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Posts posted by dkny8

  1. Trance will always be around. It's just boring as fuck. I can go to a house party sober, but for trance, I need to be heavily medicated. Trance may be emotional music, but trance has no soul like house does. Techno I'll take over trance in a heartbeat for different reasons.

    And hey Victor, what the fuck are you talking about, the best DJ's are trance DJ's? :laugh: What, because some magazine poll says trance DJ's are among the most popular, that means they are better? More popular does not mean better, Sherlock. Just as an example, if you really think Paul Oakenfold (Number 8 on the DJ Mag Top 100) is a better DJ than Erick Morillo (Number 16 on the DJ Mag Top 100) or Danny Tenaglia (Number 18 on the DJ Mag Top 100) then you really have your head up your ass.

  2. Originally posted by lalalandnyc13

    i bet all you fags don't have the balls to say this to my face you are all computer tough guys

    Well I'll be at Howells this weekend. I'll be wearing a gray Nike track suit. I'm 6'4 245, shouldn't be too hard to find. I'll even give you a 2-for-1 deal. Bring "musicman" along, and I'll bitch slap you both while some "nice girls" watch.

  3. Originally posted by lalalandnyc13

    so if somebody writes something on here and then somebody else does it 5 min later that meens that is them on another name get a life you asshole

    No but when two idiots post exactly the same way, with reviews that look identical to one another. And when both guys coincidentally slob on Bob G's knob, it makes you wonder. Not everyone is stupid enough to accept your bullshit reviews at face value. Typical promoter, talking up a party so he can get some comps or drink tickets. You're fuckin pathetic. Have a nice day!. :cool:

  4. Originally posted by lalalandnyc13

    hey first off y do i need 2 names asshole if i want to write a review i will do it under this name so people will know that it was me and that i was there chilling you dumb ass

    Oh I forgot, you also posted 9 minutes apart too! Yet another coincidence. Listen, try to remove your lips off of Bob G's dick for once.

    Peace. :laugh:

  5. Originally posted by musicman55

    Wow The Place Was Packed There Was So Many Hot Girls There And They Were So Nice When You Went To Talk To Then They Did Not Brush You Off Music Was Great Can't Wait For Next Week Bob g And Bmi And Breeze Have A Great Party There Keep Up The Good Work Guys

    Wow, this post sounds familiar! Sounds a lot like lalalandouchenyc's post from last week. The guy even types his words out the same way. What a coincidence. Let's recap:

    Originally posted by lalalandnyc13

    What Can I Say The Place Was Off The Hook There Was Alot Of People There Even Tho The Weather Was Not That Great The Girls Was Hot There Was 2 Girls For Every Guy The Staff Was Cool The Music Was Good And When They Say SomeBody Is Going To Be There Performing They Show Up Not Like Outher Nyc Cubs I Will Go There Again What Great Night

    It's obvious you "two" are the same person. So now that you've had your spot blown, please STFU and stop trying to pump up this ghey ass party. Thanks. :rolleyes:

  6. Originally posted by musclechick


    Okay now you sound like a complete imbecile. It's called "CLUBPlanet". That's why people post here.

    I haven't set foot in a JP party in ages. The wakeup call for me (aside from the music going downhill) was seeing a K'ed out 17 year old girl lying seemingly lifeless in the basement of SF. Who the fuck wants to be around that shit? It's only gotten worse since then from all accounts.

    When I go out, I don't need to see people foaming at the mouth, throwing up and walking around like zombies. If that's your thing, more power to you. Unfortunately, that's what a large portion of JP's crowd has become. I can't imagine any club taking on JP after the police close down Black and wanting to have OD'ing clubbers and the NYPD inside their place every weekend.

    It's ironic, but many of JP's own "fans" are going to end his DJ'ing career.

  7. Originally posted by mr mahs

    If true then why haven't they used them yet?

    Good point, but al Qaeda is a very patient group. All of the major terror attacks they plan involve years of preparation. It's been reported for years that there are dozens of missing suitcase nukes from the Soviet union. It wouldn't be shocking at all to hear that an unemployed Soviet scientist would sell this technology to al Qaeda. Money talks. If a suitcase nuke goes off, expect the apocalypse. Good chance the U.S. response will be nuclear once they find someone/place to pin it on. These are dangerous times we live in.

  8. Posted on Sun, Mar. 21, 2004

    al-Qaida No. 2: We Have Briefcase Nukes

    Associated Press

    SYDNEY, Australia - Osama bin Laden's terror network claims to have bought ready-made nuclear weapons on the black market in central Asia, the biographer of al-Qaida's No. 2 leader was quoted as telling an Australian television station.

    In an interview scheduled to be televised on Monday, Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir said Ayman al-Zawahri claimed that "smart briefcase bombs" were available on the black market.

    It was not clear when the interview between Mir and al-Zawahri took place.

    U.S. intelligence agencies have long believed that al-Qaida attempted to acquire a nuclear device on the black market, but say there is no evidence it was successful.

    In the interview with Australian Broadcasting Corp. television, parts of which were released Sunday, Mir recalled telling al-Zawahri it was difficult to believe that al-Qaida had nuclear weapons when the terror network didn't have the equipment to maintain or use them.

    "Dr Ayman al-Zawahri laughed and he said `Mr. Mir, if you have $30 million, go to the black market in central Asia, contact any disgruntled Soviet scientist, and a lot of ... smart briefcase bombs are available,'" Mir said in the interview.

    "They have contacted us, we sent our people to Moscow, to Tashkent, to other central Asian states and they negotiated, and we purchased some suitcase bombs," Mir quoted al-Zawahri as saying.

    Al-Qaida has never hidden its interest in acquiring nuclear weapons.

    The U.S. federal indictment of bin Laden charges that as far back as 1992 he "and others known and unknown, made efforts to obtain the components of nuclear weapons."

    Bin Laden, in a November 2001 interview with a Pakistani journalist, boasted having hidden such components "as a deterrent." And in 1998, a Russian nuclear weapons design expert was investigated for allegedly working with bin Laden's Taliban allies.

    It was revealed last month that Pakistan's top nuclear scientist had sold sensitive equipment and nuclear technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea, fueling fears the information could have also fallen into the hands of terrorists.

    Earlier, Mir told Australian media that al-Zawahri also claimed to have visited Australia to recruit militants and collect funds.

    "In those days, in early 1996, he was on a mission to organize his network all over the world," Mir was quoted as saying. "He told me he stopped for a while in Darwin (in northern Australia), he was ... looking for help and collecting funds."

    Australia's Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said the government could not rule out the possibility that al-Zawahri visited Australia in the 1990s under a different name.

    "Under his own name or any known alias he hasn't traveled to Australia," Ruddock told reporters Saturday. "That doesn't mean to say that he may not have come under some other false documentation, or some other alias that's not known to us."

    Mir describe al-Zawahri as "the real brain behind Osama bin Laden."

    "He is the real strategist, Osama bin Laden is only a front man," Mir was quoted as saying during the interview. "I think he is more dangerous than bin Laden."

    Al-Zawahri - an Egyptian surgeon - is believed to be hiding in the rugged region around the Pakistan-Afghan border where U.S. and Pakistani troops are conducting a major operation against Taliban and al-Qaida forces.

    He is said to have played a leading role in orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

  9. JP will have nowhere to spin soon enough. He's a liability to any club at which he's a resident. That degenerate crowd will follow him wherever he goes and so will the NYPD. He should just retire or move out of this city and start over.

  10. Originally posted by tranceou

    That is the same shit I hear about him every TIME I bring that fact up. I have no problem with him thanking opening DJ or whatever. But all other shit you just brought up that like almost an hour out of a set. If I want to talk to a dj I will try to catch him when he is out of a DJ booth. When he is behind decks I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING BUT HIS MUSIC. PERIOD. And btw this is a criticism you will hear from alot of oldtimer fans of DT so dont give me that shit about communicating with the crowd. He is good of a DJ to communicate with you through his music NOT his talk


    Same shit you HEAR? Unless you're there for yourself, STFU. I'm there every week, so I would know whether it happens or not. An hour of a set? Not even close. Don't like it, don't go. You don't go? Good. Stay home. Doesn't stop the 800-1000 other people that go every week.


  11. Originally posted by tranceou

    I think actually Be Yourself is the worse place to check him out. In spite of the fact that DT is considered to be one of the best DJs in the world (he was asked to have residency in Ibiza in all 9 clubs for 4 years straight) and he has skills/talent, Be Yourself is a waste of time. He also talks during the sets which I never understood.

    He rarely spins outside New York anymore, so good luck try to catch him anywhere else but Arc. The speaking during sets is rare. People who say this are most often people who don't go. When he talks during sets he's usually thanking the opening DJ, giving shouts to DJs that are in the crowd, telling the crowd what new events are coming up etc. He likes communicating with the crowd, and the regulars that follow DT *get it* and appreciate it. This business about DT lecturing the crowd about smoking or whatever has happened RARELY.

  12. Originally posted by xtckid28

    what makes him the best??? any stories to the crazy shit he does???

    No offense but you sound like a newb to the scene. Just go check him out for yourself again. DT is a legend. DT spins mostly drops dark, hard progressive house and tribal. If tribal isn't your thing, chances are you won't like DT. I'm sure someone is going to come on this thread and complain about DT's bitching or his rules or whatever, ignore it. Go to arc and make your own call. DT's been around 25 years for a reason.

  13. Originally posted by billpatrick

    yeah last saturday was definitely not a great night...rough one all around.

    we were all bummed out about the situation with Dandy Jack but unfortunately it was out of our (112 Crew) hands.

    zoki: you never cease to amaze me...just remember your roots buddy...thats all i'll keep saying...you have a bad case of short term memory....its great that you know so much about techno and everything associated with it but please dont forget those Fred's Beauty days...i don't.

    sorry to the guy who wasnt into my opening set for danny...you are correct that an opener should move the crowd and maintain a certain amount of energy...in the year and a half that i've been resident at arc i've tried to do a respectful job opening up for the headliner DJ's..

    every opening set is different (depending on the headliner) and i've had my share of good ones and not so good...unfortunately you can't please everyone...

    thanks to everyone who came out last week and we're excited to see everyone in MIami this year for our Get Some party at BED on March 9th!



    Keep up the good work guys.

  14. Originally posted by cnm71

    does this place have a site?


    Here's Danny's post:

    Ladies & gentlemen,

    Especially to my wonderful second family here in NYC and abroad, this is the post we have all been hoping would never become a reality. However, as there have been rumors and speculations for quite some time now, the reality has surfaced that 6 Hubert Street, the building that we have grown to love and cherish as "VINYL, and now ARC" is officially being sold and on it's way into new ventures, and after more than two decades, 6 Hubert Street will no longer be a dance venue

    As we just celebrated an incredible FIVE YEAR anniversary party, we agreed it would be best to wait until now to make this official closing announcement.

    The owners of the building deserve an applause for allowing thousand's and thousand's and thousand's of patrons to enter their doors to BE themselves even long before I came on board. There are not many nightclub owner's that will open their door's without a liquor license knowing how much revenue would NOT be made! Yet, they still provided NYC with one of the finest musical dance venue's left since the days of the Paradise Garage, The Loft and the Original Sound Factory, which were also "non alcohol" parties.

    Undoubtedly, this party will BE my most treasured residency in all of my (almost) THREE decades of being a DJ. Although I was only nominated for a Grammy in 2003 for Depeche Mode's "I feel loved", it was "Winning" an award in 2003 for the BEST PARTY in the US from the DanceStar awards in Miami last March titled: Danny Tenaglia presents Be Yourself Friday's. No other award could even come close to what this means to me as I sincerely and humbly accepted this award on behalf of all of you (the patrons) who have made this Be Yourself party what is still is until this very day, and of course, to our wonderful staff and co-employees as well who also cherish working there and make this party a reality every weekend, including Arc on Saturday's and MADE events.

    Once again, WE are nominated this year again for the same award for:

    Best Party in the US!

    Can you imagine how great this feels to me? Just to be nominated, and three year's in a row now!

    We did not win the first time, but that was still awesome! Then we won last year and now we are nominated again! I'm not soliciting your votes, I'm sincerely pouring my heart out here with Love and Gratitude!

    So, as there will obviously be tons of replies to this post, I will continue keep everyone as updated as possible on what will become of "our" BE YOURSELF party. As of right now, there are already some rumors. I will clear them up right here and right now.

    NO, I dt, am not interested in any offers at this time that have come my way since the closing of Arc word has spread around town. With all due respect to every single club in NYC whether they have called or not, at this time I will not be moving our party to Crobar, Spirit, Deep, Sound Factory, Avalon, Exit, Roxy or any other wonderful club that we have here in NYC. We are having meetings on what our future plans will BE, and as always, www.DTourism.com will be the first place that I announce where we will BE OURSELVES once again!

    IF you have heard rumors that I am relocating to Miami, well this is partially true. I was born and raised in NYC and will ALWAYS BE a New Yorker. God has blessed me with an opportunity to have the option of commuting back and forth, so yes, I already have a place in Miami that I am time sharing with a friend, and I may one day myself consider buying my own place down there, but I am not rushing into any hasty decisions anytime soon. If I were to permanently relocate to Miami, I would still come to NY at least once a month to do BE YOURSELF party @ _______? Details to follow.

    As well as with Arc management, keep updated at www.arcspace.net. There are many exciting plans in the works!


    FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd will be our final BE YOURSELF Friday night closing party.

    SUNDAY, APRIL 25th, I will have the honors of returning for one last final closing encore performance ever in the venue @ SIX HUBERT STREET! This will BE it!

    I will play an extended set that will start around 6pm until sometime Monday morning when we all agree it's time to stop, say good-bye, pass around the Kleenex, hug everyone and brightly look forward to the future!

    Please BE thankful to God above that he has allowed us this very special time together for 5 years now & for everything else he should BE thanked for! It is truly a BLESSING that we are ending this party as such an Incredible Success Story and NOT a party that had to close because it failed in any way, or possibly, for even worse reasons!

    That alone deserves an applause!

    My dear friends, this is NOT the end, this is the beginning of something new! I admit that I too am sad about this reality, but I am equally as excited to look forward and embrace "change" with the hopes and prayers that we will BE able to create something new and exciting for many, many more years to come.


    With all my love, sincerity and 5 year's of appreciation,

    dj danny tenaglia


    PS: It is now Friday, Febrary 13th. 2004 at 4:35 PM, and ...


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