitting on the dance floor and when Junior got on he turned all the music off in the club and only played music from his booth, but has it REAL low...eventually all the people sitting, and standing around left (they were like what the fuck??) and when Junior was happy with the crowd that was there, he turned the music up and everyone started cheering. He's a cunt like that, but how disrespectful is it to SIT in the middle of the dance floor while a DJ is spinning?

    I hope you guys can turn around your Friday night party, Exit (Earth) is a great club when it's done right, it sucks that you can't get it right for your party, but I got no complaints (besides the search) for my Saturday night party..it's always amazing when I go.

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