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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. Badass let me know when you want to go shopping!! The store in Garden state plaza is the best!! I love dressing men!! Uhmmmm....... Yeah whatever!!!!
  2. Not even if you were the cutest guy around would I give you anything!! j/k!!!! :laugh:
  3. Neiman Marcus!! I am a department manager. Yes I get a discount and only if you are really cute and are going to buy me something too will I give you my discount!!!
  4. I don't think you are cute!! Personally I think you are pretty annoying w/ all your stupid posts!! J/K!!!
  5. OK sweetie you are really cute and somewhat pretty so don't let the whole wise ass shit change my veiw of you!! I was asking a simply little question so I would know what kind of place was opening. No need for your sarcasim. You just sit back and relax and be the cutie you are!!
  6. Hunnie you have to call me and fill me in on this one!! If you set a date now I can get a four day weekend off from work!!! Just give me the dates so I can tell them!! I don't know how to ski but the whole SPA idea sounds good to me!!
  7. Where? What is it like? How is is the set up? You know the usual ???'s we all want to know to get interested!!!!!
  8. The free show will have to be after RS!! But then again you never know I might just get completely bombed and flash everybody!!!
  9. Sergio you know you got my vote!! Who else would let me use them as a fill in boyfriend!! hehehe!! ;)
  10. I am sure you look as adorable as you always do!! You never know women might see you and think you have incredible full lips and find you extemely sexy. (Not to say you aren't extremely sexy and gorgeous now!)
  11. AWWWW!!! How are you today sweetie? Did you go to work? Call me later cuz I'm home!! If you want I'll get those guys bumped if ya know what I mean!! hehehehehe!!!!
  12. My sunday FU is b/c I have to work all day!!! Now that really sux big donkey balls!! Well the bright side of it is I have off tomorrow which means my ass will be at Joeys tonight!!! I can't wait to have an apple martini!!!
  13. I actually do not think it was Denny who banned you. If you happen to use you brain for once you might figure out who it was!!
  14. JP call me and tell me what happened! Do you want me to come over tonight to take care of you?? Are you hurt?? My poor little chipmunk!!!! I'll beat those assholes to the ground!!! OK well maybe not me myself but I will find someone to do it for me!!! :mad:
  15. Cigs my love I will be there!! I will not wear a white shirt though! Sorry!! I know it's your b'day and all but no free shows a RS. Maybe later though!! I think Alli is coming w/ me for this special occasion!! I guess I will be staying at your place again!!?? hehehe!!!! ;)
  16. OK all of you are extremely gross and I now know that I will never have sex w/ anyone on the board!!
  17. TROLL LAND that's funny:laugh: ! If there is going to be any violence here I want in!! I have been feeling some slight rage lately!!! Hunnie call me later!! What are you doing tonight? Bunka tomorrow? I think I'm staying in but I might go out tonight!! I might have company tomorrow night if you know what I mean jellybean!!!!!!
  18. Every Friday I have a hangover too!! Luckily I don't work on Fridays that much but when I do it really sux!!!! I guess last night was good huh!!??
  19. Joe what's up with this??!! Someone piss you off??!! Just let me know who it was and I'll kick their ass for you!! Well then again I just got my nails done and nobody is worth me breaking a nail over!! hehehe!! Call me tonight!!
  20. JP I'll wanna kick you ass cuz I figure that's the only way I'll see you again!! By the time you get your DL back I will forget what you look like!! I'll just have to watch the cartoon network to see chip n dale!! Those little chipmonks should be able to give me a mental picture of you!!!! hehehe!! You know I love your cheeks!!!
  21. I think I need your job!! Are they hiring?? Do you need a personal assistant by any chance??!! hehehe!!!!
  22. I must say you lead such a rough life!! How do you deal w/ such busy Fridays??!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  23. Looks always interest me at first too. Then it's the personality. If they have no personality or sense of humor, I don't care how good the look. They can have more money then GOD but if they can't have fun pretty much doing nothing then they aren't for me. I likes guys that can goof off and be stupid. I can have fun anywhere! I always try to make the best out of the worst situations!! If my guy is like me then I'm set!! If not I move on....NEXT PLEASE!!!!!
  24. Hey Sweetie!!! I wish I could go but I have to work all day on Sunday!! If you guys are still out hangin around after 8pm I'll meet up w/ you!! Let me know what the scoop is for the weekend ladies!!!!! I'll pm you w/ my number later!!!
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