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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. We can get him really drunk and all take advantage of him!!! He wil be really HAPPY then!! :laugh:
  2. I didn't know it was your b'day next tues.!? I'll def have to buy you a drink now!! Ih bt the way I know how old you are and I'm accepting bribe $$$ not to tell!! :laugh:
  3. Can we leave my tits out of this!!?? Why do they get into every conversation? I mean, I know they are big and all but does everybody need to know? Then again how can ya miss them? :D ;) Alli since you like to talk about boobs can we talk about yours too!? :tongue:
  4. I think I might have to!! That's ok!! I'll buy him two just because!!! :D
  5. I'm gunna tell ya a lttle story. When I was a little girl this kid mike used to pick on me really bad. He would say really mean things to me and about me. My nick name was doggie. He used to bark at me. In high school it wasn't that bad. I really never saw him so it kind of all faded out. I never forgot though. One night I went out to a local bar by my house in Cranford to meet some friends for drinks before I went out. I even remember what I was wearing it was perfect!! This guy Mike was there and started hitting on me all night. He bought me and my friends drinks all night abd wouldn't leave me alone. So finally I asked him if he remebered me from high school. He said he thought I looked familiar. I told him who I was and ho was like Oh MY GOD!!! Well, he apoligized for everything from when we were littlle abd said I grew up to be beautiful. Well, as i was leaving (i was going to the Roxy that night) he asked for my number. I turned to him and said "WUF WUF!" and waved as I walked out the door. We women do not forget things!!
  6. Ok I suck!! I fell asleep at my sisters last night after i went to the store!! She woke me up this morning at 7am!! SORRY!!! Still love me?!
  7. I'm off on friday and I can't wait!! Unfortunately, I have to work on sat and sun so I gots to out tomorrow nite!!!! That's when the real drinkin starts!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:
  8. i'm not coming down this sat. nite either but I'll be down on sunday!!!
  9. I want to!! Jessica lives in Hoboken which is good for me so I don't have to drive home!! Only problem is I have to be at work at 9am on saturday!!!
  10. ok no I think I'm thinking you are someone else!! Who do you hang out with? Do you go to p-techs house at all!?
  11. No I didn't make it down to the house because I stayed in Belmar Saturday night!! We went to headliners!! I don't think Jess was down there either. Actually she was in L.I. at a friends!! I don't think Michele was down ther either!! Were any of the girls in the house down there?
  12. I think I met you at the shore house. Jessica is my bestfriend!! I try and go down every weekend so I'm sure I know you!! I'm Jennifer!! :D ;)
  13. After the day I had I really need a drink!! :beer: :beer:
  14. Who are you and then maybe I'll tell you who I am!!?? ;)
  15. I would like to go out but now none of the girls want to go out!! I really need a drink so I need to go out!!
  16. Thank God you were on here today!! You have honestly made my day!! I am know looking foward to going out and having a few drinks!! I needed a good laugh!! :D
  17. Yes bitch it is I your wonderful cousin!! And please leave my tits out of this!! What are you doing? Do you want to go out with us tonite let me know!!! :tongue: :D
  18. p-tech I'll only go if you promise me you will have a drink with me!!?? ;)
  19. Thanks guys!! I needed that all day!! I have been having one of the worst days!!! I think almost everybody at my job has now read a little of this now!! My boss already yelled at me twice!! Thanks!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh2:
  20. Wait a minute! Are you trying to tell me you are getting old? Is this what I have to look foward to in the next year? Not being able to hang out anymore? Or are you just doing that b/c your friends are?! Almost are my friends are married with kids but that hasn't stopped me yet!!!
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