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Posts posted by psychosweetie

  1. Originally posted by Reeni

    do you have to be to

    a)step on someone shoes

    b)bump or push into someone

    c)burn someone with a cigarette

    When I am really drunk, I have a tendency to accidentally step on people's shoes and bang into people, but I never burn people b/c I dont smoke:D

    However, I HATE getting burned...I always seem to get burned by someone's cigarette...people, watch where you are waving those things:mad:

  2. Originally posted by sweetie029

    Why is it that bad people always get what they want ?? For example: There's one person who's a hard worker, nice to others etc & then there's the asshole...who manipulates, selfish, mean etc. Why is it that good people finish last & the idiots who don't deserve shit get everything w/out putting in hardly any effort in

    Will these people get what they really deserve later on in life ?? Or will the good ones just have to suffer & slave for nothing....ANyway I hate people who have good luck & don't deserve it...While the good people out there get the shaft :mad:

    Sorry ~ just a little vent :)

    That is so true, I cant stand it. Its true in other aspects of life too...for example...i hate those bitchy girls that deserve nothing, yet their boyfriends kiss the ground they walk on and give them the world...ugh! mean people suck:mad:

  3. Originally posted by somebitch

    i think they look awful, maybe the one on top has a little appeal to it in that weird kinda off/ugly way. but the others are disgusting, expecially the one on the bottom. it is so odd looking and an unnatural form to put on a body.

    I agree....I dont like those bags in the pictures at all...for that much money, you can get much nicer bags

  4. Originally posted by lollib

    Why is it that you can never get your hair to look like the way it does when you leave the salon? GRRR! I swear, got it cut last night, fixed it this morning and barely looks like how it did last night!

    I actually like my hair better when I do it myself. Whenever I spend the money to get it blown out at the salon, it always looks to puffy and I hate it:afro:

  5. Originally posted by rewindthemovie

    Well, I heard you guys talk about these jeans and decided to check out ebay. Tell me if you guys think these are worth the price. Thanks.

    IMO, if you really like a pair of jeans, its worth any price. Most of the jeans I wear start at like $118, and everytime I see a pair I like I buy them, even though they are expensive. Jeans that fit perfect and look good are hard to come by, so if you like them enough, get 'em

  6. Originally posted by sweetie029

    It's not me whos in this situation (I have b4 & it sucked it wasn't worth it)

    My friend has been in a relationship for 3 years now....she's totally unhappy but she says she's only staying in the relationship b/c the sex is amazing She's been complaining about being unhappy for a few months now but still hasn't done anything about it b/c of the good sex life I just think it's pointless & imo when you become THAT unhappy the sex isn't so appealing anymore

    If she is that unhappy, I dont see how she can stay??? I would bounce

  7. Originally posted by prettyricky

    I'm with you sweetie, no one is hotter than Carmen Electra naked, especially not Britney!!!!! I met her too she is insane!!!!!

    I didnt think it possible form Carmen Electra to get any pretty, but she actually much hotter in person:eek:

  8. Originally posted by deeelite1

    ok so you may be my lil freakamadeekfriskyfeline MEOWWWWW BACK MAMA, But please dont put Sisquo and Christina's name in the same sentence.

    If there is any truth to this please someone confirm and then mysti you text me so that I can vomit As soon as possible.


    I read the thing about Christina & Sisqo in a US magazine about 1-2 months ago, and I posted it on the sex board asking the same question...so i'm assuming its true

  9. Originally posted by dgrutman

    Is it wrong to jerk off to the instruction diagram on a tampon box?

    i dunno if its wrong, but its a lil weird:blank:

  10. Originally posted by nympho69

    i dont know why i love him


    Everytime you post about him, you make me think of the movie "Sugar & Spice" b/c one of the girls is in its obsessed w/ him:D

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