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Everything posted by roque1

  1. i guess that would be a good thing:D
  2. Steve Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-bar
  3. Barry did i meet DJ creep? I cant believe those girls sold the tickets for $30 i would have given them more than that. They did know how to work the crowd all night
  4. Lets get dirty just say Steve R or BG @ the door for a $3 admission.
  5. the door count keeps rising everyweek and there is always something whacky goin on. thanx to everyone who came out. It was a fun time. oh and next time keep ur damn shirts on. lmao
  6. i think there is a pajama party in a few weeks:laugh:
  7. Come check out tooch at R-Bar Thursday Oct. 10th. For guestlist just say Steve R. @ the door, its a tally.
  8. thats why i wondered as well as the others. i dont even know who he is or what he looks like
  9. is this the same section ST will be in?
  10. especially with some of the abyss names. Joey Enuff Will Stern Matt Mango Izzy Joe boz of buzz... hmmmm......and of course Alen Ash very catchy like the rest Jerry X. Ok im gonna stop now:laugh:
  11. if anyone needs to get on a list PM me or email RoqueDadddy@aol.com and ask for steve r's list @ the door.
  12. yes i do work there. have them come by im sure they will have a great time and if u want to throw them on list u know what to do, thanx, and just so everyone knows the quote underneath is from a song, im not looking for drama just like the song LOL
  13. i guess that could be vocal driven house. I've heard that track plenty of times and most girls go nuts when it comes on.
  14. wasnt one of the best shows but i cant wait to watch next week.
  15. im sure alot of people are looking forward to seein luz. and its great that ur such a big fan. I like her also. I prefer to hear her track opposed to hip hop. The party at platinum is a good time and for the most part everyone who has checked the place out has enjoyed themself. Maybe u would or maybe u wouldnt. I luv to go out and when i do i usually have fun. u were being a little sarcastic with ur post and thats why u got a reply from prime and whoever else. get the consept people are gonna do what they want like everyone sez on here " to each their own" Platinum is next to a college and they want a college party on friday platinum fridays arent marketing specifically to the cutting edge house fans. ur gonna get a diverse array of house hip hop and reggae and if thats what people like, thats where they will go. just my .02 cents, not trying to pick a fight with you. Im sure if you go out alot a prob. know who u are.
  16. maybe those guys he let in just worked there. Who knows? They could have been goin in for different reasons. and u know a bouncer is gonna let someone they know in no matter what. I went out this Saturday to a jersey club that is supposed to be dressed up and i saw people in there wearing sneakers who u know matters. im sure what happened to you has happened to everyone that posts on here atleast once in their lives. as for the style.......saline ysolt and whoever else was talking about they like to wear i must say that sometimes i like wearing shoes and a dress shirt and other times i like wearing jeans sneaks and a T. Sometimes i like seeing girls dressed up but also like when they wear sneakers. there are diff scenes for diff. people
  17. no hip hop on Saturday. All house. Friday is house, hip hop, and reggae. The dress code on Friday isn't strict at all. AND they try to bring in the college crowd on Friday not Saturday.
  18. the party was def. a fun time. Very nice to meet ysolt and grace. Tina Ann very good looking. GOod performance also. big shout to prime u pimp, bg, gary and anyone else who came out and had a great time. and of course ben, jen and the rest of the staff.\ see you all next week. :roll:
  19. i worked there, there were comps and reduced. the only thing that changed was that we weren't getting paid for comps. but you are right fridays did jump off at one point. but they are jumpin off just as much this year. so far these first two fridays did have people so thats why i replied to whateverman (i just relized who he is BTW) i think Platinum Fridays will be a success.
  20. so far fridays are pulling in more people than last year
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