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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. Welcome to the clubplanet cult!! Once we get you in you will never be able to leave!! Mondays are usaully like this. People are actually working or recovering or like me, I have off on Mondays so I sleep til noon!!
  2. Ok this is the rumor I heard. They are selling dj's but they were to keep Hunka-bunka. Then I heard they were going to sell both bc they just wanted out of the club business.
  3. Is that a threat? I'm not sure how to take that! Still, I kinda like it!! ;)
  4. I guess so huh?! That sounds like a challenge to me! I think I like it!!
  5. You might be a keeper. Atleast for awhile...... ;)
  6. :yuck: That gross taste is just such turn on!! It makes you so much more atractive to me!! :tongue:
  7. Well this shit has got me through this horrible week at work!! I never laugh so hard looking at this!!! All the girls I work with come over to look at at all when I'm on here!!! :laugh:
  8. :laugh: Is anybody friends with these poor fools? I hope someone tells them to look at this shit so they can see what idiots they are!! :rofl:
  9. Hey lady!! Well after i dropped you off last nite i sat on the phone with sergio till 5am fighting!!! He didn't go cuz I was there!! ha-ha!! call me i'm home!!
  10. Girls who play games think that way!! Actually I know a lot of girls who hate that 3 day rule!! It is really stupid and childish. I know if a guy gave me his # I would call him the next day!! What do I need to wait for?!! ;)
  11. Ok mr.jp how old are you and what do you mean your #'s?
  12. Why waste time with a three day rule? Call and just get it over with! I hate this baby crap!! If you are interested just call! We are not little kids in high school anymore!! I like it when a guy calls me the next day!! It shows he is mature and is confident in himself.
  13. Well being that I just got out of a similar situation I can tell you he is probably seeing a couple of other girls once a week too. Men really suck! Except my daddy!!
  14. I bet they were mine first!! How about this - If I'm older than you you have to change you name!!??
  15. If you go to deko then I'll go!! Actually just to see you get drunk I would even pisk your ass up to go!!
  16. Do you have a date? Didn't you know monday thru wednesday are date nights not thursday thru sunday!! I might get jealous anyway!!
  17. . And you don't think that's wrong? Even I wouldn't do that and you know me I'll do just about everything (not everybody though) atleast once!! I don't think I could have sex in a church but I did grab sergio's balls in church once!!!
  18. 32 is really old though right?!? :laugh:
  19. You guys are so easy!! I love the challenge!! Then again ....?! ;)
  20. I don't think so. I have to work all weekend!! I might come down Sunday night if my friends stay down. I not I'm home all weekend!! :(
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