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Posts posted by thehog

  1. this chick I was friends with in college was really bad on the shit. Im talking worse than a crack head. Just put it this way the bitch got down to 89 LBS. :(

    I also had other friend that were addicted to GHB. They could not sleep without it and only sleep for 3 hrs at a time. The worst part was that if they did not take GHB every 3 hrs they would start shaking and said there body would hurt.

    I had a roomate take to much one night and ended up in a coma for a few day. Then there was this girl that had left school because she got caught up in drugs and shit. Well she came back for her birth day on weekend and ODed on X and GHB.

  2. Originally posted by beatfriek

    Till then, ill be on soulseek, but i will purchase rolands cd, and i also want to purchase oscar's bangin that i have yet to hear:(

    but i am requesting re-entry so i could drop the cd off at the car!!!;)

    you need to get banging

    THAT SHIT IS JUST BANGING !!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  3. Originally posted by mursa


    " picotto whore " ???!!! :eek: ......... maybe PICOTTO HE-BITCH will be more acceptable . ;)

    Speaking of PICOTTO ..............22 days and counting ! geeeeee :D

    :bounce: :bounce:

    this is going to be good. MP throws down the nastiest tech evaa.

  4. Originally posted by liquidx

    The war did SH*T for us.. nothing good came out. We just made ourselfs look bad and destroyed diplomacy. No weapons have been found, nothing.. as of now.. nothing but nothing good, just dead american/british soldiers

    you need to read the news :idea:

    CIA Unearths Evidence of Iraqi Nuke Program

    The CIA has the critical parts of a key piece of Iraqi nuclear technology - parts needed to develop a bomb program - that were dug up in a Baghdad backyard, CNN reports. :eek:

  5. Originally posted by nexusgroove

    Christian Rave are really big more north. They got the $$$$$ to do massive productions.

    I personaly hate some christians because of their history.

    most christians are people that converted and had major problems in the past, abuse, to much drinking, drugs, and are trying to hide their past with the lord. and make them selfs seem like good people.

    fuck you man

    Hope I see you out some time so I can show you some hate.

    :punch: :punch: :punch:

  6. Originally posted by sobeton

    the fight should have definitely been stopped, his eye was pretty nasty. no sense in risking a permanent injury. it sucks though because Klitschko, was doing so well. the politics of boxing will probably have Lennox Lewis, avoid Klitschko like the plaque. :mad: since a fight with Jones and/or Tyson will make Lewis more $$$$. :eek:

    I think you are very worng about that ton

    After seeing Klitschko winning on the score card of every judge Im shure the rematch will be the highest pay out.

    Either way It looks like we will be getting a new champ soon because Lewis lookes like shit.

  7. Originally posted by Hasselot

    ok...i guess it is gonna be Space on Thursday, Nerve on Friday, Space again on Saturday....apparently not much going on on Sunday nite...apart from Nerve through the day...right ?...

    what about Wed 7/2 nite ?...am landing around 11.00 pm in Fort Lauderdale and would like to go for a few drinks that nite...

    Thanks !

    the Wed. night party at Vodoo lounge in lauderdale is really good.

  8. Originally posted by saleen351

    i'll calling it right now

    Jets or oak are going to represent the AFC this year, and look for a return of the cheese heads with healthy farve to take it for the nfc...

    How many times have I told you to stop smoking crack:confused:

    The Jets will do well in the AFC but the BUCS should aready have a 10 spread on the super bowl! :D

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