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Posts posted by psychosweetie

  1. Originally posted by Mystify22

    As nice as it is to actually see the person you're with and enjoy the view of their body, I prefer to be in darkness...it forces you to rely more on your sense of touch, and puts a little mystery in what's going on.....

    Thats exactly what I was gonna say...it makes it seem more sensual b/c you cant exactly see whats goin on...either way is good though:makeout:

  2. Originally posted by Mystify22

    Ohhh I'm glad you watched!!! That girl really was unbelievable and the judges agreed, but then they gave that girl with the cowboy hat great scores, and I didn't think she was anything special at all :confused:

    That one male judge can be soooo mean with his remarks, I mean, there's a nicer way to say everything - it's called constructive criticism for pete's sake!!!!

    I didnt think that cowgirl was anything special at all. I really didnt even think she was that pretty. I was so happy when the girl w/ the bangs got good scores, b/c she deserved it. The other girl w/ the dark hair, that made it too the next round, looked so much better w/ her hair tied back. When I 1st saw her w/ her hair down, I didnt even think she was pretty, but w/ it back, she had a good face. Also, the one pretty black girl, the first thing I noticed was how her face was a differnt color from her body, I was glad he said something, it was weird

    As for the judges, that male judge is trying to be like Simon on American Idol:rolleyes::confused:

  3. Originally posted by Mystify22

    I agree that show really is horrible, but like most of its kind, I just can't help to watch.... I just think the way in which the judges make comments are degrading and unnecessarily harsh....

    I watched it some of it tonight, and one of the girls (had dark hair and bangs) was absolutely gorgeous though....

    I watched it tonite too...I told you I would...so as w/ every other reality tv show, we can discuss...

    The girl you are talking about was amazing. Her face was so pretty and she had a great body;) . She was by far my favorite

  4. Survey says....drum roll....

    You Have a Round Ass!

    All the guys think that you're a cutie.

    That's thanks to your ghetto booty.

    You've got a ass that looks like it's black.

    And color doesn't matter, because baby got back.

    This is so funny b/c its true...I really do have a ghetto booty:bootysha:

  5. I dont understand why everybody has to be up in everybody elses business. "To each their own"... Just b/c the whole world doesnt know 2 people are together, doesnt mean they are keeping it on the DL. I dont see the need to shout your in a relationship from the rooftops. I'm sure the people that need to know about the relationship do, and the people that dont, dont. People like to keep things quiet in the beginning b/c there are always people out there who want to see other people miserable, and in the beginning they will do anything to make sure that happens...after some time passes, usually the jealous people calm down...so its better to wait than to make a public announcement, IMO.

  6. Originally posted by carguy19

    Don't worry sweetie, next thing you know this kid'll be saying marshall fairbanks is the DJ messiah.....

    Not to be fuct up bro, but talk to me by MDW and we'll compare the places I have Justin and giorgio doing to what you and everyone else are doing. You're barking down the wrong path.

    All I did was give my opinion, you coulda minded your own fucking business..... but you wont win this argument trust me

    They are just haters, its not even worth the time to talk to them. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, i just dont understand why if you dont like someone, you cant keep your mouth shut? The thread is about the illest DJ, not who people dont like. Its so childish. You posted your opinion saying who you liked and that was it, they always have to post who they like, and then bash everyone else. Its so annoying:rolleyes:

  7. Originally posted by godisadj

    you got a chuckle out of me. i eard giorgio before and hes just a ordinary dj.

    please lets compare him to anywhere in the likes of peters. you can compare him to the dj @ poor billys.

    you people have to face reality giorgio is just ok and his music selection is horrible.


  8. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    You know I can always be convinced to cut...after all that's how I finished college :tongue: What about our first class though???:confused: I wanna go out somewhere damn it :mad: :mad:

    I cant, we missed 2 weeks ago, and I'm cutting the 1st week in March, not to mention, I cant get my hair appointment now, so its all a waste:( :mad:

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