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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. OK I really drank too much wine last night!! I get a little mushy when that happens!! Zee no more sleep overs with wine!! We need the hard stuff next time cuz I get too sappy!!!!
  2. Yo dog you are f'n crazy!!! You crack me up with all your f'n remarks!! OK go to sleep already!!!
  3. Tara you are the best chick- a - dee!!! You crack me up!!! Zee you are too my love!!! Don't think I forgot about you!!! I love you guys!!
  4. Sorry this is to you jonnyquest
  5. OK you really need to stop being so annoying.
  6. Girl tell him you have really bad cramps and you need to stay in tonight. Guys usually don't know what to say to that!!!
  7. Don't you worry!!! I will take care of feeding all the baby sheep!!! I will make sure they all feed at least 3 times a day!!!!
  8. Well hello my little cupcake!!! And how are you? I am always fine and dandy!!!!! I raelly don't get to go on here anymore cuz Iam either at work or I'm not home!!! I promise to try harder to say hi to my precious little cupcake more often!!!!
  9. WHAT???? You are going out saturday night cuz I am pickin your ass up!!!!! My man is in Boston and that means party time!!! You know the saying - When the cat is away the mouse shall play!!! - However it goes!!!!! YOU ARE COMING OUT SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!! You have to come out cuz I am actually coming out!!!!!!
  10. They really need to stop putting my pics on the internet!!
  11. Jennifer P. I am expecting a bottle waiting for me when I get there!!! Love you!!!!!
  13. I listen told my cd's from the summer of 95 - 99!!!!!!!! I think that's why I always get pulled over atleast 10 times every summer!!!
  14. I need to go out!!!!! I even stayed in with him last night!! Not like I am complaining cuz he is sooooo worth it!!!!!
  15. Thank you so much!! First I would like to thank my mom amd dad for raising me to be such a spoiled brat. If it wasn't for them I would have never turned out to be such a BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Mama I will be going out tomorrow night!!!!! If I have to drag Dave along I will!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to go outttttttttttttt!!!!!
  17. Hello I am still alive!! I want to go to metro too!!! I will drag my man bitch to metro tomorrow night if I have to!!!!!!!
  18. Calm down sweetie!! We will have to discuss this!!
  19. Hello and what about me!!?? Just cuz I got a man now does not mean you forget about me!!!!! I am going out too!!!!!!
  20. Ok Eric Cone. I always call people by their real names. If I don't know them I ask!!
  21. Sweetie you do not need an invitation to hang out with me!!! You are always welcome to go out with us!!!!
  22. You just let me know cuz I want you to be my partner!!! And where were you last night anyway!!!??? We could have played last night!!!!!!
  23. I know your'e a nice guy!! If you going to give me your toys you have to stay and play with me ok!!??!!
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