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Everything posted by whitefairy

  1. firstly....why are u in my thread? I didn't ask u 2 be here! as for your declaration "who the hell are U" By the looks of it you haven't had enough life experience to make that call ( LMAO ) Your rather ANAL this evening Now Mr TunnelBandit..."I mean long winded twit who has the mental capacity of a paper bag" thanks watcher..... As far as dignifying myself to you *caution big word usage* I don't know you, nor would I care too. Your personality so far seems rather Boring....different strokes for different folks ..Right! If I were you I definately wouldn't be assuming anything about me......seeing as though some one of your *cough cough* status *cough cough* wouldn't want to make an ass out of themselves. Now not trying to be malicious...but I was obviously provoked....So anytime your ready to apologize for attacking me and being rather crass....you know where to find me....if not, okay by me Warning this is just the tip of the iceberg sweetie! Don't Fuck with me. Watch out my Claws are drawn:mad:
  2. Yes......I was sorta of thinking that myself.....worked out quite well though. BTW the picture just a random site I came across about 1/2 hour ago.....don't know any of those people....but somehow I knew that there may be some connection.
  3. From you *Ahem*..." Mr Start the war cuz we are on the floor..it's never seen before....ARMY OF HARDCORE" ...Nah! *shakes head* I think i'll pass, thanks anyways...
  4. Somehow that doesn't surprise me...LMFAO
  5. Actually it's hilarious.......Oh I get it, pleasze don't tell me your a juice monkey....if you are no pun intended, just made me laugh...thought I would share
  6. Is it just me or can anybody else imagine that song playing in the background: Insert song here "Diamond Girl" And the guys saying, Guy..."You're good looking." Guy Guy..."Nooo. Yoouu're good looking.".... Guy Guy...."No. YOU'RE good looking." ...Guy Yo Guy can ya stop fuckin around with the camera bro take the fuckin picture Guy
  7. 1. Wear shirt (clothed) 2. Remove shirt (unclothed) Pay particular attention to the surrounding notice how when the GINO, oops!~ I mean Guido....okay I'll stop now....one thing where are the girls??
  8. Guido Fashion! Step By Step Fashion Tips for The Italian Stalian Rico bel de Nicio guide to fashion for dumbies
  9. Oh come on...something witty PLEASE, I know u guys are better than this! Make me laugh, it's sunday and inless than 10 hours i'm going to be at the office......no short week, no holiday...OFFICE. WORK!Work...work...work, someone say something funny.....i don't want to read dry humor. Thanks in advance for your consideration:D
  10. ^^^^^^ whoa....easy there TIGER, your seriously beginning to scare me! you don't want to scare the newbie away do you? BTW-The picture is me.....thanxs. I know I know good genetics. You know looks aren't everything.....infact lasts about two seconds and then it's all over...I have other fine qualities, I'm well spoken, intelligent, knowledgeable, professional businesswoman. I've been told that it's rare to find a I women with the aforementioned traits (ie. have personality, a sense of humor and a brain) that also happen to like this like this type of music (not being arrogant just stating the obvious).
  11. People...FOCUS! This is all about me, go get yourself another thread. This is the whitefairy show......Non? Coke slut....haha *bewildered* who said anything about coke? g-d you guys are way to fixated on drugs... Now if you'de excuse me I'm off to play some pool,don't really feel like eating too much, I'm not very hungry......*ECHOO*...oh, Excuse me, I seem to have the sniffles, allergy season! Gosh I hope my insomnia isn't going to flare up tonight.
  12. Survey says..WRONG...I'm definately in acoordance with buddy boy on this one......No no problem areas! Perhaps you should give it a whirl...let us know how it is chief:tongue:
  13. Nope..never tried it.....don't need it. Good Genetics you know how it is;)
  14. Hey You, so glad to hear you had a good time! Lots of cocktails.......love the summer! Will you becoming to T.O anytime soon?
  15. Fake? I don't know what type of imaginery freinds your used to playing with on an ongoing basis *smirk*. I have more important things to do with my time than to play house. Now from the looks of it, you have absolutely nothing to say thats nice or inspiring so maybe you should take the hint and get out of my thread. Better yet maybe finding a job would be of interest to you considering you've spent enought time stalking my A-- over at Naughty Booth, would you like me to show everyone all of the PM's that you sent me.....I didn't think so! So stopping wasting my time and better yet your time with all of your inane humour
  16. Ohhh, must have forgot to mention..I"M AN ATTENTION WHORE;)
  17. give it to me ..... I need it.......I want it.......I must have it;) J/k of course, very nice to meet you
  18. Hey! New to the board! From TO! I know, I know I've got my own place to post. Have you seen it? Pretty dry, where is everyone? So I hope you guys don't mind but I'm hangin in here for a while;) Hows everyone today? I hope you guys are having a FANTASTIC day....it's almost Friday, what's not to like! Well enough ranting for now.....
  19. Just a quick HeLLO *waves*.....whatz up? Hows everyone doing today?
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