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Posts posted by psychosweetie

  1. dingle.jpg

    Dingle berries... we all know one. Clinging to that parent or significant other for dear life.. basing every discussion on the opinions and actions of that one special person. The mama's boy (or girl) of the shit family, but Dingle berries do have a dark side and are known for their jealousy and sudden bursts of anger and violence. Though the life of a Dingle berry may seem meaning less, it does have its upsides... usually death.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  2. Originally posted by iliana

    lollol Where's your school?

    I personally LOVED sorority life. It saved me during boring saturday mornings. But this new one looks fucking stupid. I don't follow it at all. Saw one episode and found no entertianment in it. Not to mention the frat guys look like dorks and the girls are UUUUGGLLYY!!!!!!!!!!




    I think there has only been 1 episode so far, but its worth watching just to laugh at these morons

  3. Originally posted by rewindthemovie

    Well, I live in St.Louis... so... I don't think there is any place around that carries paper..

    then I wouldnt buy them off ebay, b/c if they dont fit right or you just dont like them..you are screwed...if it was a different website, and you could return them, then I would say go for it, but this is iffy

  4. Originally posted by atomicapples

    so no one wanted to eat after going to bar to bar with mad drama...

    i got a 9 piece mc nuggets with 12 white castle cheese burgers with ketchup... to wash it all down, i have cola...

    soo yummy...


    i wish i had a real burger thou...

    I'm so jealous! I love white castle:tongue:

  5. Originally posted by atomicapples


    yeah, i'm w/ you...I never thought she was anything special...she was in Remember the Titans and some cheesy WB show called Young Americans:rolleyes:

  6. Originally posted by jessie739

    Last night was KTU's Party Gras at Exit. It was held there last year as well. I actually won tickets on KTU for myself and my boyfriend last year. It was on Valentines Day and the line up was SO much better. No free style and tons of awesome DJ's including Hex Hector.....Im not sure how it was last night but its a huge event there so I can imagine how long the line was. Anyway, hope I helped you!

    Ya know, that's what I thought was going on, but I wasnt sure...thanks:D

  7. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    I'm trying to be good and write a paper tonight, but haven't gotten anywhere so far....I'm bored too...:(

    yeah a midterm that was due last Monday:rolleyes:

  8. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    I like the Crush On You video with Cease where she has all those different colored wigs on too :tongue: But she does look the best with dark hair :D

    I always loved that video...I thought it was so cool how her hair would change with her outfits and the background

  9. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    I got...


    You Are Occasionally Horny!

    Sex? You don't see what the big deal is all about.

    You like to make love on occasion with the right men.

    But all of this talk about threesomes, porn, and being tied up? You don't think so.

    You're a true romantic.

    What makes you horny is simply talking and getting to know someone.

    If you are clicking with them, then the sexual ideas will creep in.

    You can't get yourself to think about having sex with a stranger.

    Unless he's Brad Pitt, of course.


    I got the same:D

  10. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    Mine is...


    Where some people see stinky and ugly, you see beautiful and delicious. You might like to foot fuck, or you might be simply turned on by the vision of a well formed foot in heels. Remember, in the world of foot fetish, five toes are much more useful than one dick.

    ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS :puke: :puke: :vomit2: :vomit2: :vomit3:

    I HATE FEET :mad:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    thats worse than the fat people!

  11. Originally posted by lollib

    My hair is short and choppy so when they do it, it looks so nice. I can never get it to look the same. Although my old hair guy would really give me puffy hair and it looked like a beehive- which is why I am going to someone new!

    My best friend has hair like that, and she says the same thing..when she leaves the salon, it looks gorgeous, but for some reason, it never looks the same when she does it

  12. Originally posted by rewindthemovie

    The thing is... I'm not that old, money is hard to come by. My parents aren't all that rich either, so.. about 2 or 3 of these pants (as far as price goes) would be all i could afford for clothes (PERIOD). :D

    I might just look into buying these though.

    edit: then again... should i spend this much money on a pair of pants and not even know how they fit on me....?

    I would try them on in the store first before you bought them off e-bay...however, 3 pairs of those jeans are enough...you're a guy, no one notices, and i'm sure you have plenty other jeans you can wear too...I have like 100 pairs of jeans, but I'm obsessed w/ jeans:D

  13. fat.jpg

    Your Secret Fetish Is Fat People!

    When it comes to sex, you like it big and beautiful... especially your partners. While some may say you like fat chicks or guys, you simply like more love. Head over to the nearest Krispy Kreme to find that dream partner - and share some powdered sugar in your wet spot.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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