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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. I am so sorry guys but I needed some lovin from my man!!!! I now know better to never pick a man over my muskateers ever again. Thank you for setting me staight girlz!!! Oh and I better be gettin some rice and beans!!!!!!!
  2. Happy B'day my big tittie bitch!!! (From the other big tittie bitch!) Hope you had a good one!! Sorry I missed it sat night!!! :bday: :bday:
  3. :laugh: Poor Jay!! I still feel bad about the wedgie thing!!!! Yeah right!! Wait til next time!!!
  4. Ya mean the one that used to be a man?????
  5. Next time you need to come out with us when we have the camera!! Just remember don't do anything I wouldn't do!!!
  6. I was thinking the front will say CP Hooker (if that could possibly fit) and on the back of the bottoms I Love Drama!
  7. Since I am the head cheerleader for the CP hockey team I will show my support for other CPer's!!! Can I wear a bikini top???????????
  8. Next time you are my partner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue:
  9. Jay you guys suck at pool!!!!! I always win!! Remember that!!! When is the next get together?? My place again???
  10. HYPE!!!! HOW MANY MORE HOURS?????????????????????????? :laugh:
  11. I will be with you sweetheart!!!!! How much longer????
  12. you guys got a room right?? We will all be wrecked and stupid like usual!!! Me and Tara have like 20 cameras between us I think!!!! That's a whole hell of a lot of pics!!!!
  13. You really shouldn't have said anything. I would never mention names like I said. I am done and it is over on my part. My new years resolution is to stop being the bitch that I am. ( heheh) I am sorry and please let's have a long over due shot together on NYE!!!!!!
  14. Are you finally done becuase I really can't read anymore of this bullshit!! Actually I wish I guy got out of my bed 15 minutes ago cuz it's been that long!!! Marble floors where? Whatever!!! If you are happy that's all that matters right??? I am happy where I am right now so what is your concern here??? I will have a nice house one day because one is being built for me when i do get married!!! Not to worry about how or where I live!! I am set for life sweetie so stop your worrying!!! As for the people on here that neither one of us will mention.... They are the nicest people I know and I would never do anything to hurt them either. If you can recall our last episode on the clubplanet network YOU mentioned names not me. I would never!! Well it was nice cuasing drama with you but I must get going know. The princess has to go get her pedicure and manicure done for NYE!!!!! I hope you have a good one!!!!
  15. OK I will talk to Armenio about Deko but I don't think it can hold that many people!!! PNC sounds like a better place!! Where should we have the after party? Somewhere in the city?? I alraedy found a spot for my ceepee award and my acceptence speech is almost done!!!!
  16. I don't drink so it really doesn't matter to me!!!! :laugh: :laugh: Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!
  17. WOW shows how much you know about me!! One I do work for Neiman Marcus where I am a manager. I do not hang clothes for a living though. That is what is have employees for. I do all the ordering and buying for my department. I go into the city for the fashion shows. I do not hang clothes or even put them out. so much for what you know. Actually sweetheart do some research on the company and you might actually realize I make more money than you asshole!!!!! As far as where I live.... I choose to live where I did becuase it is perfect for me. Actually my apartmnet is bigger than your little shack of o house!!! And I pay my rent myself and do not need a roommate to help me (poor fat fuck you live with). If I wanted a house or a condo which I almost did buy I would have done it. You seen to recall other conversations so why don't you remember the one with all the money I have?????? My court case???? My inheritence?????? I an not protecting anybody but myself and the other girls on here from mentioning their names. Actually one of the did post on here. The do exist and other people know about it all. Well I am glad you feel better writing all the shit becuase most of it makes no sense. You know nothing about me obviously and you write this shit like you do. You think you know about my sex life, my job, oh you didn'y mention my family yet??!! What about them? Anything???? Well I am obviously not poor since i get what ever I want soo you can tell eveyone I am spoiled if you want!!!?? Mommy and Daddy spoil me!!!!! WOW how horrible!!!!! Oh what about my sisters?? Anything on them??? All you can do is talk about what a slut I am. I really don't know where you would even get that becuase you know noone that I ever slept with. Ok wait you do know Al and he thinks you are a big fucking dork too. Well you have a Happy New Year!! Maybe you should make you New Years resolution that you will stop being a crackhead and stop making shit up!! Especially about people you know shit about!!!
  18. Thank you Alli for sticking up for your "30 year old slut" of a cousin!!!! You really do not need to defend me to this peice of shit cuz no matter what he says about me he will always be a loser and have no friends. Me on the other hand I have real friends on these boards but mostly off these boards. They know me and how I am. Yes I will admit I am no an innocent little girl. Yes I actually have had premaritial sex. I am sorry!!!! But I am not a slut in any way!!! Thank you for posting some of his shit that HE wrote cuz I just wouldn't do it!! I will not post any names either!! I will say he has missed the nights the professionals went out and all we did was bash him!! I will say there have been plenty of nights were someone on here has started her own chat room and we all bashed doubleplay!!! I will not mention names because I don't want to start drama between other people. Alli you are the best!!! Thank you and I love you!! (Enough of the mushy shit)!!!!
  19. WOW That's funny I don't use birth control?? Well if I am not mistaken I have been on the pill for about 5-6 years!! Would you like to speak to my gyno?? I'll even let her show you my records!!! I slept with how many people???!!! WOW I must get it alot!!!! Maybe that's why I am always in such a good mood all the time!!! Whatever!! I don't think so honey so keep on making up your stories!!! I must admit though you are making up some good ones so keep it up!!! Everyone is really getting a kick outta this!!! So what other bad and evil things did I do?? As for the friends you think you have... OK so you have 1 friend!!!! All of those other people you call friends think you are a big dork too. They are your aquaintances - not friends!!! The people you talk to when you go out are just that people that you just know from going out!! They are not your friends!!! People you introduce other people to do not make them your friends idiot!!!!! Now as for my girlfriend Carin... She thinks you are a complete stalker!!! Do you really want me to tell you how many times I had to stop her from going over to you to tell you to stop staring at me!!! She was ready to smack the stupid look off your ugly face!!!! Go on make up another one!!!!! Now as for my friends - my real friends. The ones I would die for. How would you ever meet them? Five of my closest friends are married with kids!! And how many times have you seen me out? Maybe a hand full??!! I haven't seen you in sooooo long (cuz you don't go out cuz you have no friends) how would you eben know who I hang out with!!?? As for what they were talking about in the shore house... they asked where I found the fucking dork sitting on the couch!!!!!!!! Well my fingers have typed enough now!! There is really no need for me to explain myself or defend myself to you or anyone on here. My friends know me and know how I am. I am not going to mention any names on here cuz I raelly do not want to start anymore drama then there is here. If they would like to say something they will. If not that's cool cuz they don't want the drama from you. You can try and bash me all you want. Put me down with all your stories. You obviously don't have a fucking life!!!! You should write a book!!!! Well it was nice have this darma time with you but I must go now!! I need to go be the slut that am and have a massive orgy now!!! Come and get me boys!!!! BYE-bye!!!!
  20. That was cute Joe!!!!!!! I do not think we will ever kiss and make up though!!
  21. WOW!! Talk about adding in your own shit to a story!!! Well atleast you made up a really good story to try and make me look like a whore!!! Still it doesn't hurt my feeling because I know the truth and so do my friends!!! Oh wait do you even know what friends are??? Whatever asshole!! Like I said before... Say whatever you want about me becuase I really don't care and neither does anyone else on these boards!! Call me fat!! Call me a whore all you want!!!!! Don't be upset I didn't fuck you!!! I'm sorry!!!! You can go die now!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! :blown: :blown:
  22. What?? You fuching loser!! What the hell are you talking about?? Oh I got a computer for Xmas so I really don't need to go to mommy's anymore!!! No need for a collection folr me!!! Aren't you the one that almost went bankrupt and almost lost your house!!?? You wonder why your wife left you for your best friend!!!!????!!! You are a loser!!! Nothing you can do can change it!! Didn't you figure that out when she left you?? Say all you want about me!!! Call me fat!! Call me a slut!!! I think I'll go call that suiside hotline now!!!! I am just so horrible that i need to just put myself and the world out of it's misery! Whatever you fucking loser!!! You have no friends and you have no life!!!!! I will just laugh at you everytime you write something on here!!! Put me down left and right if you want cuz I don't care and nobody else on here cares what you have to say!!!! I am going to go watch football now with MY FRIENDS!! Have fun sitting home by yourself loser!!! Happy New Year Asshole!!!!
  23. You are such a fuching dork!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blown: :blown:
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