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Everything posted by obby

  1. This may be long but it's informative. I've been reading some posts and I must say it's nice to see people openly supporting Bush. The silent majority is finally coming out. The folks against him keep spewing the same rhetoric. They seem to have selective memories and like most liberals, they've got most of the issues HALF RIGHT. To all those liberals I have this to say " who let you get down off the grassy knoll?" Get back to the grassy knoll w/ the rest of the kooks. For those who are blowing their load early based on recent polls,,PUH LEEZ! Perspective people,,,perspective!!! It's February for crying out loud. Was not Dean the "anointed one" a month ago? Election is in November. Bush has not even started campaigning yet. He's said when the dems finally select a candidate, he'll focus on responding to that candidate. The demz have had a year long commercial running non-stop, 24-7 know as the primaries. All this news about "excitement" in America about these candidates is nothing more than wishful thinking. What we've got is democrats in each primary voting for their favorite democrat. How the results of demz voting for demz morphs into "America" voting for demz is insane and maliciously misleading. Bush has not spent a dime (of his over 200 million) yet to campaign for 2004. Bush can simply run on his record. Americans know G.W. Bush. They know what he stands for. They know what he supports and does not support. He's far from perfect, but his character and resolve have been spelled out clearly. W/ Bush, you know what your getting. W/ Kerry, he's all over the place. He talks from both sides of his mouth. His voting record in Washington is down right SCARY. Not one piece of legislation has his name on it and he's been in Washington for what,,,,,,,,,,,15 yrs now? Not one? Looks like someone's got a record their going to try to avoid debating on. Don't bet on it! Basically, it's way too early to tell. In my opinion, when you weigh what Bush has had to deal w/ in these 3+ yrs I have nothing but admiration and respect for the man. No, he's not perfect, but he's had to deal w/ issues like a close election in 2000, accusations of being responsible for the dragging death of Mr.. Bird in Texas, 9/11, corporate scandals, massive wild fires, Black-out, War on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, false accusations about his National Guard service, Anthrax letters, Ricin letters, etc......All this for a man who libz claimed was "duh-duh-duh dumb". Dumb? W/ a bachelors in history from Yale and masters in business from Harvard? Really? Anyway...............The bottom line is TODAY'S DEMZ just can't be trusted w/ the security of this nation. In today's democratic party JFK would not be allowed. This party of so-called "tolerant liberals" cannot believe the people voted them out of the white house and gave the majority in congress and the senate back to republicans. The people have spoken w/ their votes and it's clear who America chooses to lead this nation. The prez. has made some very, very tough decisions under extreme pressure. IOW- the guy is leading. He's doing his job. He's not planning on kicking the can down the road for the next admin. to handle as did the former admin. He's doing the job he was elected to do. For that, he's hated by the far left. He's ticked off plenty on the right as well w/ his massive domestic programs like Medicare, extended unemployment benefits, record spending Education bill, the Farm bill, etc.....Today's dem leaders hate him because he's done what Clinton did to repz. He's stolen all their issues and made them his own. Don't forget that the demz have foolishly conceded Religion to Republicans. Big mistake, HUGE!!!!!!! For me, if he's pissing off people on both sides of the aisle, that means the GUY IS DOING HIS JOB! Get it? The grassy knoll crowd like Neil Rogers on WQAM, although entertaining and funny, are just that, CONSPIRACY KOOKS who have no business coming down from their grassy knoll. Bush wants our tax cuts made permanent. Demz are openly campaigning on their desire to repeal the tax cuts? HELLO, THAT'S CODE FOR TAX HIKES! HELLO! I don't think so buddy! You want more money for failed programs like your "War on Poverty & Education? No thanks! The poor stay poor because their paid to stay poor and the kids are dumber than ever because the core of the issues in education like discipline are ignored. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame me! With all the constant barrage of negative attacks on this prez which go basically unchallenged (due to Bush's NEW TONE Policy), Bush is still @ approx 50%. Did you know Clinton NEVER had more than 50% of the vote? His highest #s where in the 40's. So, w/ that said and several months to go in which Bush will start campaigning and defending his record, I see the Bush team in good shape. The economy is the best it's been in 3 yrs. It's risen @ record pace not seen in 10-20 yrs. Unemployment is back down to 5.6% and dropping. To be honest, I think this is exactly how the Clintons want it. It's all about them and their reacquisition of power. They'll concede victory to Bush now to better their chances of anointing Hillary in 2008. As always, you can't listen to what demz (especially the Clintons) say because they're compulsive liars. YOU MUST WATCH WHAT THEY DO! Their actions always speak much louder than words. ALWAYS! So pay attention! Below are a couple points copied/pasted from other web sites..so ENJOY! Sayonara! Peace in da' middle east! We fall prey to the media's portrayal of excitement here, but there really isn't any. Everybody is getting all worked up over a nobody. It's surreal. It's manufactured. Something about this has smelled from the get-go. Six weeks ago John Kerry was 30 points down and nobody cared. Everybody was making jokes about the guy. Since then, John Kerry has become the front-runner and there is no excitement. It's all been manufactured. This whole thing is a show, and to get caught up in it as we've been is a mistake. I think even to take the guy seriously is a mistake. One of the problems I'm having is taking what he says seriously. You can't! He'll say anything to anybody. Last night, Edwards almost won, yet they couldn't find more than 75 people to fill the hall for his speech. There was a bowling alley next door, and they were thinking about moving it over to the bowling alley just so there would be a lot of people in there. I don't think there's any excitement in this at all. I think this is all trumped up, and I think the media are complicit in this. There's just something about this that has not made sense to me from the moment Howard Dean started tanking. I mean these are low-caliber candidates, all of them, and even the Democrats don't like them. The voter turnout is not big on the Democrat side, and they're each getting a small percentage of the vote in these races. This is all about Hillary in 2008. This is all a big sham, and it's all a big game, and I am sorry for losing sight of what I knew two years ago was going to be going on now, or a year ago at least. This is all a sham. This is all a joke, John Kerry couldn't be elected president any more than Boris the clown. The Democrats' joy at nominating Kerry is perplexing. To be sure, liberals take a peculiar, wrathful pleasure in supporting pacifist military types. And Kerry's life story is not without a certain feral aggression. But if we're going to determine fitness for office based on life experience, Kerry clearly has no experience dealing with problems of typical Americans since he is a cad and a gigolo living in the lap of other men's money. Kerry is like some character in a Balzac novel, an adventurer twirling the end of his mustache and preying on rich women. This low-born poseur with his threadbare pseudo-Brahmin family bought a political career with one rich woman's money, dumped her, and made off with another heiress to enable him to run for president. If Democrats want to talk about middle-class tax cuts, couldn't they nominate someone who hasn't been a poodle to rich women for past 33 years?
  2. Taken from Rush Limbaugh: Only The Rich Pay Taxes Top 50% of Wage Earners Pay 96.03% of Income Taxes October 10, 2003 There is new data for 2001. The share of total income taxes paid by the top 1% fell to 33.89% from 37.42% in 2000. This is mainly because their income share (not just wages) fell from 20.81% to 17.53%. However, their average tax rate actually rose slightly from 27.45% to 27.50%. *Data covers calendar year 2001, not fiscal year 2001 - and includes all income, not just wages, excluding Social Security This proves that it was not the tax cut that caused revenues from the rich to fall, but the recession and the stock market crash. In other words, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. If you are going to benefit from the rich paying more taxes, due to progressivity, on the upside, you are going to lose more revenue from these people on the downside. This is a good argument for reducing progressivity. Think of it this way: less than four dollars out of every $100 paid in income taxes in the United States is paid by someone in the bottom 50% of wage earners. Are the top half millionaires? Noooo, more like "thousandaires." The top 50% were those individuals or couples filing jointly who earned $26,000 and up in 1999. (The top 1% earned $293,000-plus.) Americans who want to are continuing to improve their lives - and those who don't want to, aren't. Here are the wage earners in each category and the percentages they pay: Top 5% pay 53.25% of all income taxes (Down from 2000 figure: 56.47%). The top 10% pay 64.89% (Down from 2000 figure: 67.33%). The top 25% pay 82.9% (Down from 2000 figure: 84.01%). The top 50% pay 96.03% (Down from 2000 figure: 96.09%). The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.97% of all income taxes. The top 1% is paying more than ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%! And who earns what? The top 1% earns 17.53 (2000: 20.81%) of all income. The top 5% earns 31.99 (2000: 35.30%). The top 10% earns 43.11% (2000: 46.01%); the top 25% earns 65.23% (2000: 67.15%), and the top 50% earns 86.19% (2000: 87.01%) of all the income. The Rich Earned Their Dough, They Didn't Inherit It (Except Ted Kennedy) The bottom 50% is paying a tiny bit of the taxes, so you can't give them much of a tax cut by definition. Yet these are the people to whom the Democrats claim to want to give tax cuts. Remember this the next time you hear the "tax cuts for the rich" business. Understand that the so-called rich are about the only ones paying taxes anymore. I had a conversation with a woman who identified herself as Misty on Wednesday. She claimed to be an accountant, yet she seemed unaware of the Alternative Minimum Tax, which now ensures that everyone pays some taxes. AP reports that the AMT, "designed in 1969 to ensure 155 wealthy people paid some tax," will hit "about 2.6 million of us this year and 36 million by 2010." That's because the tax isn't indexed for inflation! If your salary today would've made you mega-rich in '69, that's how you're taxed. Misty tried the old line that all wealth is inherited. Not true. John Weicher, as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank, wrote in his February 13, 1997 Washington Post Op-Ed, "Most of the rich have earned their wealth... Looking at the Fortune 400, quite a few even of the very richest people came from a standing start, while others inherited a small business and turned it into a giant corporation." What's happening here is not that "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer." The numbers prove it. I have made an executive decision as the owner and ultimate editor of this website that this table and these numbers stay on this website forever - or until next year's numbers come out. In order to get these facts, you have to see them each and every day. This story, along with a link to the IRS chart, will stay somewhere on the RushLimbaugh.com homepage so everyone can see and find these numbers at any time. It's crucial that people get this, so please, share it with a friend now! Check Out the UPDATED IRS Table of Numbers from 2001 Click Here For IRS Table
  3. I left my pouch with all the promos in Jimmy T's car and he already knows to bring them to me this Friday at Nerve. Trust me I will get them. I called Jimmy the next day telling him to make sure no one messes with them. THEY ARE MINE ALL MINE. Now back to the subject posted. This event is sure to be worth while so who's going?
  4. Open to all but you must register which days you will attend with Remix magazine. Here Is The Link To Register I had a blast there last year so I highly recommend this event to everyone. have fun with your new toy Matas
  5. Dork! Yes they are performing. Along side the others mentioned. PS: Did you land your mixer yet? Nice choice. I myself am battling it out for a Rane MP 2016 Rotary Mixer.
  6. TUESDAY 3/9 RITZ PLAZA SOUTH BEACH performances by: Behrouz – Jody Way Out West - Electric Skychurch – Deep Sky – Grayarea – Junkie XL I myself went last year and had a blast. Jody's set was off the wall and it seems like this years line up is even better. Hope to see some of you there.
  7. too long????? Thats what she said:D
  8. Here is Joey and I (SOTU Crew) sporting the gangster look. LOL Hope to meet the new faces this year during conference. Yanera, myself and SOTUchick
  9. Hello,,,tax cuts! IT'S OUR MONEY! Not yours and not the governments! IT'S OURS! Get it? Are you really that generous? lol Bin Laden is now Bush's fault? That does not even dignify a response. Clinton himself was recorded on video and audio openly admitting he passed up Bin Laden on multiple occasions because he felt it would have been "illegal". Those are the facts. But like you said, lets not get into the "blame thing". It's your funeral. The IRS info is what it is,,,IT'S FACT! The rich and middle class 96% of the taxes. Poor people don't get tax breaks because they don't pay taxes to begin with. PERIOD! You want to repeal the MY TAX CUT! FU! Thats my money. If you want to see the real hypocrisy in your argument, IMAGINE taxes being "optional". Then and only then will we all be able to see how generous you are w/ YOUR MONEY! Liberals are always SOOOO generous w/ other peoples money. Sooner or laters liberals always end up running out of other peoples money. Universal Health Care....LOL Again, a great liberal idea to spend other peoples money. Given the FACT that NOT ONE gov't program works better and more efficiently than it does in the private sector, liberals still cling to the idea of socialized medicine? Given the systems in Canada, U.K. etc. to be known for being too expensive, cumbersome, inefficient and lacking quality and prompt service, liberals still claim socialized medicine is the cure-all???? Have you ever gone to a gov't building for say,,,,,a passport, social security card, homestead exemption,etc....???? Gov't programs always take too long, give crappy service and hence being a gov't program, OFFER NO OTHER CHOICE! Socialized medicine has clearly proven to be an expensive waste of tax payer money. Citizens can always find better options in the private sector. Private sector always does it cheaper and offers better service because it must compete to say alive. Gov't programs don't have to compete. Like I said earlier,,,if you want all these warm and fuzzy programs, YOU PAY FOR IT! Don't you dare reach into my pocket! Why the facts elude liberals is beyond me? LIBERALS LIVE TO GOVERN OVER THE PEOPLE WHICH CONSERVATIVES LIVE TO ELIMINATE AS MUCH GOV'T FROM THE PEOPLE! GET IT? 1st of all, wasn't it all about the economy? oh yeah,,that's come around as promised,,,,so now it's what, jobs? ALL experts agree jobs is ALWAYS the lagging indicator of an economic recovery, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that FACT is irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion. 2nd, the same people who you love to take opinions from as undeniable fact (economic analyst, unnamed white house source/s, etc..) ALSO WENT ON RECORD claiming that the real majority of jobs lost in over 3 yrs. has been a direct result of the greatly improved EFFICIENCY of today's American businesses. The mild recession (which according to all economic reports began in 1999) is one of the culprits along w/ 9/11, corporate scandals & the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. IOW-> companies are doing more w/ less. The jobs lost to overseas outsourcing are not the jobs that keep America great and running. From telemarketing jobs to sweatshops. The American economy has always been a fluid one. The American resolve and determination to "re-invent itself" is precisely what's made and continues to prove our economy as being the best in the history of this world. For the record, this exact point was specifically cited by Mr... Alan Greenspan just last week. We all know you probably take his word as gospel, but then again, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that FACT is irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion. 3rd, the 2.2 million jobs which the press keep ramming down out throats does not include any (NOT ONE) jobs gained in 3 + years. Looking at this issue through a soda straw and focusing on maybe the Carolinas or Michigan does not give a fair account of the net jobs gained. Granted, I don't expect you to implement the same amount of effort into researching that fact. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume these FACTS are irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion. VIOLA ! TAH-TAH for now. I've gotta get back to my Nazi news & massive right-wing conspiracy. ps: Obby's guess: You'll find one or 2 points which you feel you can make a better argument w/ regardless of the issue/s which lie @ the core to twist this "argument". Typical,,,,worry about winning the argument rather that honestly evaluating the core of the problem to hopefully find a better solution or idea to resolving the problem. How constructive and tolerant? pss: quote: Today's democratic leaders live to govern over the people while today's republican leaders live to eliminate as much government from the people.
  10. I am aware that Democrats are more domestically concerned compared to the Republicans who are Internationally concerned. I'm aware that that our economy has not been in it's usual highs recently BUT I AM ALSO AWARE THAT THERE ARE EVIL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD THAT WANT TO SEE THE BIG KIDS ON THE BLOCK (United States of America) suffering and dying. Here is the way I see it. Take this with as many grains of salt as you like. We are spoiled here in the USA. We are so spoiled that we do not even see how good we have things here in the States even in today's current state. Just cause our economy is down does not mean that we "live horribly". Compare your lifestyle to others not so fortunate around the World and then ask yourself...."Am I really living a bad lifestyle?" Right now I think one of our main priorities is to protect ourselves from the Evils in this World and take the fight to the terrorist which only a Republican will approve of. The more the terrorist (who wish us harm) are on the run, the less time they will have to sit and plan events such as 911 against us. This is a concept used by many in both our armed forces and police departments which makes allot of sense. Take the fight to them, keep them on the run, less time for them to plan against us while their running. I am aware that unemployment rates are at it's highest but I am also aware that so is our threat against terrorist organizations. Every President has his critics and will never be able to please everyone so negative comments will always be expected from both sides. I will be voting Republican this year (again) in hope that we continue to strengthen our military and continue to hunt down the evils in this World. I know not to expect the best in such short time just like I know that tough times are ahead of us. I am now going to make a prediction which I hope NEVER comes true. If the democrats win the Presidency this year, yes our economy will stat to shape up just as quick as our defenses will go down along side our international concerns. While our economy is up and while we are stuffing our faces with BK and McDonalds and living a honkey dorry life guess who will be back to remind us how much they hate us??????????? Correct......terrorist. 911 to the 10th power will happen again if we do not continue to take the fight to the people who want to see us buried. Then and only then will we learn that UNFORTUNATELY we must put our feet down. 911 opened some eyes but not enough eyes. So for those of you who feel that we are living soooooooo bad these days due to our Presidents actions. Take a look at the third World Counties around us and repeat the same comment if you can. Again, these are just my thought and are not to be used to start an argument. I VOTE REPUBLICAN It is nice to see that many people are getting off their asses and voting this year. Voting is a grand gift that we have here in the states and should not be taken for granted. Iraqi's are now entitled to vote thanks to us.
  11. DORSET - PERCEPTION (LOW STEPS BALEARIC BREAKS MIX) Well worth the mission to land.
  12. obby

    Origene - Sanctuary

    Very impressive for it's first release on the Bandung label. I can only expect great things to come from them.
  13. obby

    Origene - Sanctuary

    Origene - Sanctuary Origene are Melbourne trio Bryan Canham and Ben Grayson along with vocalist Matilda White, whom come together to fuse elements of electronica with more mainstream sounds such as trance and pop. These ideas spawned a huge success for them in the city of Melbourne and all across Australia as 'Sanctuary' became a anthem down under. Remixed by Ivan Gough, the track found favour with the underground jocks as well, but has never really been noticed outside of Australia. However, that is all set to change as Harry Lemon, a big fan of the track has picked it up for release on his new Bandung Records imprint, with Ivan's remix sitting alongside a mix from Harry himself, thus finishing off a rather large remix package indeed. As one might expect, the 'Harry Lemon Mix' has all those trademark Lemon8 production skills are out in force here, taking Ivan's mix and adding some new kick drums and Inner Sanctuary style beats to the track. Filtered effects add a twist the to the groove and a big string breakdown drives the emotion through the roof as the vocal kicks back in straight after, with some of his magic emitted via a solid groove to finish. Another big and powerful mix from Mr Lemon. However, there is big and there is monstrous, and the 'Ivan Gough Mix' is the latter without a doubt. Precision drums and tight percussion lead into a pulsating bassline that vibrates, with hypnotic effects washing over the top. Heavy bass takes the mix lower, a deeper and eerie mood created as the big sounds take over. The moment the vocal enters, each line of the chorus interrupted by heavy beats, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, the beats creating an incredible mood with some moving rhythms luring you in. The term big room track is quite cliched, but even that does not apply here as an open air festival would have trouble containing this monster, which does not seem to have aged one bit. The first release on Bandung has all the hallmarks that you would associate with Harry Lemon. Tight production and crisp sounds, with great emotion and depth. Remaining faithful to the roots of house music, whilst adding the aforementioned credentials, and it looks as though this label could be a breath of fresh air indeed. Full Sound Sample Coming Soon (02-18-04)
  14. Well I hope she did not take it in the negative way that you did. It was meant in a positive way.
  15. obby

    Pearl Tonight?????

    Should be fun tonight. Anyone else heading here?
  16. Come on.......I promise I will not put you to shame. I'll fuck up on purpose.
  17. I don't know about tag teaming but this is a great reason for me to venture off up there. You have my sounds if needed. Only cause it's you Jackie. OBBY
  18. Looks like a dehydrated carcass of a rat. Yummmmmm makes me want to eat those subs.
  19. Question What the folk are those things supposed to be. I saw that commercial the other days and thought someone slipped acid into my drink. What are those thing? It that advertisement supposed to work?
  20. She has the Alanis Morissette look.
  21. I myself love classical music and can ever get enough of groups like The Cure, The Police, Depeche Mode, U2, Nine Inch Nails ect
  22. Just curious to know where you will be most during the conference. I myself crave the pool parties and the Nikki Beach opening party. Nerve seems to have a great line up this years as well. Hooj always throws a geat event. Are they here this year? OBBY
  23. Great job !!!!!!!!! Digital Witchcraft is one not to be missed. I am looking so forward to it. OBBY
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