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Posts posted by smgarret

  1. I was kind of disappointed that after the fuse blew, he didn't just say fuck it to whatever he was going for with that set. He had a chance to make the technical difficulties work out for him by banging it out for the last 3 hours but kind of fell flat imo. What was up with that weird, super slow housey stuff he was playing at like 4-4:30? It was good and I liked it but not at 4am....

  2. how about u go back and reread...u said they should buy exit, it would be sick. i asked u why it would be sick....i never wrote anything about spirit.

    and i wish i could hear "my tone". last i looked it was just some words on a message board. ur the one who puts the tone into things and takes it personal.

    Why don't you two ladies get out the tape measure. Will save a lot of time and effort on everyones part

  3. I bet you would like to know :finger::finger::finger:

    It's people like you that make these message boards Bullshit.

    I was making a statement that it was good to see that there are still some people around here that are as passionate about House Music as I am. That is all, it wasn't a Dick Sucking board!! But beaing that you decided to make it one, the question is, Do You Spit or Swallow!! I can tell by your response that you are a swallower that doesn't have the common curtesy not to gag and puke.

    Anyway I didn't want this to be a drama thread so I am not going to add anymore drama to it.

    As I said before, All the True House Heads keep the flag waving

    Dave Morris

    Dave Morris,

    You seem to have much more knowledge on the subject than I do so sorry I didn't know the proper terms. Also, I'm not the one going on a random message board and basically giving a blowjob to some dude I don't even know, that's weak dude. In any case, this thread has been truely entertaining so thanks for starting the gheyness, rock on! :swallow:

  4. I have been posting on this site for a while and I must commend you on what you are doing for the NY board and what you contribute to the messageboard in a whole.

    I have come across alot of people in the area that call themselves house heads just because they went to SF or Exit and so forth. Nothing against them but they don't "get the joke". There are very few people left that actually get it and from all of your posts I can see that you are one of them. I especially want to commend the fact that you try to let everybody know where the music we love more than anything else comes from and that house music is way bigger than NY/NJ. As far as I am concerned we have nothing in comparison to the rest of the world when it comes to house. It's not like it was back in the day when most of the people were out for the music and not just to be scene at the "in spot" and could care less about house music.

    I have personally never met you, but I feel like I know your whole gig. It is pretty much the same as mine. The music runs your life and I can see it has run your life for a Long time, as it has mine.

    Keep it up and keep that house flag waving HIGH


    Dave Morris (aka DJ Madness)

    Do you also swallow when you suck...definately agree with this being a really gay thread.

  5. that's a pretty hot looking setup.

    im thinking of getting this stand, moving into a new place soon and will finally have room for a real stand. anyone have any experience with vestax shit, i haven't seen this thing in real life yet.


    the only thing is, i'll probably get some cd decks in the future and don't know where i would put them. hmm...

    I've used them before and I don't really like the way the feel. There isn't anything wrong with them. They are a solid tables, pitch control is pretty responsive, etc. Probably just me but I could never get used to them.

  6. What the fuck is with the hate... im just tryin to say that i have participated in helping out this charity event. No i wont tell anyone that i won my shit on ebay, there is no need for that. I know that they are giving to unicef cause if you bothered to click on that link you would realize that its legit and that there are many legit organizations participating in this.

    So to all the haters and assholes, lick the balls and choke and a pube ..

    well you're a better person than me...oh wait, I don't have to go onto random messageboards and announce that I've done something for a charity to make myself seem all important and stuff.

    As far as the hate, what's up with you hating and telling people to lick the balls. Isn't that hating?

    You need to learn what sarcasm is dork....sheesh

  7. http://www.involvedevents.com/

    All auction & raffle money goes to UNICEF .. so come on peeps its for a good cause.

    I already have participated and am the proud winner of the Danny Howells Made Event auction!

    You're my new hero...you were able to win an ebay auction. Are you going to tell people at the Howells event you weren't invited but won your ticket on ebay? That should make you popular.

    Besides, how do you know they actually give to unicef?

  8. Has anyone ever used Lendingtree.com for a home mortgage? We are considering it but the realtor is trying to steer us away from it saying it may not be safe. I wonder if she gets kickbacks from the company she recommends.

    If you haven't gotten a real estate attorney I'd suggest getting one. They will read all the paperwork for the mortgage and make sure you're not getting screwed. There will be fees, etc with any mortgage you take. I just finished going through the whole process (closed on a condo 6 months ago). So feel free to PM me with questions you have. Will try to relate my experience as best I can :)

  9. yoo, wtf. I just read the first chapter of Disco Bloodbath online, and im dieing to buy this book. Ive seen the movie, i know the history, BLAH BLAH BUTTT the actual style of writing is brilliant. So anyway, i decide to look online to buy the book, and the cheapest i can find it for is 160 dollars. WTF . the prices went all the way up to 500$.

    cant i find a nice lil paperback for 20????

    I could be wrong but I believe it was re-released under a different name "Party Monster" when the movie with the kid from Home Alone came out.

  10. I dont mean to sound like a pig or anything, i just wanted to know if there are real thorough checks at national flights in us as far as trying to get a few hits through into south us from nyc since i'll be going on spring break soon. Is there any tips you guys have, any comments, feel free. I need to be sure not to get caught, lol


    stick them up your ass....only stupid people try to take drugs on planes.....

  11. i hear this statement olt from djs mainly

    but u take a room with 600 ppl & the dj is GREAT at programming - and music selection

    but hes using only CDS

    and the crwod never even knows it --

    i have seen it time andtime again

    Over at VUE in manhattan on the main floor they have the hookup already there for you if you want to use tracktor

    and the crowd keeps moving

    Nah, you can tell when they switch from cds to vinyls to pc and back, the sound quality and the crispness of highs and bass are better from a vinyl. Not that there's anything wrong with cds, etc, they just don't sound as good.

  12. BUWAHAHAHAHAHA...awesome bro


    carry on...

    I'm going to miss this one also but I don't care. I'll be on the nice warm beach in Argentina. I'll take that over going to some club anyday :)

  13. Thursday, March 17, 2005

    Main Room: St. Patrick's Day with Carl Cox

    Reed Room: TBD

    Celebrate Carl Cox's crobar New York debut with a special 18+ St. Patrick's Day Party

    "The People's DJ" Carl Cox – NYC local favorite and international star Carl Cox plays a tune or two on St. Patrick’s Day in his first NYC appearance in over a year! Even the wee ones can join us for Carl O’Cox and do a jig to his hard house beats as we open 18+! A veteran of acid house and a master of techno, Carl Cox emits a love of his music that is dangerously infectious. This UK native will give you a St. Pat's day not to miss!

    $20 Advance

    18 years old to enter / 21 years to drink

    For Advance Tickets Please Visit www.crobar.com

    530 W. 28th Street (between 10th and 11th Ave.)


    Thanks for making a post about this. I haven't noticed the sticky that's been at the top of the page for like 2 weeks now.....dumbass

  14. Fuck that you can't hate on Armand. How many amazing productions has he had over the years.

    Why can't I hate on him, he hated on nyc first so he can get bent. Never said anything about his dj/production skills. Don't like the fact that, as far as I could find out, he's never spun here so how/why should he judge us as cheesy music lovers....again, he can go fuck himself sideways with a cow proder

  15. It sucks but they realized they can make alot more money this way.

    yep...in any case, fuck Armin Van Helden. If that's what he thinks he can kiss my ass, wouldn't pay money to go see him now, way too many better things going on...this is all assuming the hobbit's quotes are accurate

  16. when i spoke to him at crobar a few months ago he was ver vocal about the lack of great crowds in nyc. And then pointed to the main room during the grammy party and said "SEE WHAT I MEAN" "NYC ONLY LIKES THE POPULAR CHEESE AND HARD CRAP" i was like sooooooo true lol and we talked some more about music adn styles and how europe seems to understand HOUSE more than america. And how he wishesthing would be a bit different over here, and how there needs to be more MUSIC ONLY OWNERS club. And just as he made that comment 2 porn stars or stripper looking women walked in and our eyes were on them for the moment.

    Way to stick up for your city....

    Aren't you the one that says time and again nyc is a house town? Why didn't you tell him about all the places you go and see/listen to house djs instead of bashin' on our city. Maybe you should move to Europe where they understand house better.....

    I doubt seriously if there will ever be anymore music only clubs. The trend seems to be and has been for a while, the bottle service stuff. Even in the big rooms like Crobar, Spirit, etc...its all about VIP these days. Which is too bad but what can you do??

  17. i wonder if that was picotto?

    but what if you download your choons from beatport or sumthing of that sort? how can u prove that u did in fact pay for the music? im not carrying around a fucking receipt for every single piece of music i own....fuck that...

    Wasn't Picotto, was one of the djs from the group blu. Who knows how they figure that shit out but from what I've been told the guy had like 3-4000 mp3s on his laptop and he couldn't prove that he'd bought/been given a single tune. Guess what I'm trying to say is just be careful when you download tunes and play them out, ya never know :)

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