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Posts posted by psychosweetie

  1. Originally posted by lulamishka

    OMG, I used to watch this movie ad nauseam!

    Remember when her best friend wanted to talk to that "cool" guy she liked, and (with a lil' magic) she walked up to him & started rapping "I'm hot! And you're not! And if you wanna get with me i'll give it one shot! So top that! Top that!" OH my lord. :woah2:

    I think i better stop. This is very sad. :blank:


    how bout..."i wanna be the most popular girl"..:laugh: :laugh:

    great movie

  2. Originally posted by hotbarbiedoll

    but i LOVE eyebrow rings on guys :drool:

    I Like them so much that I was gonna get 1 but I decided it doesnt go with me =/

    I used to want an eyebrow ring so bad when I was in highschool, but my parents were not having it. Looking back, I'm glad I never got one cuz they leave a scar, and its not really me, but I still like them a lot on other people

  3. This has probably been posted before, but here goes:

    1. Only in America......can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

    2. Only in America......are there handicap parking places in front of a

    skating rink.

    3. Only in America......do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the

    back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy

    cigarettes at the front.

    4. Only in America......do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries,

    and a diet coke.

    5. Only in America......do banks leave both doors open and then chain the

    pens to the counters.

    6. Only in America......do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the

    driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.

    7. Only in America......do we use answering machines to screen calls and


    have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to


    to in the first place.

    8. Only in America......do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in

    packages of eight.

    9. Only in America......do we use the word 'politics' to describe the


    so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking


    10. Only in America......do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille



  4. Okay...I'm so bored...here goes...

    Please answer the following questions...

    Age - 21

    Nationality - 100% Italian

    Name - Melissa

    Height - 5'1

    Weight - ( If you wish to disclose )110-115

    What do you do for a living - graduate school right now

    Is this your career or just to pass time - i'll be a social worker when i'm done

    Favorite Song - Find Another Woman & More than Life

    Favorite Artist - Eminem :love2:

    Favorite Remix - too many

    Favorite DJ - Kirk Lopez, Denny Tsettos, & Joe Giorgio

    Favorite Movie - Cruel Intentions, Memento, & American Beauty

    Favorite Actor - Ryan Phillippe & Josh Hartnett

    Favorite Actress - Susan Ward, Kate Beckinsale & Alyssa Milano

    Do you like to travel - yes

    If so what was your favorite place to visit - Las Vegas

    Where would you like to go that you havn't already gone - Italy

    When you get into a fight with your significant other who is most likely to appoligize or give in. You or him/her - Me

    How long was your longest relationship - currently @ 2 years, but still going

    How short was your shortest - 6 days

    What do you look for in a man or woman - good sense of humor, attraction, trustworthy, honest, understanding, & fun

    Are you an initiator or do you let others initiate things - intiator

    Are you cold hearted in a relationship. Or more caring - more caring

    Would you rather go out and party or would you rather sit in with a loved one and watch movies - depends on my mood

    Favorite food - Italian

    Favorite IceCream flavor - Mint Chocolate Chip

    Do you drink Coffee - no, Starbucks Chai Latte's

    Do you Smoke Cigarettes - nope

    Do you prefer water or Soda - Soda

    Are you into Health and Fitness or do you let nature take its course- nature can do its thing

    Are you an offensive or defensive driver - i drive like a maniac, which is that?

    Can you drive a car with a Manual Transmission - No

    Are you kinky in bed or are you more old fasion - Nothing too over the top, but I guess kinky...def not old fashion

    Do you like sex with the light on or with the light off - depends on my mood

    What do you believe is better Foreplay or sex itself - sex

    Would you rather read a book or watch the movie - watch the movie

    What is your favorite alchoholic drink - stoli o & pineapple

    I omitted the questions I couldnt think of answers for:tongue:

  5. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    LOL....me too, I was like :jawdrop::worry::shaky:

    I thought the same thing too

    Anyway...I dont think it would be that big of a deal to hook up w/ a relative of one of your friends, as long as it didnt bother your friend

  6. Originally posted by fierydesire

    . . . specifically male, confessed to you that he slept with another guy? What would be your reaction? :confused:


    I have nothing againts gay people, in fact I have gay friends, but I would not sleep w/ a guy if he slept w/ another guy

  7. Originally posted by lollib

    He also said that she wasnt really ready for the kind of realtionship he wanted. I think they were more of the party couple where as I think me and him are on the same level and are into more then just going out and partying. He also said long term she wasnt the one for him so I think all these things should help ease my mind too. I just think it's hard when you are with someone and love them to hear them talk about past relatinships but everyone has a past.

    I am the same exact way you are. I hate hearing about feelings my b/f had in the past for another girl, but just like you are doing, I tell myself things to level me off b/c I know its just me being me. I'm sure he loves you, and it seems like your relationship is much healthier than theirs was

  8. Originally posted by lollib

    I know I shouldnt let it bother me- obviously they were broken up for a reason. I think what he meant by saying that it's better he isnt like that anymore is that if he was, he would drive us both crazy. I know he loves me though and did cut all ties with her cause of me so that should mean something.

    If he cut all ties, he obviously cares about you more than her. If he was unwilling or put up a fight to do, i would be worried, but if he was okay w/ cutting all ties, he must not care about her

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