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Posts posted by bleachblond420

  1. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    how the hell is the place open on saturdays if they're changin the sound and light system? wut are these people listening to? it must be a real shitty environment to party in during the middle of renovations

    Read my post in the stuck Roxy thread at the top of this board. Roxy isn't renovating as far as anyone can tell. The sound in Roxy is still incredible..there's no sings of anything going on. I think ya'll might be getting duped on Friday nights. I have a feeling the Friday party is just closing becase there isnt much of a turnout, not for renovations...that's just an excuse. I may be wrong, but as of right now, theres nothing going on at Roxy in regards to renovating.

  2. Originally posted by billyfromboston

    if u say u just wanna get shredded up....and not really blow up....i would go the route of a winstrol/deca stack....you'll put on about 10-15 lbs...and there will be very little bloating (water retention which comes with test).......this cycle will also have less side effects....tho i admit its a blast to be on test (outta control sex drive).....there are alot of side-effects that come along with it....you'll most likely break out with zits, ur hairline could recede a little bit, and u could develop some gyno (u can prevent that tho).....but from what you've said...i think winny/deca would be the best thing 4 ya.....as far as brands are concerned....zambon or stromba winstrol amps are the best...and also beware of tokyo products....their winstrol is garbage and their deca has tested out in the past as testosterone....

    Ok, so drop the test and just do the winny/deca?

    What should the cycle consist of? Do you know how many MG's per day for the winny and what about the deca? Thank you the help.

  3. Originally posted by badassmafuka

    The more pills you start to do the more you build up your toleration.....I have a couple friends that do 15-20 a night I know it sick but they just dont feel it after a while I used to do 4-5 a night now I do it once every 2 moinths and i pill hits me really good

    That's like $400 on pills alone....

    He does know that after 3 or 4 pills they just stop working right? Extasy works because it depletes the seratonin from your brain and once it's gone, it takes 24 hours to restore itself, that's what makes u feel fucked up. You can do 100 pills but once the seratonin is gone, you're not gonna be fucked up anymore...just in the wallet.


  4. I also used to just start with one and I still only take one to begin with..but my rolls are less intense lately and shorter. As soon as I can honestly say to myself "Wow, Im not so fucked up anymore" that's when I take another one because actually I'm still fucked up, just not AS fucked up as I was an hour ago. :)

  5. ^^

    Thanks but that's not actually reality. Different steroids have different side effects and not everyone gets any of the side effects normally associated with steroid use, especially the shrinking penis. That's one of the most common misconceptions. I've done my reasherch, believe me, I wouldnt do anything w/o knowing all the risks involved. That fact is steroid use isn't all that dangerous.

  6. I'm looking to get into using steroids. I've been reading up on them a lot lately and feel like I'm finally ready to give them a go. But I've seen a lot of different opinions on them and different stacks that should be tried. I don't wanna get huge..I'm 5'10 150, I'm pretty thin. I have like a basketball body...skinny but some tone to me. Again, I dont wanna get HUGE, I just wanna get really cut up. And I want that washboard stomach. A little more size would be nice, but nothing too drastic..

    Yes I know I can just work out, but I've BEEN working out for a year and half and I cant get any bigger or cut up any more. It's really hard...thus I'm turning to roids. Can you please give me some suggestion of good stacks to try? I heard Winstrol was good because it's water based on the side effects are very low...is that true? What can be stacked with Winstrol to really cut me up and add a little bit of size?

    Also, if there are any real good informative websites out there please post links.


  7. This past Saturday did suck. It was so dead and Junior was playing so flat. I've been to Earch about 4 times on a Saturday and everytime I say I'll never go back, but wind up forgetting how bad it is. I dunno, I think its because I HATE that space. The crowd also never has any energy. I stayed until noon this weekend, and Junior never got anything going...I was so fuckin bored.

    The only time I'll go back there is for a specil event..ie..Junior's B-day, or when they have special guests that pack the club out. It was MAYBE half full this weekend.

  8. Originally posted by BobG

    The roxy party on saturday is open. This party has been going on for 4 years. Perhaps the reason not to close the night might be based on the fact that they didn't want to lose their crowd perhaps to juniors party at exit. Since the saturday night is established they will remain open during construction. The decision to close fridays, since fridays was still in its infancy, was agreed upon by the owners and promoters so that when fridays open up again, it'll be fresh and new. It makes promotional sense. Let draper come back to exit, let the sf have its day, lets get through finals, lets get through memorial day weekend...use this time to do the research and prepare to come back strong on june 7th with a new and more exciting night. If you were renovationg your house, wouldn't it be better to move out for awhile until it was completed instead of living in it while the renovations were going on. Then when you move back in..everything is new, fresh and exciting. I think it makes sense.

    That's great and all but where was the construction on Saturday night? June 7th is a month from today...they're gonna have a new Phazon installed as well and new lights in a month?

    I'll get in touch with John Blair and see what the deal is. I'm not doubting what you're saying, I just think maybe June 7th might be a little too early.. ???

  9. Originally posted by jackzelvrp

    ok call me dumb but if roxy is going through renovations and they are putting in a phazon sounds system which i think would take a while to complete. then how the hell are they open on saturday nights? cause i know last saturday the place was packed for peters birthday. someone fill me in here.


    Thats exactly what I was just gonna post. Roxy is not closed..lol. Roxy's Saturday night party is alive and well, packed to the doors. I was just there over the weekend. What are you all talking about? I don't see any renovations going on in there or anything like that. :confused: John Blairs party is crazy..hmm, maybe they closed Friday nights because it's been struggling to pull a crowd? I've never been on a Friday but I heard it wasnt filling up?

    But whatever the case is, Roxy is open on Saturdays going strong.

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